Your Final Project:

1. Choose a company from the following list of Fortune 500 Companies
for 2006. Note: Each student must select a different company.
Please select a company that interests you personally…

2. Go to the company’s website (click on the company that you chose and the company website link

is on the page that opens… the company link is near the top left,,,)

3. Find Investors or Investor Services on your company’s website.
(Sometimes you need to search a little in order to find the link, some companies have a link on

their home page.)

4. Find the company’s Annual Report (it’s usually available in PDF format and is a “glossy, picture filled, “book.”)

5. All of the financial and company information that you need will be in the company’s Annual Report. Note… some companies do not have the 2006 Annual Report posted yet so you will have to use the most current, probably 2005. You will be looking for Consolidated Balance Sheets, Consolidated Statements of Income, Consolidated Statements of Stockholders’ Equity, and Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows. (You must provide me with a copy of all financial statements so you can prove to me the validity of your answers.)

6. Answer all 25 of the questions to the best of your ability, using all of the accounting skills that you have accumulated in Accounting One, Two, and Intermediate to answer the questions.

You may want to present your information in a PPT presentation, and include any interesting pictures/graphs etc that you find in your company’s Annual Report to make your report/presentation interesting for the other students.

7. You must give an 8 - 10 minute presentation (no more and no less.) Note: Marinette students only will present. Algoma and Sturgeon Bay students will watch the presentations and critique the Marinette student’s presentations. All students will hand is a digital copy of their projects (via e-mail, prior to the final night of class!)

8. Pizza will be provided after the presentations. Algoma and Sturgeon Bay students… please arrange for the delivery of pizza for all students to your site, send me the bill, and I will send you a check.

Final note: This project is the culmination of 3 semesters of accounting studies and, in my judgment, is one of the most important aspects of accounting… the ability to read and interpret a company’s financial statements. This is what it is all about… this is what accountant’s do….. this is what investors use to make investing decisions… this is what bankers use to make risk assessments on potential loans, this is “the bottom line.”

This is your chance to demonstrate to me, to your fellow students, and to yourself… your accounting skills, abilities, and what you have learned. Please give it your best shot… This is not merely a final project for Intermediate; it is an opportunity for you to demonstrate your accounting acumen!

Your Questions:


Company name and year______

Using information from the most current year answer the following:

1. What are the company’s total assets? ______

2. What are the company’s total liabilities? ______

3. What is the company’s total stockholder’s equity? ______

4. What are the company’s total current assets? ______

5. What are the company’s total property, plant & equipment (net)? ______

6. What is the company’s total non-current other asset account? ______

7. What are the company’s total current liabilities? ______

8. What are the company’s total non-current liabilities? ______

9. What is the company’s total contributed capital (includes common stock,
preferred stock and additional paid in capital in excess of par) ______

10. What is the company’s largest current asset? ______

11. What is the company’s (weighted) average number of shares-basic?______

12. What are the company’s basic earnings per share? ______

13. What is the company’s working capital (current assets – current liabilities)? ______

14. What are the company’s total sales/revenues/net sales? ______

15. What is the company’s total operating income/income from operations? ______

16. What is the company’s interest expense (net)? ______

17. What is the company’s pretax income (earnings)/income before taxes? ______

18. What is the company’s income tax expense/provision for income taxes


19. What is the company’s net income/net earnings? ______

20. What is the company’s gross profit/gross margin? ______

21. What is the company’s gross profit percent (gross profit/gross margin divided by sales/revenues/net sales)?______


22. What are the amount of dividends the company paid? ______

23. What are the individual totals of the operating activities, investing activities &
financing activities-found on the statement of cash flows? ______


24. Did the company’s financial position improve over the past two years

and why? ______


25.  What does this company do? (See Notes to the Financial Statements-usually the
first note) ______



(Adapted from the Financial Statement Project of Janet Dausey)

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