My Job at Papaya King []

Instructions: Fill in each space with one of the twelve prepositions listed at the bottom of the page.

My job at Papaya King was a nightmare, and I still dream ______about______it. First of all, I could not adjust ______to______having to wake up at 5:00 AM in the morning. Before I took that job, I had been a student, and I was accustomed ______to ______sleeping late. I had to get ______out ______of ______bed ______at______that ungodly hour, drag myself ______to/into ______the bathroom for a shower, and then put ______on______that awful uniform, which consisted _____of______black polyester pants and a white shirt. I borrowed the shirt ______from______my roommate, who had been a bartender.

I don’t know why I insisted ______on______working that summer. I could have gone home to stay _____ with______my parents, but ever since I had arrived ______in______New York, I wanted to stop depending ______on______my parents and learn how to take care ______of ______myself. This was important ______to/for ______me. I wanted to believe ______in______myself, that I was capable ______of______earning a living. Of course, I had to figure ______out______how ______to ______earn a living, and I knew that I was good ______at______doing a lot of things, especially talking ______to/with ______people and taking orders _____ from______people, so I applied ______for______the first job I found _____ in______the help wanted section ______of_____ the Village Voice.

I filled ______out______an application that asked ____ about/for______my previous work experience. _____ Of______course, being a first-year college student ______at______Columbia College, I didn’t have any previous work experience, except ______for______a few summer jobs
____ as______a day camp counselor ______in______my home town. That didn’t matter. The fact that I was ______in______college (and going _____ to ____ a prestigious, well-known school) was good enough ______for______Mr. Poulos, and he hired me ______on______the spot. He told me ______
___ to _____ come back ______on______Monday morning ready ___ to ______begin working.











