‘ Class Plan

Title: / Age:
OLYMPICS Plan 1 / MegaBugs all ages
Early Learning Goals: / Physical Benefits:
PD: to recognise the importanceof keeping healthy, and the things, which contribute to this.
CLL: to enjoy listening to andusing spoken and writtenlanguage, and readily turn / Cactus a spiky balancing pose to improve concentration and focus the mind. House is good extension in the arms and strengthen in the legs. Archer tones abdominal muscles. Road runner lengthens the hip flexors.
Additional Resources:

Music:Time to Shine (Olympics 2012) for start of class.

Chariots of fire: Vangelis for warm up
Picture of olive leaf wreath
Warm Up: 5 Mins
OK MegaBugs let’s get warmed up.
As you play the music you should do: Hello Sun, Hello Earth, Roadrunner (beep beep), snake (hiss) Dog (woof) Hello Earth, Hello Sun.
Repeat this three times for a high energy warm up.
Adventure: 25 Mins
I can tell that today we are going to have a wonderful adventure. Are you ready?
I have found something that I think you may find exciting…. Can you see it? It’s just over the hill,let’s use our binoculars to see if we can find it. See look just over the hill (Mountain pose) let’s go –(climbing up the hill).
Hurry,MegaBugs there look!It’s a great big hot air balloon. It’s flashing and looks like it’s about to set off. Quick lets get the pilot to notice us and wait (Pizza side to side waving) Let’s call out to him, his name is Jim “Jim wait for us!”
Jim sees us waving and is he waiting, shall we run over (jogging on the spot) “Come on MegaBugs I’ve got the best adventure for you today, you see this isn’t just any hot air balloonit’s a magic hot air balloon. It can travel back in time….where would you like to go?
I’ve got a great idea MegaBugs, Let’s travel back to the first Olympics in Olympia, Greece.
Right everybody can you sit down ready to travel back in time…(Humming Breath).
Hold tight, we are nearly there; this bit might get a bit bumpy (bumpy truck).
Okay, Mega Bugs are you ready to land? You will need a parachute toget ready to jump
3 2 1.
(Jump - Giraffe – wide arms up above and then move arms down to side for landing).
Day 1
I can see the stadium (house) just over the river, let’s get into our boat and row across the river (rowing) oh no! We’re going round in circles, we need to row the other way (rowing on the other foot).
Right we have arrived at the stadium (house). It’s day one and there is a big welcome to all the athletes where they celebrate and prey to Zeus. ZEUS was the king of the gods and can usually be seen carrying a lightning bolt (Archer -Warrior ll), royal sceptre (other side) and Eagle. (arms and or legs depending on age adaptations)
The athletes then get to enjoy a fair and have a delicious feast. Hmmm I don’t know about you, but I am quite hungry, shall we make a Sandwich?(Ask children what they would like in their sandwich).
It’s been a long day for the athletes and us MegaBugs so let’s make our Tents, let’s lie down and sleep and see what events we have in store tomorrow.
Day 2
The first of the events begin and it is the horse(right) chariot race. Let’s show the athletes how excited we are. (Standing cactus and big cheers!!) Wow the horse’s(left) gallops past so fast.
Next up is the pentathlon where the athletes have to compete in five events, long jump(crow walking with a jump on the end), Javelin (archer) and discus (Lightning - standing twist) then a short run (running on the spot) and finally wrestling (hugs). Wow that was hard work,let’s collapse on the mat into a heap (crooked branch left and right to stretch lower back).
After the end of a long day the athlete and us MegaBugs are tired, so let’s make our Tents (do the action of zipping up the tent and it getting stuck!). Let’s lie down and sleep and see what events we have in store tomorrow.
Day 3
Well after that great rest let’s see the events for today. Today is all about running (road runner 1 leg).There are sprints (run on the spot quickly) and long distance running (road runner 2nd leg - slower running on the spot).
Now that was fun running MegaBugs. I wonder what tomorrow has to hold?
Day 4
The athletes run another race today, running wearing heavy armour, it’s makes them slower as it’s really heavy like running in sticky mud! (Dinosaur)
After the end of a long day running the athletes and us MegaBugs are exhausted, shall we make our Tents again?Let’s lie down (Crooked branch) and sleep as tomorrow is our last day in OlympiaGreece!
Day 5
Yey! Today is the day the athletes get to celebrate everybody that took part in the events and to hand out the olive leaf wreath that they wear on their heads (show picture thenCheers and arm raises) as they finish.
Well done to all the athletes! Weren’t they all stars and all of them are great sporting hero’s that began the fantastic tradition that continues on today.
Well it has been so much fun looking at the ancient Greeks and how the Olympics began, but it’s now time to get back home so we can tell all our parents all about our great adventure.
Right everybody can you sit down ready to travel back home in the hot air balloon time machine … (Humming Breath).
Hold tight, we are nearly there; this bit might get a bit bumpy (bumpy truck).
Okay, MegaBugs are you ready to land? You will need yourparachute,get ready to jump
3 2 1.
(Jump - Giraffe – wide arms up above and then move arms down to side for landing).
Relaxation and Visualisation: 5 mins
Well after all of that activity I think we have earned a rest!
So lying down think of all the amazing sights that we have seen. The amazing Olympic stadium in Olympia. The fantastic feast and opening celebrations.
All the hard work that the athletes have put in and that wethink about tryingourhardest to be the best that we can be.
I know we have all enjoyed every minute of taking part in the very first Olympics.
Now it’s time to really relax and let our muscles go soft. So think about being in the hot air balloon floating up, up, up and your body becomes all soft and fluffy like your floating on beautiful clouds. Feel the warm Greek sun nice and warm; enjoy feeling completely safe and happy.

Olympic Class Plan Wk 1Property of YogaBugs Ltd