Does God Know You

Gary Taylor D. Min.

Everyone who listens to these words of mine and acts on them will be like a wise man who built his house on rock.

If we do evil in the sight of the LORD, he does not know us!Every evil word, act, thought affects Creation and hinders the kingdoms coming and Gods will be done.

God can not affect a world listening, following and being an agent of the authority of evil.Following the spirit of the world blockades human being from the spirit of the Gospel preventing Gods Words to affect them and liberate them.Adhering to, being formed by and advocating with prophetic voice the light of darkness keeps God from knowing His children.

At present GodsChurch is being gravely attacked and our human freedom is coming under siege.This reality is only to increase should we the faithful continue to be formed by the authority of evil, the spirit of the world and the light of darkness.

Today more than ever God knows less and less His children. Many are being duped, deceived and directed to be servants who besiege the teaching of the Church and the true means of freedom.

The once sanctified are surrendering to the seduction of Satan.He is taking captive of them and removing from them the treasure of the kingdom.He is removing the wisdom of God and replacing these weighted words with the wicked wonders of the World. He is removing the presence of peace and promoting perversion. The mystery of the Trinity is being replaced by the mystery of terror. From the safe sanctuaries he taking our minds and deporting them to the dungeons of darkness as we drink in its empty ephemeral euphoria of evil earth. Decreasing are the people of God seeking His ways, will and truths, seeking His kingdom

Except for the poor remnant who remain rich in the ways will and truth of God and who most earnestly seek the kingdom. Are you one of the remnants? Does God know you or are you the corrupted captive consenting to conceit and callousness and canceling Christ from your conscience? Are you being trained by trickery, terror and tyranny? Are you being appointed a place by an autocratic authority or are you remaining open to the amorous anointing of the authority of the almighty?
Resist, return and with a contrite heart repent. Do not become a captive to the authority of evil, the spirit of the world and the light of darkness. Come back to God for the glory of His name sake he will deliver you

Many nations are striving to usurp the inheritance of God.

They in every word, action and intention wish to defile His Church.

They are earnestly and eagerly seeking to lay waste the reality of His kingdom.

They seek only the death of God, His churches and the transformation of man away from God and towards only man, the scientific, the relative and the only truth the culture of death until human kind can replace God and clone man and keep us scientifically alive longer.

We the faithful ones will be thrown to the beasts of the earth. Our blood will be poured out like water around our Church and our hope in the kingdom wishing that there will be no faithful remnant remaining that will bury us.
We, the faithful, the remnant have become the reproach of our neighbors,the scorn and derision of those around us.

God may your compassion quickly come to us,for we are brought very low! Help us, O God our savior,because of the glory of your name;Deliver us and pardon our sinsfor your name’s sake.

Faithful remnant God knows you. Continue to love Him, keep His word. He lovesyou. He is coming to you. He knows you. Be strong, live with courage come within to God who knows you and loves you and drink in His permeating presence and find peace amid the persecution and perversion that comes at you from without. God knows you!
Not everyone who says to God, ‘Lord, Lord,’will enter the Kingdom of heaven,
but only the ones who do the will of God our heavenly Father. Many will say to God on the Day of Judgment: ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name?Did we not drive out demons in your name?Did we not do mighty deeds in your name?’

God will declare to them solemnly,‘I never knew you. Depart from me, you evildoers.’