Oncology Nursing Society

New York City Chapter

Board Meeting

Date of MeetingJanuary 13, 2010 / Present: Nancy Houlihan, Susan Moore, Karen DeVries, Kristin Cawley, Sarah Jones, Terri Yannaco, Jeanine Gordon, GermanRodriguez, Maureen Bland, Denise O’Rourke, Joan Scagliola
Absent:Liz Rodriguez, Deborah Braccia
Place of Meeting: 160 E53rd St 11 FlrConf room 6-7:30pm
Call to order / Minutes accepted from December 15, 2009 / Board decided to go “GREEN” and refrain from printing future minutes to be approved or meeting agendas. We will instead utilize the projection screen.
Officers Reports
President:Sarah Jones / No report from National
Discussion continued about how to spend the $4500 grant money. The group decided to have a CE program through ONS/NYU which will be a program to educate nurses about caring for patients of different cultures. Potential panel type event.
Board of Directors Important Dates Grid distributed and reviewed.
2010 Strategic Chapter Strategic Goals / Karen will discuss with Mary Pilossoph about being a speaker.
Please review and make a note of dates in which you are required to complete a task.
The board reviewed each 2010 ONS National Strategic Goal and created chapter specific goals to meet them.
President Elect: Kristin Cawley / Discussed 2010 Needs Assessment to be distributed to the membership. Group was very clear that the assessment should not offer options to the membership that we don’t have the means to provide. / Kristin & Sarah will revise the assessment.
Treasurer/Treasurer Elect: Sue Moore/Joan Scagliola / Reviewed 4th Qtr Finances
Current balance $12,149.10 / Terri & Sue working on preparing the Annual Treasury Report to submit to National.
Secretary:Jeanine Gordon / No report
Director At Large:Elizabeth Rodriguez (absent) / No report
Committee Reports
Membership:Nancy Houlihan / 4 new members, 21 renewals- 135 total members / Will send out reminder for members to bring renewal payment to program on 1/19/10.
Nominating Chair: Karen DeVries / Reviewed 2010 Nominating due dates

Programming: Maureen Bland & Denise O’Rourke

/ Next program January 19, 2010 at Blue Fin. Topic: Cardiac Toxicities in Cancer Patients
March Program Topic: Enhanced vertebroplasty for patients with spine metastasis.
Will plan to have 5-6 programs in 2010. / Maureen & Denise will request that program speakers submit an abstract of their talk to place in the Newsletter.
Newsletter:Sarah Jones / Board is in need of newsletter chair and members to help Sarah will produce next newsletter. German will assist.
Ideas for newsletter content included:
Abstract from program speakers
50/50 winners
Profile members (ie. new member, board member)
Advertise for funding that we provide (ie. Shelly Schuster for LDI, Congress scholarships) / Please network to encourage members or staff to contribute to the Newsletter.
Maureen & Denise will request that program speakers submit an abstract of their talk to place in the Newsletter
Virtual Community:German Rodriguez / REMINDER: All documents converted to google docs, all board members have access and modification rights using gmail.
Password: oncology
Updating VC Board Member information. / Please go into the gmail account to familiarize yourself with the system. Board members encouraged to watchyoutube tutorial about gmail.
All documents will be posted there
Please allow Sarah to take you photo or send your professional photo to Sarah so it can be posted on the VC.
Next meeting / March 23, 2010 6p- 7:30p
160 E53rd St 11 Flr Conf room 6-7:30pm / TBD

Minutes: Jeanine Gordon

Date: 1/18/10