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Dear xxxxxxx,
A better service for your investments
We are constantly reviewing our processes to ensure you are getting the best possible outcomes from the investments you entrust us with. With that in mind, I am writing to suggest a new, proactive and cost-effective way to manage your investments.
As you know, part of our service is to monitor and review your investments and, where appropriate, make a recommendation to change or rebalance your holdings. We do this to ensure your portfolio continues to best meet your needs and your attitude to risk.
This process currently involves us contacting you to confirm your acceptance of any changes. I feel that this may not result in the best possible outcome for you due to the quick moving markets and the time involved in implementing our recommendations.
Old Mutual Wealth currently offers a service called the ‘WealthSelect Managed Portfolio Service’that Ibelieve may be of greater benefit to you.It provides a practical and reliable solution that aims to keep your investment charges low and your investments on track to achieve their aims, without you having to be involved in regular fund reviews.
With your authority, Old Mutual Wealth monitors the performance of the portfolio of funds you invest in on a daily basis and can react quickly,rebalancing and switching funds if any changes are required.This service is offered at no additional cost<above the VAT added to the Old Mutual Wealth Service Charge for your ISA/CIA>andI will continue to provide you with regular performance updates by post or email. The enclosed brochure explains the new service in detail and confirms that your funds will remain actively managed by the team of experts at Old Mutual Wealth.
In summary, I am recommending that you switch from your current service to the Old Mutual Wealth WealthSelect Managed Portfolio Service. The key points are:
•I will still be responsible for making sure your investments remain suitable for your circumstances, goals, and needs.
•We will no longer write to you asking for your permission to switch funds. This will now be done with discretion by the team of experts at Old Mutual Wealth.
•We have delegated the activity of picking the funds and keeping the mixture of those funds within your risk parameters to Old Mutual Wealth.
•We have conducted rigorous due diligence on this solution and I believe that its combination of lower charges, dedicated investment management, and ability to react could better meet your needs.
If you are happy to move to this service, please sign and return the attached declaration and I will process the change on your behalf.If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me on xxxxx xxx xxxor e mail me
Kind Regards,