27 - 29 OCTOBER 2010





Day 1: Wednesday, 27 October 2010

Conference Coordinator: Prof. Zifikile Gambahaya

Opening Session: Humanities Lecture Theatre 500

Main Venue: Humanities Lecture Theatre(HLT) 500
0730-0845 / Registration: HLT500 Foyer / University of Zimbabwe Choir
0845-0850 / Invocation: The Reverend Hwata
0850-0900 / Welcome Remarks: The Vice Chancellor, UZ, Prof Levi M Nyagura
0900-0905 / Introduction of the Honourable Vice President Joice Mujuru by Prof. Pedzisai Mashiri, Dean Faculty of Arts, University of Zimbabwe.
0905-0930 / Opening Remarks: Vice President of the Republic of Zimbabwe, The Honourable Joice Teurai Ropa Mujuru
0930-0935 / Introduction of Keynote Speaker: Dr. Itai Muwati, Chair: Department of African Languages & Literature; U of Zimbabwe
0935-1000 / Keynote Address: “Men & Women:--In It Together: Naming Defining Self in Ending De-Womanization, De-Feminization & De-Humanization,” Dr. Clenora Hudson-Weems, Conceptualizer of Africana Womanism, UMC, USA
1000-1030 Press Conference

10:30 - 11:00 Tea Break

Plenary 1: Africana Womanism: Life, History and Africana Cultural Knowledge: HLT 500 (Chair: Dr. Tommy Matshakayile-Ndlovu)

1100-1120 / Africana Womanism: History and Mission / Dr. Jeanette Davidson, Dir, African/African-American Studies, U of Oklahoma; Dr. Mark Christian, Author/Prof, Miami U-Ohio, USA
1120-1140 / African Indigenous Technology / Dr Xavier Carelse, SIRDC
1140-1200 / Being Afrikan and the Sacredness of Afrikan Womanhood / Prof. Mandivamba Rukuni, Consultant and Motivational Speaker
1200-1220 / Africana Womanism: Life, History and African Cultural Knowledge / Professor George P. Kahari: UZ
1220-1240 / Domesticating Men: Mupfuhwira (Love Potion) as a Strategy for Transformative Masculinity / Prof Ezra Chitando, World Council of Churches.
1240-1300 / And Still We Struggle: Naming and Defining Ourselves as Women in Southern Africa / Professor Rudo Barbara Gaidzanwa, University of Zimbabwe
1300-1320 / Dr. John Henrik Clarke and the Sovereign Mind: The Africana Men and Women / Dr. Ahati Toure, Delaware State U, USA

Lunch Break: 1320 - 1410

Session 1: Reclaiming the African Traditional Education System: Preparing the Youths for Assuming the Torch: HLT 500 (Chair: Dr. Amy Tsanga)

1410-1430 / Building the Whole Person Through Indigenous Education and Knowledge Systems / Prof. Mararike, U of Zimbabwe
1430- 1450 / Confronting the Scourge of Violence Against Women and Girls in Zimbabwe: Implications for the School Curriculum / Dr. A. S. Tsanga, Women’s Law Centre
1450-1510 / On Teaching Mathematics and Science to the Black African Girl Child in a Black African School / Dr. Dick Mafuba, Witwaterstrand University: South Africa
1510-1530 / Integrating Traditional African Education into Current Educational Practices: Suggestions for Primary School Pedagogy / Mr. T. Chinyanganya & Mr. C. Majoni:, Zimbabwe Open U
1530-1550 / A Critical Appreciation of the Dual Sex System In Traditional Shona Culture / Dr. Tyanai Charamba & Mrs. Baburah Charamba:, Midlands State University
1550-1610 / The Image of, and Attitude towards the Female Sex in Traditional Shona Child Socialization / Dr. Godwin Makaudze, Great Zimbabwe U & Ms Ennah Sakutai Gudlanga, Zimbabwe Open U
1610-1640 / An African Womanism Driven Analysis of Performance Space and Respectability in Colonial Zimbabwe / Mr. Kelvin Chikonzo, University of Zimbabwe
1640-1710 / Discussion
1800-2000 / Official Launch of ICAW-UZ Chapter: Great Hall

Session 2: Respecting Africana Women: Cultural Bearers, First Teachers and Co-Partners, HLT 300 (Chair: Mrs. Ruby Magosvongwe)

1410-1430 / Taboos and the Prenatal Period Among the Ndebele: An Africana Womanist Approach / Dr. Thinkwell Ngwenya & Ms. Lindiwe Ndlovu,
Great Zimbabwe University
1430-1450 / The Principle of Relations in Shona Worldview: Beyond Male – Female Categories / Dr. Vimbai Gukwe Chivaura, University of Zimbabwe
1450-1510 / African Mother as Pillar in Two Selected Stories in Writing Still (2003) / Aaron Mpondi, University of Zimbabwe
1510-1530 / Wife and/or Whore: Depicting African Women in The Last King of Scotland and Blood Diamond / Dr. Nyasha Mboti, University of Zimbabwe
1530-1550 / Celebrating Africana Motherhood: The Shona Proverb and the Familial and Social Roles of Mothers / Mr. Michael Mazuru, Great Zimbabwe University
1550-1610 / Zimbabwe Women Writers and the Struggle Against HIV/AIDS: An analysis of Light a Candle and Totanga Patsva / Ms. Angeline Masowa Mrs. Rambisai Chivandikwa
1610-1640 / The Woman and Stability in the Shona Family / Prof. Pedzisai Mashiri and Dr. Emmanuel Chabata:, University of Zimbabwe
1640-1710 / Discussion
1800-2000 / Performances from Africa and Abroad

Day 2: Thursday, 28 October 2010

Opening Session: Humanities Lecture Theatre 500

Main Venue: Humanities Lecture Theatre(HLT) 500
0730-0845 / Registration: HLT500 Foyer
0845-0855 / Welcome Remarks: Dean of Arts: Professor Pedzisai Mashiri, UZ
0855-0900 / Introduction of the Honourable Minister of Women’s Affairs, Gender and Community Development, Dr. Olivia Muchena
O900-0925 / Opening Remarks: Honourable Minister of Women’s Affairs, Gender and Community Development, Dr. Olivia Muchena.

Tea Break: Family Centrality: African Men & Women: Collectively Combating Social Ills: HLT 500 (Chair:Prof. R. Moyana)

1020-1040 / Understanding and Appreciating the True Africana Womanist / Dr. Clenora Hudson-Weems, UMC, USA
1040-1100 / Deconstructing Gender Roles in Family Work: A Thesis / Dr. L. R. Mberengwa, Uof Botswana
1100-1120 / Stone Builders Rejected: Widows in African Traditional Rituals / Prof. Tabona Shoko:, Uof Zimbabwe
1120-1140 / African and African Diasporan Women “Who Speak their Minds Without Batting an Eyelid’’: Discourses on Womanhood, Agency and Gender Relations / Dr. Munashe Furusa, Assoc. Dean , College of Arts & Humanities, California State University-Dominguez Hills, USA
1140-1200 / To Be or not to Be: Dignity, Destiny and Africana Womanhood in Jambanja: Representations in the Zimbabwean post-2000 Fiction Land Narratives / Mrs. Ruby Magasvongwe: University of Zimbabwe
1200-1220 / Africana Womanism: Implications for African and African American Studies Programmes / Dr. Jeanette R. Davidson, University of Oklahoma, USA
1220-1240 / Discussion
1240-1310 / Official Launching of The Africana Womanism Journal / Dr. Clenora Hudson-Weems (UMC) Prof. Zifikile Gambahaya (UZ)

Lunch Break: 1310-1400

Session 4: Africana Womanism in Policy & Curriculum: Mandatory Education for our Children, HLT 500 (Chair: Mr. N. Mavhunga)

1400-1420 / Africana Womanism and African Proverbs: Theoretical Grounding of Mothering/Motherhood in African Culture / Mr. Tavengwa Gwekwerere, University of Zimbabwe
1420-1440 / Challenging Hegemonic Masculinities and Building Sustainable Masculinities in Rural Zimbabwe: Traditional Dare / Mr. Gwatirera Javangwe: University of Zimbabwe
1440-1500 / Success Despite the Odds: Realities and Constrictions of Winning the War for Female Talent in School Leadership in Zimbabwe / Mr. Chrispen Chiome, Ms. Stephania Manyanye & Mr. Alexander Chabaya, Zimbabwe Open University
1500-1520 / Hopes and Hiccups Expressed: Barriers to University Female Teachers Promotion / Ms. Rose Mugweni, Ms. Thelma Dlomo & Mr Tafara Mufanechiya, Great Zimbabwe U
1520-1540 / The Role of Mentors in the Professional Development of Student Teachers / Ms. Rittah Kasowe, Zimbabwe Open University
1540-1600 / Paying of the Bride and Its Impact on the Family Concept among the Shona and the Ndebele in Zimbabwe / Mr. Tendai Mangena Mr. Sambulo Ndlovu, Great Zimbabwe University
1600-1620 / Discussion

Session 5: Africana Male-Female Relationships & Genuine Sisterhood: Common Bonds for Establishing & Sustaining Healthy Families,

Humanities Lecture Theatre 300 (Chair: Dr. Ahati Toure)

1020-1040 / Africana Womanist Practices and Experiences: The Impact of the Shona and the Ndebele Women Worldview / Dr. A. P. Barnett & Dr. T.M Nyajeka, Interdenominational Theological College
1040-1100 / Restructuring the Gender Conceptual Matrix from an African-centered Perspective: Repudiating the Feminist Ontology / Dr. Itai Muwati, University of Zimbabwe
1100-1120 / Shona Tag Questions: A Case of Defeminisation / Dr. P. Mabugu & Ms. Kudzai Gotosa, University of Zimbabwe
1120-1140 / Africana Male-Female Relationships and Genuine Sisterhood: A Discussion of Virginia Phiri’s Highway Queen and Chris Cleave’s The Other Hand / Prof. Rosemary Moyana, University of Zimbabwe
1140-1200 / Lubricating the Engines of Survival Together?: Zimbabwean Men and Women in Conflict and Peace Building from 1980 – 2010. / Ms. Chipo Chirimuuta, Zimbabwe Open University
1200-1220 / Our Children are Our Future: Depriving the Girl – Child Education – The Surest Passport to Poverty / Mr. Tichaona Mapolisa, Mr. Nelson Chabvonga, Zimbabwe Open U & Mr. Charles Dziro, University of Zimbabwe
1220-1240 / Discussion
1240-1310 / Official Launching of the Africana Womanism Journal

Lunch Break 1310-1400

Session 6: The True Meaning of Africana Womanism: Total Commitment to Ourselves and Our Future HLT 300 (Chair: Mrs. Margaret Chipara)

1400-1420 / Resistance and Conformity: Reflections on Africana Womanism in Zimbabwean Theatre—The Case of Three Plays / Mr. Nehemiah Chivandikwa, Mrs. Doricha Mhako-Mutonbodza, Mr. K.Sambo, Mrs. Ruth Kandawasvika-Chivandikwa
1420-1440 / Sociolinguistic Aspects of Informal Cross-Border Trade in The Gauteng Province of South Africa: An Africana Womanist Perspective / Mr. Zvinashe Mamvura, Mr. Kufakunesu, University of Zimbabwe
1440-1500 / Negotiating Respectability: White Women in the Public Service of Southern Rhodesia / Mr. Ushehwedu Kufakurinani: University of Zimbabwe
1500-1520 / Africana Womanism and Genuine Sisterhood / Candace Murphy, U of Missouri Graduate Student in Social Work, USA
1520-1540 / Four Girls and For Girls: An Appreciative Enquiry of the Gender Empowerment and Equity Programs, 2000 – 2010 / Mr. Edmore Mufema, University of Zimbabwe
1540-1600 / Nation and Family: Interrogating Africana Womanism in the face of Appropriation of the ‘Woman’ in Nationalist Discourse in Zimbabwe / Mr. Ngonidzashe Muwonwa, University of Zimbabwe
1600-1620 / Discussion

Day 3: Friday, 29 October 2010


Main Venue: Humanities Lecture Theatre(HLT) 500
1200-1245 / Registration: HLT500 Foyer
1245-1255 / Welcome Remarks: Dean of Education: Professor Rosemary Moyana
1255-1300 / Introduction of Honorable Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Zimbabwe, Thokhozani Khupe by Honourable Dr. Henry Madzorera
1300-1325 / Opening Remarks: Honourable Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Zimbabwe, Thokhozani Khupe

0930-1000: Tea Break

Session 7 Theme: Africana Womanism, Spirituality, Self-Esteem & The Politics of Economics, HLT 500 (Chair: Dr. Fainos Mangena)

1330-1350 / Africana Womanism, Spirituality and Our Innate Talents / Dr. Francisca H. Chimhanda, University of South Africa
1410-1430 / The Spiritual Position of Africana Women and the Postcolonial Revolutions / Dr. Wilbert Sadomba, University of Zimbabwe
1430-1450 / Beautiful Evil: The Construction of Gender in Creation Myths / Mr. Madlozi Moyo, U of Zimbabwe
1450-1510 / African Woman, the Silent Voices in Trade Negotiations / Dr. Charity Manyeruke, U of Zimbabwe
1510-1530 / Religion: Is it Opium for Women and Children / Ms. Ethelia Sibanda, Great Zimbabwe U
1530-1550 / The Position, Role and Image of Women in Some Shona Traditional Marriages Customs / Dr. Godwin Makaudze, Great Zimbabwe University
1550-1610 / Decade of the African Woman: 2010-2020 / Mrs. Nyaradzai Gumbonzvanda, World YWCA & Mrs. Sheila Matindike, YWCA Zimbabwe
1610-1630 / The Plight of Children in the Absence of their Parents: Latchkey in Zimbabwe / Ms. Emily Ganga & Mrs. Kudzai Chinyoka, Great Zimbabwe University
1800-2000 / Official Launching of the ICAW UZ Chapter and Awards Ceremony (Musical Gala): Great Hall

Session 8: HIV/AIDS/Drugs: Facing the Global Problem Together for Africa and the World, HLT 300 (Chair: Mr. Munyaradzi Nyakudya)

1330-1350 / Herbs and the Tradition of Healing / Dr. O. Carelse, SIRDC
1350-1410 / Reproductive Health Challenges in Zimbabwean Women: Perspectives of a Gynecologist / Dr. Chirenje, College of Health Sciences
1410-1430 / Cultural Linguistic Strategies in HIV/AIDS Discourse in Shona: A Study of Bindura Hospital / Mr. Taurai Chinyanganya, Zimbabwe Open University
1430-1450 / Facilitating Women’s Agency to Survive HIV and AIDS: Insights from Lutanga Shaba’s Secrets of a Woman’s Soul / Mrs. Anna Chitando, Zimbabwe Open University
1450-1510 / Ending Poverty: Key to Ending De-womanization, de-feminisation and de-humanization / Mrs. Audrey Charamba, Zimbabwe Women’s Writers Association
1510-1530 / Public Transport Stickers: Degrading Zimbabwean Womanhood / Ms. Lindiwe Ndlovu and Dr. Thinkwell Ngwenya, Great Zimbabwe University
1530-1550 / Unmasking the Impact of HIV and AIDS on Female Teachers in Masvingo Province / Mr. Paul Mupa, Mr. Chrispen Chiwome, Zimbabwe Open University
1550-1610 / Perceptions and Misperceptions Expressed: Female College Students Conceptualisation of Sexual Harassment / Ms. Thelma Dlomo, Ms. Rose Mugwen & Ms. Gwen Shonhiwa, Great Zimbabwe University
1610-1630 / Language Genderedness: A Force Against African Women Emancipation and Empowerment / Mr. Mhute, Great Zimbabwe University
1800-2000 / Awards Ceremony (Musical Gala): Great Hall

Day 4: Saturday, 30 October 2010

0900-1030 / Post-Conference Business
1030 / Special Tour