On-Line Data BaseInformation
Family Day Care Homes
Logging In------2
Using the CACFP Web Site------2 – 14
Changing Password------2
User Accounts------3
Sponsor Information------3
FDCH------5 – 14
Institution Application------6 – 7
Facility Application------8 - 9
Budget Application------10 – 13
Management Plan------13-14
Submitting the Application------14
Reporting Changes------15 – 21
Adding or Revising a new license------15-16
Application Changes------16-19
Address Changes for the Institution------16-17
Telephone Changes for the Institution------16
Address Changes for a Facility------17
Meal Serving Time Changes------17
Adding a Meal------17
Days Operating Revision------17
Budget Revision------18-19
Adding a New Site------20
Closing A Site------20
Changing Person Authorized To Sign------21
Changing the CNP Representative------21
Site Data Sheet/Claim------22-32
Multi- CNP Program Sponsors------31
Site Data Sheet Revisions------32-33
Logging Into Your Family Day Care Home (FDCH) Application Web Site
Step 1: Connect to the internet using Internet Explorer (Do not use other servers, such as Firefox).
Step 2: Go to the followingwebsite:
Step 3: Log into the web site! Be sure to have your e-mail with the User Name and Password.
Users of Windows XP and Vista will have two entry fields. Referring to your e-mail, enter your User name as it appears on the e-mailin the Login Name field. Usually the user name is the first two letters of the official representative’s first name combined with their last name (i.e., John Doe’s user name is usually jodoe).
- Complete the Password field with your password.
- Click Login.
Using the Website
The blue bar on the left of the screen is the menu bar. Use this bar to find your way around the website. Below, and on the next several pages, is information regarding each menu item.
My Account
This section allows you to change your password. To do so, click Change Password.Then, type your current password and the new password. This section also allows you to review the security rights of the person who is presently logged in by clicking User Information.
What happens if you forget your password? The State Department of Education (SDE) does not have access to your password yet one may be sent electronically. If you forget your password, contact the State Staff and they will send you a new one.
Using the Website (continued)
User Accounts
If you want another person to have access to the application with their own password, a new user must be created. To create a user, click User Accounts and then Create User. The screen on the right (or one similar) will then appear. Complete all information fields. In the lower section, select the “authority level” of the new user. This allows you to decide what you want the new user to be able to do in the data base. Select the appropriate authority levels (using the definitions below) and click Save.
Definitions of Authority Levels
Application Editor –User may view, create, and edit all forms (cannot submit)
Application Reviewer –User may view all forms and enter comments (cannot edit or submit forms)
Application Submitter –User may view, create, edit, and submit all forms
Claim Editor –User may view and edit claim (cannot submit)
Claim Reviewer –User may view claim (cannot edit or submit)
Claim Submitter –User may view, edit, and submit claim
FHBudget Editor- User may view, create, and edit Budget (cannot submit)
FHBudget Viewer- User may view Budget and enter comments (cannot edit or submit Budget)
Security Manager –User has ability to view, create, edit, and deactivate other users
All other levels do not apply to CACFP!
Edit User allows Security manager to make necessary changes to user accounts.
Sponsor Information: Click–This information was entered by the State Agency. Please review and contact our office if any of the information is incorrect.
Other Contact: Click
Much of the information on this page may not be changed by you. The first two lines are completed by the SDE. If you notice an error or there has been a change, contact the SDE. The email addresses listed are used by the SDE for contact purposes and must be correct.
The top line is the name and other information of the
Official Representative,such as the agency director,
president, or chairman of the board.
The second line is the name and other information of the Child Nutrition Representative. This is the name of the person that is directly responsible for the total FDCH program. In many cases, it is the official representative.
Lines under the first two may be added, deleted and edited by you. List any contacts, other than the official representative and Child Nutrition representative, which the SDE may contact for FDCH information. If the official representative or Child Nutrition director have additional telephone numbers or contact information (such as cell phone number), they may be also added to this list.
Using the Website (continued)
When you click here you will see the agreements your organization has with the State Department of Education (SDE).Also, it will show the persons authorized to sign and submit the Site Data Sheet (claim for reimbursement). To see these names, click view on the right side of the Agreement List box under Action. Changes to this section may only be made by the SDE. If you see errors, please contact the SDE. It is extremely important that this information is correct and up to date.
The site section contains the name, address,and license of each daycare home provider under a sponsor. The information in this section is connected to the application and Site Data Sheet so it must be correct at all times. New sites are also added in this section.
The term “license” is used for any type of license, certification, or other approval of a site by a state, federal,or other agency. The term applies to the Department of Human Resources andthe Department of Defense as the official agencies in Alabama who permit homes to operate.
To review the address information for a site, click List andclick Edit next to the name of the provider. Review the information. If you make a change, you must click Save at the bottom of the page. (Full instructions regarding changing information are found elsewhere in this guidance.)
To review the license of a site, click License History. A screen appears that lists all the licenses that have been entered into the data base for a provider. The newest license is always listed on the bottom of the list. To review a license, click View.
If the most current license is not listed, it must be added. To Add a license, begin by clicking Add a New License:
- Click the drop-down box next to license type and select the type of license. A new screen will open.
- Complete all necessary information regarding your license. For most providers, the following will appear for DHR license providers:
- Calendars – Based upon the type of license you have, you may find one, two, or no calendars. Each calendar is labeled so you should be able to determine what information is needed. For example, if you have a DHR license, the calendar on the left is labeled Issue Date. To change the month back in time (i.e., from June to May), select the month name to the left. To change the month forward in time (i.e., June to July) select the month name to the right. For example, to move this calendar from September 2009 to October 2009, clickOct to the right of September 2009. Click <or > to change years.
(Continued on next page)
Using the Website (continued)
b. Licensed Capacity – Enter the correct number.
c. Age Range – Enter the correct age range and select the time period from the drop-down box.
If the age range is 2 ½ years, convert to months (i.e., 30 months).
d. Hours of Operation – Use the drop-down box to select the correct opening and closing times.
e. License Number – Enter the license number, if applicable.
f. Save – Prior to saving, review the entered information to be sure all information is correct.
To Add a site,on the blue menu bar, click Sites and New.
- Complete the name and address of the new site. Mark the type of site (Family Homes) by clicking in the Family Homes box under Program Selection; Click Next and follow the instructions. Also, you will need to indicate the effective start date by clicking effective start date inside the calendar.
- Check to see if the site already exists and go to Next.
- Add the license:
- At the top of the site information page, click License History.
- Click Add a New License at the top of the page and complete.
Complete information on adding a license is found later in this appendix.
This section provides access to information regarding the monthly claim for reimbursement:
- Printed Claim – This section is primarily for sponsors that participate in more than one Child Nutrition Program. For example, a sponsor may participate in CACFP and the National School Lunch Program. Please contact the other Child Nutrition Program for information on filing a paper claim. FDCH will no longer file paper claims after September 2011.
- Online Claims – Use this section to determine where your Site Data Sheet/Claim is in the system. At the top of a submitted Site Data Sheet is a status bar with this information.
- Processed - Site data sheets that have been processed into the claim system. These claims have either been paid or will be paid in the near future.
- Submitted Claims – The site data sheet has been submitted by the sponsor but has not been processed.
This is NOT where the Site Data Sheet is filed. If you go to online Claim and select a month and have not filed a Site Data Sheet, you may see this message (box to the right). This indicates that a Site Date Sheet has not been entered into the system. To enter a Site Data Sheet, you must select CACFP Site Data Sheet.
- Summary Report – This report provides information that has been submitted in previous Site Data Sheets during a particular fiscal year.
- CACFP Site Data – A Site Data Sheet may be entered here or in the application section. Please see the CACFP application section in this appendix for instructions.
- NSLP, SFSP and FDCH Site Data – These sections are only available to those centers that participate in both CACFP and one of these programs.
Using the Website (continued)
This is the application section. Once FDCH is clicked, Application and Submit Application will appear.
Application - The four forms that make up the application and the Site Data Sheet are found here.
Submit Application – New applications and application revisions must be submitted to the SDE. This section controls the submission.
Once selected, the four applications and the site data sheet are revealed on the blue menu bar:
- Institution App
- Facility App
- Budget App
- Management Plan App
- Site Data
To move from page to page within a form:
- Use the page numbers at the top of the page. Before moving to the next page selectthe save button at the bottom of the page to save the data entered.
Institution Application - This application contains organizational and administrative information about the sponsor.
Page 1 – Sponsor Contact Information
Items 1 and 2a- are prefilled by the SDE with information regarding the institution’s address and official representative information. Any entry error must be corrected by the SDE.
Item 2 b- Information regarding the CNP Representative. The name of theCACFP contact person
for the SDEis listed here. This person may be the same as the Official
Representative. Edit, as needed.
Page 2 – ParticipationDetails
Item 3- Item 3a, indicate any other programs funded through ALSDE, CNP Section in which your
organization has participated over the last three (3) years.
Item 4 – Does you organization operate CACFP in any other state? If yes, answer the additional
questions. Otherwise, select no.
Item 5 – If your organization holds a Headstart Grant, click the radial button next to yes. Otherwise,
select no.
Page 3 – Accounting and Audit Information
Item 6 –A separate checking account is required unless you have been given prior approval by the
SDE.Failure to have a separate account, when required, is aSerious Deficiency. Click the
appropriate radial button.
Using the Website (continued)
Item 7 –Identify the fiscal year and information regarding audits:
Item 7a–Identify the most recently completed fiscal year for your business. For most sponsors,
this is January 1to December 31 of the preceding year. For example, if you are
completingthis in 2050, it would be January 1, 2049 to December 31, 2049. If you are
unsure of whatto put, check your tax returns. The fiscal year is listed at the top of the first
Item 7b–For the last operating fiscal year (the one you identified in 10a), did your organization
expend $500,000 or more in Federal funds? Select the correct radial button.
Item 7c–If you clicked Yes in 10b, did you submit to the SDE an audit report? Click Yes,No or NA
(not applicable).
Item 7d-If your audit report is not conducted underthe agency name listed onyour
CACFP Agreement, list the other name in the box. Otherwise click NA.
Page 4 – Racial and Ethnic Data
Item 8a – Select the counties in which the participants you serve live. Once you have selected a
county, click the Add County link highlighted in blue.
Item 8b – Each year the SDE issues a public release to media outlets and grassroots organizations
notifying them of your participation in the CACFP. Does your organization issue a public
release also? Click Yes
Page 5 – Recruitment and Training
Item 9 – Indicate if you will or will not add another center this year
Item 10a and 10 b – You must train your providers and staff employees once a year on the topics listed
and you must document this in writing. All boxes must be marked in 10a.
Item c – Civil rights training is provided annually by the SDE. Click Yes. If no, you must explain in the
pop up box.
Page 6 – Board Members
Board members for your organization are listed on this page and must be updated annually. Please note that the computer lists the Official Representative for your organization as a board member. Review the list of names on this page. If a person is no longer on the board, click delete. If a person’s information has changed, click edit. If you have a new board member, click Add Board Member (highlighted in blue). For each board member, you must indicate if the person is related to the Official Representative. Prior to leaving this page, click Update to add the board member to the application page.
Review Page-Details all information completed in the Institution application by the sponsoring
organization. It also will allow you to see the changes made on revisions.
Using the Website (continued)
Facility Application – The Facility App contains information about each site (home provider). To access a site, click Facility (under Applications in blue menu bar), then clickthe boxlocated on the left side (under Facility Participation) of the site (provider) you want to access, and then clickEdit (located in the far right column)next to the tiering status of the provider. Do not undo the left green check box if you intend to submit the facility application to the State. If you do, you will erase all of the information entered in the facility application.
Page 1 – Address and Contact Information
Item 1- Facility Information-pre-filled from the Site page. If you see an error, you must go to the site
page to make the corrections.
Item 2-Provider Information- requires the name, telephone number, and other information of the
site contact person. This person should be the name indicated in Item 1.
Page 2 – Facility and Participation Details
Item 3-Type of Facility Eligibility- Click Tier 1 or Tier 2. If Tier 1 is clicked, indicate how the status
was verified. School data will require selecting the School system and eligible School that would
service the address of the provider’s home. All schools listed in the drop down box are 50 % or
more free and reduced. If the school is not listed in the drop down box then the home is not
eligible forTier 1 rates based on school data. Remember, any K-12 Schools can be used.
Census data willrequire verification of census tract and block group information used and
certification that this Census Eligibility Documentation is on file.Income will require you to certify
that anapproved IncomeEligibility Application is on file.
If Tier 2 is clicked, indicate the Tier 2 category and reimbursement options.