John Anderson*

Chris Betz*

Kevin Francis*

Annie Hatala*

William Ilse*

Mary Thompson

Curtis Wells*

The meeting was held at County Line Special Utility District office, 131 S. Camino Real, Uhland, TX

  1. Called to order at 6:00PM.
  2. The posting of the agenda was verified.
  3. The board of directors discussed the CRWA / HCPUA contract. CLSUD is in the position of being the last one to sign up for a share of the project. The percentage of the project available is 10%. Mike Taylor with Crystal Clear WSC has approval from his board of directors to sign a contract for the remaining 10% of the shares. CLSUD has been informed that we will have to sign the same contract as the other entities or it will not be approved by CRWA. Crystal Clear WSC indicated they would exercise the right of first refusal. CLSUD’s attorney recommended against signing the contract. Curtis Wells stated that he believes it is unethical of CRWA to force CLSUD to sign the contract as is. The board as a whole agree that the situation is not optimal. Annie Hatala made a motion to sign the CRWA approved contract for 10% of the project shares. Chris Betz second the motion. The motion passed with four yes votes and two no votes. The vote tally is as follows: Curtis Wells – no, Kevin Francis – yes, Annie Hatala – yes, Chris Betz – yes, John Anderson – no and William Ilse – yes.
  4. The board discussed the cost increase for the grant project. Southwest Engineers was not able to send a representative to the meeting. Per the previous meeting the difference between the estimate from 2 years ago and the actual bid last month is mainly due to inflation.
  5. Curtis Wells made a motion to instruct the CRWA Board of Trustee, Elizabeth Wells and Barbara Ilse, to agree with CLSUD’s contract for water shares. Annie Hatala second. The motion carried.
  6. The board discussed Walton’s proposal to pay for upsizing the water line via the grant. Walton was agreeable to pay the difference between and an 8” line to a 12” line in exchange for future water meters. The Board discussed the pros / cons of accepting Walton’s offer. The board believes it is financially beneficial for CLSUD to pay for the upgrade. Chris Betz motioned to not accept Walton’s offer. Annie Hatala second. The motion carried with a unanimous vote. The board also discussed they would like to go forward with upsizing the line to 12” and CLSUD pay for the increased cost directly. This will be an agenda item for December 15, 2014.
  7. Curtis Wells and John Anderson stated they do not want the officer positions of President and Vice President respectfully. Curtis Wells made a motion for Annie Hatala to be President. Mrs. Hatala declined due to time constraints with other organization responsibilities. William Ilse nominated Chris Betz for President. Mr. Betz accepted. Kevin Francis second. The motion carried. At this time, no one would like the position of Vice President. This position will be readdressed at the January 2015 board meeting. Curtis Wells made a motion for Annie Hatala to be Secretary. Mrs. Hatala accepted. John Anderson second. The motion carried with a unanimous vote.
  8. The meeting adjourned at 7:15pm.


Chris BetzAnnie Hatala

President of the BoardSecretary of the Board


CLSUD – County Line Special Utility District

CRWA – Canyon Regional Water Authority

EAA – Edwards Aquifer Authority

GBRA – Guadalupe Blanco River Authority

HCPUA – Hays Caldwell Public Utility Authority

HCWSA – Hays County Water and Sewer Authority

TCDBGP – Texas Community Development Block Grant Program

TCEQ – Texas Commission on Environmental Quality

TML – Texas Municipal League

TRWA – Texas Rural Water Association

TWA – Texas Water Alliance

TWDB – Texas Water Development Board