Syllabus for Mrs. Wright - Room 39


Welcome to Millikan Eighth Grade English! The next nine months will be packed with engaging English lessons. We will be reading, discussing, analyzing, and writing about literature. Differentiated instruction will be provided for student success.

A literature-based program will be used to teach reading, vocabulary, writing, and critical thinking skills. Students will be prompted to think with depth and complexity regarding their assignments and to provide evidence from the text to support assertions while using Common Core strategies.


Students will learn to critically evaluate literature, understand vocabulary strategies, utilize a strong writing structure, and develop an interest in reading a variety of literary genres.

Reading Log:

Students will keep a reading log to show the number of pages read each semester.

Book Reports:

Students may be assigned two to three Book Reports throughout the year, depending on assessment dates.

Author’s Chair

There will be a classroom author’s chair. This is a time for students to share their writing with their peers; short stories, poems, letters, essays, responses to the Quick Write/Unjournal, and homework questions.


Students will write narratives, expository texts, persuasive essays, and responses to literature. Products may

include letters, short stories, poems, editorials, essays, blogs, journal entries, children’s books or iMovies.

Reader’s/Writer’s Notebook: There will be quick and easy writing assignments written in these books. Students will be able to work on grammar skills, literary devices, and use creativity in these short assignments.

Vocabulary: Students will receive vocabulary words and will be given a specific assignment to help them remember the definitions. Periodically there will be vocabulary tests to assess understanding.


Students will have a portfolio box in the classroom with an assigned number where they will keep their graded work and will create a portfolio project at the end of the semester.

Classroom Expectations

1.  Be seated at your desk, quietly working on the Quick Write/Unjournal or other assigned activity when the tardy bell rings. Good attendance is an important part of your work habits.

2.  Bring all necessary materials to class each day – paper, pens, binder, composition book, reading book, etc.

3.  Listen and participate in class. Use your time wisely. Complete your own work.

4.  Be courteous and respectful. Raise your hand to get permission to speak or leave your seat.

5.  Wait for teacher to dismiss the class.

6.  Use the restroom and take care of personal issues before/after class.

If you cannot meet these expectations, then you will receive:

#1 a verbal warning

#2 a call to your home

#3 classroom detention during nutrition, lunch, or after school

#4 a parent/teacher conference and/or a referral to the counseling office or dean


Generally there will be some homework every night Monday – Thursday. Students will have a “Monday Night Special” that will be assigned most Mondays and due on Tuesday or Wednesday of each week. If there is a question about

the homework, please refer to my Millikan school webpage for daily clarification. Homework will be a review

of skills learned in class -- or a preview of the next day’s assignment. If a student is absent,

he/she will have the same number of days of the absence to complete the homework assignment(s).

Students are responsible for knowing what homework and classwork they missed by contacting a “study buddy”

and checking the Millikan (EDLIO) website even when they are absent.


A point system will be used. EVERYTHING COUNTS! (This includes homework, class work, tests, book reports,

journals, reading logs, projects, writing assignments, and class participation.) Although work can be turned in

early, LATE WORK may receive half or no credit. The following is the grading scale used for this class:

100-90%=A; 89-80%=B; 79-70%=C; 69-50%=D; 49% and below=F

If you have any questions or concerns about your child or this class, please contact me by e-mail at