Present: Mayor Pinnow, Alderman Nyman, Coplien, Peterson, Vickers, Bernstein and Withee. City Clerk Meixelsperger, City Attorney Mark Schroeder.

Mayor Pinnow called meeting to order at 7 PM. Roll call vote shows everyone present.

Minutes: Minutes of August 21, 2012. Bernstein moved to approve previous minutes. Second by Vickers. All ayes. Carried.

Finance Committee: August Vouchers for Stormwater CK#1002 to 1003 for a total of $6,510.10; BID Board CK#1167 to 1172 for a total of $3,928.98; Sewer CK#6673 to 6701 for a total of $33,901.42; and General Fund Checking were CK#69089, 69768 to 69937 for a total of $332,280.33. Motion by Nyman to approve. Second by Bernstein. Roll call vote: All ayes. Motion carries. Review of Treasurer’s Report. Motion by Bernstein to approve. Second by Vickers. Roll call vote. All ayes. Carried.

Introduction of Greg Johnson, CIPFA, Financial Advisor/Vice President of Ehlers. Packet with background information on the company as an independent financial firm and the Financial Advisory Services for WI Communities assisted in the last five (5) years was provided to Council. Provided a sample comprehensive financial plan.

Park Board: Wade Boegli, Park Director, stated NFL Flag football kicked off this past Saturday with a total of fourteen (14) teams. Reversible jerseys are provided to the players. Will do a Brodhead/Monroe challenge. 2nd thru 6th grade. Over 100 kids in program.

Zach Shelton for Eagle Scout project crated ten (10) bat houses that he has donated to the Parks Department. Water Light will help mount the bat houses in various parks.

Volleyball letters were sent out. Work is going on at Legion Park – Six (6) new dug outs, girls diamond redone from Adult and Youth Ball fund raisers.

Public Works: Greg Johnson of Ehlers presented the Review of Brodhead, WI Sewer Utility Study. Johnson explained the study will determine if it is sufficient for utility rate going forward. Project will not exceed $2,000. Question on whether this Scope of Services has been reviewed by the Public Works Committee. As Public Works Director was absent to respond, Motion by Vickers to table to September 18th. Second by Withee. Roll call: all ayes. Motion carries.

Forestry and Native Plants: Resolution authorizing the Public Works Supervisor to file the Urban Forestry and Urban Forestry Catastrophic Storm grant applications was presented by City Clerk on behalf of Public Works Director. Motion by Bernstein to approve. Second by Vickers. All ayes. Motion carries.

Library Board – Nikki Busch, Library Director, stated in August there were 5,025 visits compared to 2,767 in 2011. Items out = 6,622. New Materials added: 326. New Library cards issued: 22. Public use of library room: VFW Room - 12; Small Study Room – 9, Program Room 10. Story time will begin again on Friday, September 14th at 10 a.m.. Beginning Quilters group will begin on September 20th at 6 p.m. – have a waiting list. Autumn Crafts for adults will be held on Saturday, October 6th at 10 a.m.

Resolution requesting County Library Tax Exemption: As in the past, every year the City must pass a resolution to be exempted from payment of any county library tax to the Green County Library Board and to the Green County Clerk by October 5th. Motion by Bernstein to approve. Second by Vickers. All ayes. Motion carries.

Economic Development: Alderman Bernstein announced the DNR grant in the amount of $349,375 for the Pearl Island Recreational Corridor.

Introduction of Jennifer Kuderer, Community Account Manager for southwestern Wisconsin with the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation (former Dept. of Commerce). Newly created position – set up as outreach to communities. Works with CDBG program, Brownfields program, and Downtown revitalization/redevelopment. Also works with Green County Development Corporation and Vierbicher. Has been contacted about the “old middle school project”.

Emergency Management: Alderman Bernstein stated still trying to get a joint NIMS training with Fire. Date TBD. All council requirements will be redistributed.

Public Safety: License and Permits: Bartenders: Guenevere Mary Adams and Abraham D. Trueblood. Motion by Vickers to approve. Second by Bernstein. All ayes. Motion carries.

Temporary Class B license from the Chamber of Commerce for Autumn Fest on September 29th. Motion to approve by Vickers. Second by Peterson. All ayes. Motion carries

Street Closures: Homecoming parade on 9/28/12 from 4pm to 5pm from the Brodhead Student Council. The route is from 10th Street, South on 1st Center Avenue to Exchange Street west and around the square, and then south on 1st Center Avenue to 12th Street. Motion to approve by Vickers. Second by Withee. All ayes. Motion carries.

Building Inspector Report: 702 E Exchange – damage to garage. In foreclosure – having difficulty tracking down point of contact. Ryan Lindsey will try to work with realtor vs. Bank of America.

Siren Update: Has been working with Bandt Communications on scheduling.

Green County’s Medication Round-up Saturday, September 29th, 2012: Brodhead Police Department will participate from 8 to 11 a.m.

JCM Construction will start on the Police Department overhang.

Fire Department: Chief Gibson stated final inspection for the new roof is scheduled for Thursday, September 13th at 9 a.m. with himself, Varco Pruden, Choice Builders, and City Engineer, Dave Sauer.

B.I.D. Board: Alderman Withee stated there are new organizational signs on each side of the City. Next joint informational meeting will occur on October 30th at 7 p.m. similar to the April meeting. Brodhead Industrial Corporation is disbanding, would like to donate $25,000 to B.I.D. Requests this as a future agenda item to proceed with a resolution.

Personnel: Alderman Vickers stated committee is still working on Police Contract.

Insurance: Alderman Vickers stated Committee recommends continue with ETF (Employee Trust Funds) contingent upon renewal rates. Requests this as a future agenda item to approve insurance.

Senior Citizen Committee: Alderman Vickers stated full computer system has been donated. Betty Walters and Karen Nyman have resigned. Would like to state appreciation for their service over the period of years they have been on board. Will know in mid-October who the new nutrition manager will be.

Resolution commending Computer Know How for technical services on donated computer system. Mayor read the resolution. Motion by Vickers to approve resolution. Second by Withee. All ayes. Motion carries.

Resolution commending Tomasan (Newcomer) Christiansen for donation of computer system. Mayor read the resolution. Motion by Vickers to approve resolution. Second by Peterson. All ayes. Motion carries.

Water &Light Commission: Jeff Peterson, W&L Director, stated that following up on last Council meeting the PSC (Public Service Commission) has clarified service area as City of Brodhead city limits. Under bulk water tariff – it’s per day service charge of $25/day, and there is an additional charge of a bulk water rate of $2.29 per thousand gallons. Will communicate this policy to Brodhead Rural Fire Association at their next meeting on September 20th at the Fire Department. He has personally spoken with a Brodhead Rural Fire Association officer – Pat Faessler. Fire Dept Chief will keep track of the water used outside city limits and advise Water & Light for billing purposes.

Historic Preservation: No report

Buildings & Grounds: No report

City Engineer: Dave Sauer handed out 2 project updates to the Council. CTY GG, West 17th Street – West 8th Avenue to STH 11. June information meeting comments involved pedestrian and bicycle components of the project. Transmitted that info to DOT in July. In last couple of months the archeological/ architectural/ historical studies – just about complete. Once completed, will know if any conflicts with design.

In September, 2012 put together Trans 75 document which is required for the project to address bicycle and pedestrian accommodations. Going forward will have another 8 to 12 months of design. Will bid project in Spring of 2014; expect construction in summer of 2014.

CTY Trunk HWY E, from McEwen Street to St. John Road: June/July worked on watershed. Put a drain at end of McEwan Street to go all the way to the raceway. Will include improvements along HWY E road and ditch. New Intersection – right angle vs. curved for safety. Drainage pipe with inlet will be on McEwan. Mr. Timm is cooperative in working with the City. Will not get other easements outside of right of way from other landowners. Mayor questioned if others are not going to cooperate, are you able to do a plan B? Engineer stated most of the water is coming from the north side of St. John’s. Mayor questioned if eminent domain could be used? Attorney stated the properties are outside of jurisdiction of the City, so cannot use eminent domain. Sauer stated that ultimately, the water is still going to impact the citizens at the end of McEwen. Original plan was a 12” diameter pipe – will look at other sizes, keeping cost and other engineering considerations in mind. Will put in a drain with perforated piping. When last flooding occurred, were pumping 1,000 gallons per minutes thru an 8" pipe. In August, Commonwealth Cultural Resources Group was scheduling the field investigation work for the archeological/architectural/historical investigations as required by WisDOT. Public Info meeting will be scheduled in Sept or Oct 2012. Believe it will be a late 2014 or 2015 project for completion date.

Plan Commission: Attorney Schroeder stated Plan Commission did not meet on September 3rd. There was a special meeting on August 20th, and items referred from that meeting will be under the Attorney’s report.

Mayor: Future Agenda: Habitat for Humanity World Habitat Day October 1; Insurance (from above), $25,000 donation (from B.I.D. above)

Attendance Policy - need to draft a Council policy

Committee Assignments – which ones need one or two aldermen? Mayor stated there are a number of new committees that are not listed in the ordinance, this should be updated. Put on next Council meeting as an agenda item.

Committee of the Whole - Alderman Withee requested discussion on individual committees be provided in future meetings.

Tech Committee – Mayor submitting recommendation to be Police Chief Tom Moczynski, Librarian Nikki Busch, and Chamber of Commerce representative Jerry Elmer to be acted on next meeting.

Budget will be coming up in October

Attorney Report: Attorney Schroeder stated Plan Commission was discussing addressing blight elimination by creation of a new TID #7, and redevelopment area#4. Council previously authorized creation of TID #7 at a different location (south end of City), but that has not occurred with Developer’s withdrawal from the project. Plan Commission recommends new contract with Vierbicher for creation of TID #7. The total cost for that is $13,200. Mayor stated idea was why not get the TIF process started, so that when someone comes to develop the old lumberyard/downtown area, it would facilitate the development. Alderman Withee questioned if we approve this, will we still have dollars available to create another TIF on the south end of the City? Attorney Schroeder stated on 5/17/12 City had 9.28% of its value in TID’s, and the City can go to 12%. Discussion on current status of all City TIF’s. Motion by Withee to Table to determine exactly what percentage we’re at, and when does each TIF end. Second by Peterson. All ayes. Motion carries.

Next item is to authorize City Attorney and Vierbicher to negotiate a TID 4 development agreement with Antach Management Corporation – the developer for the “old Middle School”. There is a budget available for that equal to $250,000 – at this point in time not known exactly how much could be available to the developer. Will depend on value increments of the development. Plan Commission approved the negotiations, but it requires Council approval as it’s a TID. Timetable from Vierbicher was presented in Council packet. Motion by Bernstein to authorize City Attorney and Vierbicher to negotiate the TID 4 development agreement. Second by Vickers. All ayes. Motion carries.

Discussion and possible action on development of community center in “old middle school”. Attorney stated Ben Zellers of Vierbicher and Chris Jaye of Antach had discussion of using the west end where the cafeteria area had been for this purpose. Would need to be a condo owned by the City or a not for profit. If CDBG used, would need to serve low to moderate income or seniors – wouldn’t be a general use facility. CDBG could pick up 30-40% of the cost; remainder of funding would need to be secured by the City. Application takes 4-6 weeks for a CDBG. Cannot use TID dollars to fund remainder. Application for CDBG funds is usually April. Motion by Bernstein to explore possibility of creating a center. Second by Withee. All ayes. Motion carries.

Resolution Directing Repair of Sidewalks. Technical follow-up on action approved at meeting of August 13th, 2012. Involves mud jacking of some downtown sidewalks. Adjacent property owners paid a portion of the cost. Ordinance involved requires a resolution being published or mailed to landowners if they would choose payment installments by place the cost on the taxes as a special assessment: sidewalks. Motion by Bernstein to approve. Second by Vickers. 5 ayes. 1 nay (Peterson). Motion carries

Fire district update (if any): No update

Motion to adjourn by Vickers. Second by Peterson. All ayes. Motion carries. Adjourned at 8:30 p.m.

Minutes by City Clerk Roseann Meixelsperger

Douglas A. Pinnow, Mayor approved this 18th day of September, 2012.

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