Veterans Memorial Park Foundation of Pensacola, Inc. Meeting

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

9:00 A.M.

Vince Whibbs Conference Room

1st Floor, City Hall


Members Present: President Jack Brown, Mike Swinehart, Butch Hansen, Charlie Switzer, John Ochs, John Clark, Roger Rowe, Roberto Rivera, Joe Glover, Paul Entrekin.

City Representative: Bill Weeks

Legal Representative: Ed Holt

Members Absent: Joe Denmon, Jill Hubbs, Dave Glassman,

President Brown called the meeting of the Veterans Memorial Park Foundation Board of Directors to order at 9:00A.M. He led those present in prayer/ moment of silence, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. He acknowledged and welcomed the visitors.

The GCVAC representative

The Wall South Representative

Dottie Dubuisson

Dee Roberts was on the agenda for a presentation but was noted to be absent.

The Krewe of Quasimodo Maintenance of the Bell Tower: The Krewe representative, Dan Lindeman provided a status of maintenance on the bell tower. He also reported that his organization intends to sponsor the “Heroes among us” speaker series this year in the same manner as it was done last year, with our board’s concurrence. He reported that his group has formed a 501.c.3 and is building a fund to maintain the Bell Tower into the future. He stated his organization would like to partner with the VMPF and have “carte blanche” permission to maintain the Bell Tower.

There was significant discussion about the requirements and necessary limits that would need to be included in a partnership agreement to be used for this organization and others. Ed Holt volunteered to draft an agreement for approval.

Paul Entrekin made a motion to approve the “Heroes among us” speaker series for 2014. Roger Rowe seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved.

Minutes: The minutes of the February 11, 2014 meeting were approved as written.

Financial Report: Mike Swinehart reported the VMPF accounts were the same as reported last meeting. He and John Ochs would develop the financial report data required by the CPA for application to the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services.

Events Report: Paul Entrekin introduced Larry Orvis from Visit Pensacola. Larry Orvis reported he receives many military reunion requests, and there would be one tomorrow that includes 75 people at the Park for the USS Halfbeak (SS352). He stated a desire to partner with the VMPF to help advertise the Park and distribute information to get donations from groups using the Park. Discussion of the merits of this relationship for both organizations indicated needs to track the number of visitors to the Park, perhaps with a guestbook function on the new kiosk, and the need for more permanent restroom facilities at the Park.

Maintenance and Planning Report: Roger Rowe reported the City sent a letter to BP reporting the status of projects and intentions for expending the remainder of the grant funds. Additionally:

-  Whitesell Green was getting bids for the Revolutionary War Memorial Project, and they were anticipated to be between the $28K-30K target.

-  The next lowest landscaping bid below the Wallace bid ($6.7K)accepted was $11K

-  Purple Heart monument repairs were in progress

-  The lights for the WWII Memorial are still in progress.

-  No change to the Wall lighting project

-  The approval status of the Revolutionary War Memorial was discussed. President Brown will follow-up with the City Administrator to get a status.

Recess: 10:08 – 1015

Nominees: Terms for five board members will expire at the end of this year. (November 2014) There was discussion about soliciting nominees for these positions, which could include those members scheduled to depart staying for a second term. Maintaining or increasing the diversity of the board was expressed as a priority.

Logo Discussion: The logo proposals were not ready for review.

Fund Raising: Charlie Switzer reported he received a commitment for $2K from a corporation but it was not yet signed. He reported a plan to raise funds selling logo gear and would be soliciting bids. Jack reported receiving $2K in donations following a presentation to the Rotary Club.

Memorial Day Event Planning: President Brown reported that General Spider Nyland, USMC agreed to speak at the Memorial Day Ceremony if it was held on Sunday, May 25th.

Butch Hansen made a motion to have the ceremony on Sunday May 25th. Mike Swinehart seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

There was discussion about asking a class of students from the NAS to attend the event. Roberto Rivera will investigate with NAS.

There was discussion about incorporating a wreath laying ceremony as part of the agenda.

Mike Swinehart made a motion to have Jack Brown preside over the wreath laying ceremony. Charlie Switzer seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

New Business: The Impact 100 grant request letters of intent are due in March. Charlie Switzer indicated we would likely not be prepared to apply this year.

Next Meeting/Adjournment: The next meeting will be Tuesday, March 11, 2014 at 9:00 in the same meeting room. The meeting adjourned at 1045.