WSU Gaming Club Constitution

Article I

Section One (1): This organization shall be known as the Westfield State Gaming Club.

Article II


Section One (1): This club was created to give those students who enjoy gaming an opportunity to meet other like minded individuals and give them the community needed to have a fun and enjoyable experience playing their favorite games. As well as to give those students who are looking for a more competitive experience a chance to discuss strategy and partake in tournaments both within and outside of the club itself.

Article III


Section One (1): Membership shall be open to all full-time and part-time undergraduate students of Westfield State University who have paid their student activities fee for the current academic semester.

Section Two (2): Members are considered to be active if they attend and participate in at least 2/3 of the yearly meetings.

Article IV


Section One (1): The officers of the club shall be: President, Vice-President, Secretary, and


Section Two (2): The officers shall be elected at a regularly scheduled club meeting prior to

May 1st of every year by a majority vote for the following academic year. Refer to by-laws election procedures.

Section Three (3): Any member of the club shall be eligible to hold an office.

Section Four (4): The term of office, for each officer, will begin May 1st of that year and end

April 30th of the following year, making each term one year.

Article V


Section One (1):The advisor will be selected by the officers of the club with a vote from the members.

Section Two (2):The duties of the advisor will be to oversee club activities and help with club activities when needed.

Article VI


Section One (1):Anyone can be nominated or seconded by any other member but no member can nominate nor second vote for themselves.

Section Two (2):The votes will be cast verbally and will be tallied by the secretary.

Section Three (3):No election may be held if there is not a quorum of fifty percent (50%) of the club members plus one (1) present at the meeting.

Section Four (4):A tie will be broken with a vote from the advisor.

Article VII



Section One (1): The club will meet a set number of times during the year chosen by a majority vote by the members.

Section Two (2): Special meetings may be called by the President.

Section Three (3): The officers of the club may hold meetings separate from the regular club

meetings without the presence of an advisor.

Article VIII


Section One (1):If an officer leaves or resigns for any reason a new officer will be elected at the next meeting by a majority vote by the members of the club.

Article IX

Amending Procedure:

Section One (1):This constitution may be amended by a two-thirds majority vote of the voting members of the club and if approved by the Rules and Regulations committee of the Student Government Association.

Article X

Removal from office:

Section One (1):If an officer of the club is neglecting his or her duties as an officer then they may be removed from office by a two-thirds majority vote and a new officer will be chosen according to the the rules in Article VIII Section 1.

Section Two (20:If an advisor of the club is neglecting his or her duties as advisor then they will be removed based on a two-thirds majority vote and will a new advisor will be selected by the President with a two-thirds majority vote of the members.


Article I

Duties of the President:

Section One (1): Shall preside over all meetings

Section Two (2): Shall call special meetings, appoint officers, and appoint advisors.

Section Three (3): Shall have general supervision of the affairs of the club.

Article II

Duties of the Vice President:

Section One (1): Shall assume the duties of the president in case of absence and shall assist

the President whenever possible.

Article III

Duties of the Secretary:

Section One (1): Shall keep an accurate record of the proceedings of the meetings and

activities of the club on file with the Student Government Association.

Section Two (2): Shall keep attendance records.

Article IV

Duties of the Treasurer:

Section One (1): Shall act as a custodian of all money in the possession of the club.

Section Two (2): shall keep an accurate record of allotments, receipts, and expenditures.

Article V


Section One (1): Members may neither nominate nor second the nomination of themselves.

Any member may nominate or second the nomination of any other. The

nomination and seconds of the nominations will be done verbally. The

vote will be cast anonymously. The ballots will be tallied by the Secretary.

The nominee who receives the most votes shall be the officer elect.

Section Two (2): No election may be held if there is not a quorum of the members present at

the meeting.