Darla Dowker Jackson ~ Coordinator

121 Whitehills Drive
East Lansing, MI 48826
Office: (517) 337-2731
Fax (517) 337-2910
www.orgsites.com/mi/greaterlansinghrn / Greater Lansing Homeless Resolution Network

Ingham County Continuum of Care

Network Meeting

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Advent House Ministries

9:30 – 11:30 a.m.

I. Call to Order and Introductions

The meeting was called to order at 9:38 a.m. by Chair Doris Witherspoon.

Doris Witherspoon requested that the 2010 Census be added to the agenda under community discussion items.

Introductions were made. The following individuals were present: Susan Cancro (Advent House), Marian Poroshin (CACS), Kathy Johnson (CADL), Brian Wissink (CMH-CEI), Olga Arellano (CMH-CEI), Tina Ramos (City of Lansing – HRCS), Toni Young (City of Lansing – HRCS), Doris Witherspoon (City of Lansing-DPND), Sue Schoultz (EVE), Maryhelen Harper (GCS), Angie Mayeaux (Haven House), Patti Howland (LAAN), Mark Criss (LCRM), Kellie Maki (LSSCM), Elizabeth Rios (LSSCM), Erma Chastine (Loaves and Fishes), Pat Wheeler (NCA/LRA), Peggy Roberts (Power of We Consortium), Don Hooker (Salvation Army), Mike Hudson (Society of St. Vincent DePaul), Phil Wippel (SSVD), Doris Hendrix (STVCC), Bill Ruterbusch (VOA), Stacey Smith (TCOA), Don Hooker (Salvation Army), Bill Ruterbusch (VOA), Scott Jones, Shawn Munn, Bill Barton, Sarah Arnold, and Marcia Saxon (KMG Prestige), and Darla Dowker Jackson (GLHRN).

II. Review and Acceptance of February 18, 2010 minutes

Pat Wheeler moved to accept the minutes as written. Sue Shoultz seconded the motion. Susan Cancro’s name was added to the list of attendees. The motion passed.

III. Reports

A.  GLHRN Chair Report – Doris Witherspoon

Doris has Census posters to give away. The Affordable Housing Conference is April 26-28 at the Lansing Center. Doris, Darla, and Pam will be doing a presentation on the progress of the Ten Year Plan at the Power of We meeting on March 19th. The next quarterly reports are due April 20th.

B. GLHRN Committee Reports


No report

2. Strategy and Funding Committee – Sue Shoultz

The committee discussed the due dates of the quarterly reports. St. Vincent DePaul was not getting as many referrals for their program. Mike Hudson gave an update that they are now getting more referrals for their HUD-funded program. CACS is breaking down barriers to getting people services for HPRP.

3. Membership Committee – Susan Shoultz

As the Network looks at becoming a 501c3, it is important to work closely together. It is also a priority to have a thorough orientation for new members and identify the needs of new members. There are 2 positions open on the Executive Committee to be elected in May, the Co-Chair and Treasurer, for which individuals are needed to serve.

4. Front Line Workers – Patti Howland

The meeting was held at Grand River School, where the CACS EHS program is now stationed. The guest speakers were from MSU College of Law Rental Housing Clinic. The April Front Line Workers meeting will be held at Maplewood School.

5. Project Homeless Connect – Patti Howland

The 2010 event will be held on September 24 from 10-3 at the City of Lansing South Washington Office Complex. There will be 4 subcommittees to help plan the event, and a sign up sheet for the subcommittees was circulated. The next meeting will be held on March 26th at 1:30 in the City of Lansing Department of Planning and Neighborhood Development conference room.

7. Point in Time Count – Sharon Dade

No report.

8. Human Services – Brian Wissink

The committee discussed its usefulness and purpose. The focus of the committee will be narrowed in the coming months to focus on discharge planning as follows: April and May - health care, June and July - corrections, August and September – youth. Marina Poroshin added that if anyone has contacts in the medical community, to contact her.

C.  MSHDA Region 7 – Darla Dowker Jackson

There is HUD 101 and Shelter Plus Care trainings available from CSH. HMIS information needs to be kept current, as the state will be pulling information in August to make funding decisions. DHS is spending $3.6 million per week on utility arrearages.

D.  City of Lansing – Tina Ramos

The budget is not finalized, but with property taxes reduced, for agencies receiving general funds, there may not be as much funding available. A draft of the action plan will be available for public comment March 1-April 9.

E.  Community Mental Health – Brian Wissink

Brian has managed the City of Lansing contract for the Opening Doors program for about 6 months and the program is going well. The PATH program is back on track and welcomes feedback. CMH has a budget surplus to address gaps in services for Medicaid clients.

V. Homelessness Prevention and Rapid rehousing Program – Pam Elise and Elizabeth Rios

Pam Elise distributed information detailing how many families were served under HPRP, how many referrals were made, and which agencies made the referrals. Elizabeth reported that Legal Services spent 15% of their funds for the first year and will make up the amount they did not spend. Their service goal is 162 and they have served 132, and anticipate helping many more than originally thought. They have kept at least 4 households in housing. HUD monitoring that was expected earlier in the week, but was postponed until probably April. During the MSHDA audit, CACS was found to have the best HPRP in the state to date.

VI. Presentation: GLHRN Membership Committee

In consideration of the Network possibly becoming a 501c3 and the changes that will come with the HEARTH Act, the Network should thoughtfully consider the leadership it elects. The strength of the Network is in having a variety of individuals stepping forward to serve in Network leadership. Pat Wheeler stated that after having served in a variety of leadership roles, it has helped her understand what resources are available in the community, and the demands of the position of Treasurer and Secretary were not very demanding. Susan Cancro added that although the role of Chair was more demanding, the support given by the Executive Committee and Coordinator have relieved it since she served her term. Angie Mayeaux added that it gave her a deeper understanding of the community and a broader perspective on issues. Marina Poroshin conveyed that it had been interesting drawing from the experience of the members of the Executive Committee and working collaboratively. Patti Howland stated that the Front Line Workers Committee has experienced many changes since she became Chair, her positions as Chair of Front Line Workers and Project Homeless Connect have required her to know more about community resources, and also facilitated her personal and professional growth. Sue encouraged consideration of where the Network is headed in deliberation of nominees for Co-Chair and Treasurer.

VII. Community Discussion Items

A.  Ten Year Plan

Doris is working to try to re-engage the Ten Year Plan Steering Committee. A presentation about the progress made on the Ten Year Plan will be made at the March Power of We meeting.

B.  HEARTH Act – Doris Witherspoon

The HEARTH Act is part of the reason the continuum is looking into forming a 501c3, the ad hoc committee for which will be meeting in the coming weeks.

VIII. New Business

STVCC requested a letter of support for funding they are requesting from Capital Region Community Foundation for match funding for PSH. Angie Mayeaux made a motion to approve. Patti Howland seconded the motion. The motion passed.

KMG Prestige has low income and subsidized housing available at multiple locations in Ingham County and would like to be more involved in the community.

The Lansing City Rescue Mission Maplewood facility has 36 new beds for families and single women and is now open, its west wing is open, and they expect the day shelter to open in about 3 months. They will continue to use the houses that were used for the family center. The April Network meeting will be held at Maplewood.

IX. Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 11:03 a.m.

Respectfully Submitted by:

Darla Dowker Jackson

GLHRN Coordinator

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