Note: These minutes were compiled by extracting certain facts the essence of testimony from an audiotape made of this meeting. Complete detail and verbatim statements can be heard and transcribed from the tape. The tape is available in the Mayor’s office for a nominal fee.

Master Plan Review Commission

Minutes for 5/16/2013

Regular Meeting


Call to Order

Jerome Pavlick called the meeting to order at 7:00pm

Pledge of Allegiance/Invocation

Roll Call: John Albaneze, Mayor Glenn Broska, Ken Claypoole, Jane Rowe, Joe Wolfe, Jerome Pavlick

Mr. Albaneze and Mr. Cieszkowski were absent

Ken Claypoole will be late to the meeting

Also Present: Assistant Law Director Matthew J. Vazzana and Todd Peetz

Disposition of minutes from 4/24/2013

Minutes were approved

Mr. Wolfe asked Todd Peetz where the data comes for regarding conservation areas and wooded areas

Mr. Peetz stated the information comes from a variety of sources but the purpose of showing the trees is not to restrict development but to show natural wildlife corridors

There are no restrictions for a property owner to remove the trees (Mr. Peetz)

If someone else has compiled this data-why do we want this data in “our” Master Plan (Mr. Wolfe)

That is why we document where the information comes from at the bottom of the map-the property owner ultimately has the say as to what happens on their property (Mr. Pavlick)

Mr. Vazzana stated that we are identifying on the maps what we see at the time of our discussions

Paul Yupa discussed how the maps are helpful to the City

Continuation of Future Land Use Map:

Mr. Peetz discussed ownership of Streetsboro Heritage Foundation and Portage County Board of Commissioners according to the auditor’s website

v  Two basic premise changes of the Future land Use Map from the preexisting one:

·  Conservation priority 1 was removed because private property was being shown as conservation

·  Park and Recreation that was shown on the map was not owned by local government is being shown as the underlying land use

·  E-was a neighborhood commercial now is extended down

·  F-was shown as residential -property line was moved over

Todd Peetz discussed that the downtown district will be updated as commercial

·  G- was shown as Park now shown as LDR

Current Map shows “G” as RR (Mr. Pavlick)

Mr. Peetz will keep “G” as LDR

·  H- was shown as Park now shown as RR

·  I- was shown as Park now shown as LDR

·  J-was shown as Conservation now shown as Institutional

·  K- was shown as Office now shown Commercial Redevelopment

·  L- is to extend office area south

Ken Claypoole feels this document and the zoning code need to be consistent

Mr. Vazzana asked how you would move forward if your Future Land Use Map had to match your current zoning map-the idea with this Comprehensive plan and the consistency is that in the future if there is a zoning change you can couch the zoning change in the Comprehensive plan that lends defensibility to that decision

The Future Land Use looks forward and then changes that are done later are read in light of the comprehensive plan

Mr. Peetz when the zoning changes in the future it needs to match the comprehensive plan

Ken Claypoole would like in writing a letter from the Law Department stating the relationship between the Zoning Code and the Master Plan

·  M-was shown as Commercial Redevelopment Project now shown as Medium Density Residential

·  N-was shown as a Park now shown as High Density Residential

·  O-was shown as a Park now shown as RR

·  P-was shown as MDR now shown as LDR

Joe Wolfe discussed area on State Route 14 is predominately commercial and feels where the commercial ends a Transitional Use should be run to the beginning of the schools property

Discussion was had on mixed use in this area

A proposal was made to leave it as R1

3 votes to 3 votes

Proposal is tied

Fails according to Roberts Rules

Joe Wolfe asked to table the issue until Mr. Albaneze returns and has input

Issue is tabled

·  Q-was shown as a Park(Quarry mining operation) now shown as RR

·  R- was shown as MD now shown as LDR

Commission would like “R” to be RR (Mr. Pavlick)

·  S-was shown as LDR now shown as RR

·  T-was shown as MD now shown as LD

Mr. Pavlick feels to remain consistent with the surrounding area “T” should remain as RR

·  U-was shown as MD now shown as RR

·  V-was shown as conservation now shown as RR

v  Conservation designation is being removed(Mr. Peetz)

v  Survey comparisons- 2009vs2013 via projector board

v  Mr. Peetz will email survey results for our review


Next meeting is May 23, 2013 at 7:00pm

Todd Peetz discussed copies of Rough Draft of Master Plan and updated documents that will go into the Plan

Citizens Comments N/A

Motion was made to adjourn meeting by Ken Claypoole

Seconded by Joe Wolfe

Motion Carried

Adjournment: 9:00pm
