Release Strategy Workshops Report

1  Introduction

The purpose of this report is to present the main topics/issues discussed during the 4 Workshops set up on 24th; 25th; 31st of May and 01st of June 2012 aiming at establishing a first baseline of the Release Strategy. This report is complementary to the results of the workshops distributed to the participants (Excel sheets capturing the OIs steps’ V3 date per release and the associated comments/actions).

2  Workshop 1 : Airport Integration & throughput

DFS underlined that:

·  The Release strategy workshops aimed at capturing “wish” dates” for OI steps. The consideration of bottom-up constraints/feasibility issues will be done at a later stage.

·  Releases currently deal with exercises and not with full OI steps

·  The workshop should also identify priorities (at OI step or OFA level)

It was pointed out that the identification of V3 dates for OI steps in Releases will not lead to ANSPs commitment for their deployment.

Airbus indicated the need to agree on what End of V3 means for a given OI step and the activities that need to be performed in order to achieve that objective.

Related to this point, the participants in the meeting also recognized that typical validation techniques associated to V3 maturity phase e.g. live trial, flight trial or shadow mode are not the most appropriate type of validation techniques for addressing performance assessment for some KPAs such as capacity. The SJU explained that the Validation and Verification Strategy aiming at using those techniques in V3 was promoted in order to change the way we performed R&D and with the aim of performing validation activities as close as possible to real operation. In addition, it was stressed the fact that the activities in Step 1 (and specially the release 1 exercises) were based on concept elements already mature. This strategy does not mean that other techniques such as Fast time and Real time simulations do not have a role in SESAR: they are required in V1 and V2 maturity phases in order to better assess their impact on performances. We need to capture the work done in V1 and V2 when assessing the results of V3 exercises in a given Release.

Regarding the impact of the Release Strategy activities in Release 3, the SJU clarified that this will depend on how quickly the following phases of the process will progress.

Some OIs steps we identified as needing clarification and update through the IR update process. Related to this point, actions were identified in order to clarify the OI steps scope e.g. 6.02 to propose updates to B04.02/B.01 through the CR process.

Related to the next steps following the release strategy workshops, the SJU explained the key activites to be undertaken. While the process will be discuss in the PCG meeting on the 14th of June, the SJU advanced that the intention is to define a top-down driven list of validation exercises, reflecting the priority business needs. During the subsequent steps, aspects such as the feasibility of the End of V3 dates and the involvement of system projects (i.e. manufacturing industry) need to be addressed.

3  Workshop 2 : Network Collaborative Management & DCB

7.02 Project Manager recommended that pending Change Requests related to the OI steps and associated enablers in the Integrated Roadmap from 7.02 that are being processed by B04.02/B01 should be taken into account in the Release Strategy Workshop, and be quickly injected in the ATM MP/IR alignment process.

B04.02 explained that the current reference for the ATM MP/IR is Dataset 7 (DS7) that did not yet take into account all the Change Requests issued by 7.02.

The SJU clarified that the baseline for the Network Management Workshops was also Dataset 7, but that it was possible during the Workshop to also consider some of these Change Requests raised by 7.02: mainly the ones recommending split or redefinitions of OI steps that already exist in DS7. Those that do not exist yet in DS7 were not addressed in the workshop. SJU also highlighted that the results of the workshop(s) will be used to develop a TOP-DOWN V&V Roadmap, rather than BOTTOM-UP which has been the case until now.

The need for quickly processing the remaining CRs linked with the OIs steps identified in the Business needs was highlighted.

The presentation of the Release Strategy way forward led to the following comments:

-  There is a need to clarify which are the deliverables to be produced in the development of SESAR Solutions and at what level;

-  The final delivery at the end of V3 should not include prototypes but rather the Specification supporting definition of Standards. The SJU clarified that this is the intention, the prototypes are just a mean to mature the concept;

-  The Release Strategy Workshops should be repeated every year. The SJU clarified that the intention is to refine/review the release strategy on a yearly basis taking into consideration the results of the previous release;

-  V2 activities are key in the assessment of performance and should be properly planned and followed;

-  In Release 1 the link with OI steps was very poor. However, the SJU explained that in the Release 1 review 3 Report, there is an analysis of the coverage of OI steps by the exercises part of the release;

-  These Release Strategy Workshops do not ensure the alignment of the concepts with Enablers. That will come later;

-  Why the Release Strategy Workshops do not address IBPs? The SJU clarified that this will happen in a later phase of the Release Strategy process, when the link with the actual planning of Primary Project activities will be established.

-  SJU outlined that Cross OI Steps validation will be considered as part of the following process.

4  Workshop 3 : Traffic Synchronization

It was pointed out that the aim of the workshop was to express the needs of the Program/members and not yet the feasibility.

Most of the discussions and comments were on the OIs steps and can be found in the Excel sheet results for WS3.

Some OIs steps we identified as needing updates through the IR update process. Actions were defined for corresponding X.02s to propose updates to B04.02/B.01 through the CR process

DSNA presented a proposal to further perform cross OFAs validation activities (integrated/cross validation activities) in order to assess the benefits/performance of multiple OIs steps leading to the validation of a wider concept element (e.g. extended AMAN activities together with i4D, CTA, Point Merge). This approach was acknowledged while out of the scope of the Workshop. The DSNA proposal will be kept and further considered as part of the follow up process.

5  Workshop 4 : Moving from Airspace to 4D Trajectory Management” & “Conflict Management and Automation”

Most of the discussions and comments were on the OIs steps and can be found in the Excel sheet results for WS4.

Some OIs steps we identified as needing updates through the IR update process. Actions were defined for corresponding X.02s to propose updates to B04.02/B.01 through the CR process.

Main comment raised on the presentation of the follow-up process was on the need to have SJU guidance about the OFA organisation (Roles & responsibilities) and OFA “deliverables” (e.g. OSED at OFA level). The SJU answered that these 2 issues had been recognised by PCG/15 as priorities and that SJU had been tasked to make proposals during the summer.

6  List of Actions

Action ID / Action Description / Responsible / Status
WS1-01 / AO-0505-A
Enabler A/C 56-a IOC date 2016.
Action for WPC to check in the ATM MP if the link with the Enabler and the date is correct. / WPC / Open
WS1-02 / AO-0304
Action for WPC to clarify that there is no need for aircraft enabler / WPC / Open
WS1-03 / AO-0310
Action on 6.2 to clarify the scope of the OI step. The participants agreed to put it in R5 as a tentative date (the enabler linked to the ADS-B Out "A/C-48b" is planned in 2021). / 06.02 / Open
WS1-04 / AUO-0602
Enabler "A/C-42a" in 2016.
Action for WPC to check in the ATM MP if the link with the Enabler "A/C-42a" is correct / WPC / Open
WS1-05 / AO-0306
Agreed to put it in R4 but the ENs for the aircraft need to be checked, Action for WPC. / WPC / Open
WS1-06 / AUO-0806
Action for Selex to check : It is likely that there will be no operational requirement available for the corresponding system project (12.03.04)
SELEX has confirmed SELEX is not involved in the two OIs “AUO-0805 Autonomous Engine-off Taxiing” and “AUO-0806 Non-autonomous Engine-off Taxiing” / SELEX / Closed
WS1-07 / SDM-0204
Action SJU to confirm R4 with NORACON / SJU / Open
WS2-01 / AUO-0102
Action for WP11.01 to analyse the impact to put AUO-0102 in R6. / WP11.01 / Open
WS2-02 / AOM-0302
Action for WPC to check why this OI step has been moved from Deployment Baseline to Step1. / WPC / Open
WS2-03 / AOM-0303
Depends on political agreement to be taken.
No R&D needs are identified.
Action for WP11.01 to check for confirmation. / WP11.01 / Open
WS2-04 / AOM-0403
Action for WP04 & WP07 on AOM-0403-C: Common understanding between WP04 and WP07 to be agreed.
This OI step is proposed to split in three:
*AOM-0403-B is linked to AOM-0502.
*AOM-0403-A is linked to AOM-0501.
*AOM-0403-C is linked to AOM-0503 (step 3). / WP04 & WP07 / Open
WS3-01 / AOM-0702
There is a change request to the IR (CR-579): "Description need to be clarified". There is a need to clarify the scope of what will be achieved in the two identified Releases (R4 and R6).
Action for 5.02: to assess the need of splitting this OI step and elaborate a CR to the IR if needed. / 05.02 / Open
WS3-02 / TS-0105
Action for Airbus: Further clarification on the content on this OI is required / AIRBUS / Open
WS3-03 / TS-0107
Action for 05.02: to submit a CR for moving this OI step into Deployment Baseline and remove "Manually" / 05.02 / Open
WS3-04 / TS-0305
According to ATM MP this OI is still Deployment Baseline.
Action for 05.02: to submit a CR for moving this OI step to Step 1. / 05.02 / Open
WS3-05 / TS-0308
Action on 06.02 to coordinate with 05.02: to clarify the scope and the link to the Enabler "AERODROME-ATC-09a" (This EN will be not available before 2015). Check the IRM CR575 - "TS-0308 is covered by another OI step" / 06.02 & 05.02 / Open
WS3-06 / TS-0301
Action on 5.02 in coordination with B04.02 to delete this OI step from OFA 04.01.03 / 05.02 and B04.02 / Open
WS4-01 / IS-0302
Action for Airbus to verify if Aircraft Enablers are required. / AIRBUS / Open
WS4-02 / CM-0103
Action for SJU: To confirm the allocation of this OI step to this OFA / SJU / Open
WS4-03 / IS-0301
There is a CR on the IR IRM CR67 - proposing the re allocation of this OI Step to OFA "Business and Mission Trajectory".
This OI step (as others within the OFA) should be subject of a Cross/Integrated Validation between WP04 and WP07.
Action for 04.02 and 05.02 in coordination with B04.02: to describe a new OI step addressing the interoperability aspects that are not covered. In special, aspects related to interoperability between AOC and ATM systems in step 2 and 3 are missing. / 04.02 & 05.02 / Open
WS4-04 / AUO-0302-B
Action for DFS: Clarify the operational needs associated to this OI step. / DFS / Open
WS4-05 / AUO-0303-B
Action for B4.2 in collaboration with 04.02 and 05.02: to analyse the need of having AUO-0303-B and AUO-0302-B. This action applies to pairs AUO-0303-A/AUO-0303-B and AUO-0303-C/AUO-0303-C. / B04.02 & 04.02 & 05.02 / Open
WS4-06 / AUO-0303-B
Action for WP4 Leader: to clarify the operational needs from the ANSPs on these OI steps / WP4 Leader / Open
WS4-07 / AUO-0604
Action on B4.2 in collaboration with 04.02: to create a CR to allocate this OI step to an OFA / B04.02 and 04.02 / Open
WS4-08 / AOM-0503
This OI Step is proposed to be delivered in R6 by participants in WS2
This OI Step is proposed to be delivered Later by participants in WS4
There is a discrepancy between the WS2 and WS4
Action on the PCG: Discrepancy need to be solved / PCG / Open
WS04-09 / CM-0405
Action for B04.02 and 04.02: Create a CR to clarify the context of this OI step. / B04.02 & 04.02 / Open
WS04-10 / CM-0811
Action for 4.02: To create a CR to re-insert this OI step in the IR and in the ATM MP. / 04.02 / Open
WS04-11 / CM-0401
Action on Airbus:
- clarify the potential link with IS-0303-B.
- Revisit the link with Enabler "A/C-37" / AIRBUS / Open
WS04-12 / CM-0403
Action for B04.02 with 04.02: to check the links between CM-0401, CM-0403 and CM-0404 to ensure a common understanding on the sequence of these three OIs steps. / B04.02 & 04.02 / Open
WS04-13 / CM-0501
Action for B04.02: identify a CR to solve the allocation of this OI step to this OFA. / B04.02 / Open
WS04-14 / CM-080x
CM-080x - Enhanced ACAS logic adapted to Trajectory based operations
Action for 04.02/B04.02:
to clarify the situation on the status of the CR and identify the number .
The OI will be considered in the later stage. / 04.02 & B04.02 / Open

Annex A: Workshops Participants