All Walsall schools have a commitment, through their Local Offer to meet the needs of their pupils with Special Educational Needs and are supported by the Local Authority to ensure that all pupils, regardless of their specific needs make the best possible progress in school. All schools are encouraged to be as inclusive as possible with the needs of pupils with a special educational need and/or disabilities being met in a mainstream setting wherever possible.
At Mary Elliot, we follow the same principles as any mainstream school but are resourced to provide a more highly specialised, multi-agency approach to support our pupils who have severe, complex and profound and multiple learning difficulties.
This includes :-
Access to a highly specialist, multi-agency team who support the individual needs of each pupil
Modern purpose built school building
Highly favourable teacher-pupil ratio supported by well trained, experienced teaching assistants
A staff team that can facilitate small group/individual pupil support including physical management, communication, sensory work and swimming/water experience
Specialist expertise in school (visual impairment support by school staff, intensive interaction, aromatherapy, Local Makaton Trainers, PECS, On-body signing, TacPac, Sensology, staff who have gained specialist post-graduate qualifications, teachers with Specialist Leadership Expertise)
Advanced behaviour management strategies Team Teach trained staff and Team teach trainers/de-escalation and Positive Handling Programmes
On site access to a hydrotherapy pool
On site nursing support for administration of medication, enteral feeding and monitoring, parent support/open door policy, continence advice and support, signposting, liaising with other agencies including community children’s nursing team to ensure seamless provision throughout the holidays
Physiotherapist (including physiotherapy technician support)
Speech and Language Service support
On site clinics organised by nursing staff (orthoptist,orthotist, paediatric consultant, school medical officer, epilepsy support)
Support from the Hearing/Vision Impaired service
Specialist expertise from outside school (Music Support, sports coaching, community artists)
Real Work experience Empowering U
Links with upward care which provides us with life skills support for our post 17 aged students
Access to Walsall College,
Outdoor pursuits, Sailing, Horse riding and Swimming
Access to a supportive learning environment
Facilities include:-
4 Mini buses to maximise learning beyond the classroom
Highly differentiated curriculum access including Creative Curriculum/TEACCH and Sensology
A fully equipped, interactive multi-sensory room
Theme and charity days
Residential experiences
We have access to a flat which provides opportunities for students to enhance their life skills
Links with local mainstream schools for shared learning experiences
Outstanding, safe outdoor learning environments
Additional specialist input for Music and PE/swimming
Extensive use of local and wider community resources
Teacher/teacher assistant support throughout the lunch period to promote independence
Specialist knowledge and support provided by Heads of Department
Local Authority transport to and from school
Prospective parent visits
Monitoring and evaluating the impact of the “additional and different” arrangements- on progress and outcomes for pupils with SEN
Achievement and progress analysis, Solar, IEP achievement analysis, P Level assessment and SCERTS assessments
Access to strategies to reduce anxiety/ promote emotional well-being for parents/carers
An open door policy that enables parents/carers to discuss any issues in the knowledge that they will be quickly sorted
Regular communication with parents via a diary system or via telephone
Regular reporting to parents through, IEP mornings, progress meetings, “Meet the Teacher” sessions, “hands on” sessions organised by staff, parent training sessionse.gmakaton beginners, music, swimming.
Families are also supported by our Parent Support Advisor
Home visits before a child is admitted and attendance at transition meetings.
Home visits for pupils who may not be able to attend school because of illness/surgery
Transition support both into and out of school
Charity and other fund raising events are held throughout the year.
Building capacity- support for mainstream schools
Offering CPD -inclusion in school based training sessions (days, twilight sessions)
Training teachers via Schools Direct
Offering additional placements for teaching students requiring experience of children with special needs