President: Jim Anderson

Vice President: Jason Corley

Treasurer: Nina Hallard

Middle School Athletic Handbook


Bayshore Matawan

ColtsNeck (Cedar Drive) Neptune
Hazlet Ocean

Holmdel (Satz) Thompson

Long Branch Thorne




The name of the league shall be the Shore Conference of Middle Schools Athletic Association.


The purpose of this league is to:

a)  To hold participants to educational standards during each athletic season.

b)  To promote good sportsmanship and character education.

c)  To promote the physical and emotional development of the participants through athletic competition.

d)  To promote good interschool relations.

e)  To equalize athletic opportunities by standardizing rules of play, and classifying for competitive purposes, the school that are members.

f)  To be a developmental league where winning and losing is not a point of emphasis.


SECTION 1: Member schools of the league are as follows:

1.  Bayshore

2.  Colts Neck

3.  Holmdel

4.  Hazlet

5.  Matawan

6.  Neptune

7.  Long Branch

8.  Ocean

9.  Thompson

10. Thorne

SECTION 2: All member schools accepting membership in the league shall adhere to its rules and regulations. Failure to abide by the rules and regulations will result in penalties being levied against the member school in violation.

SECTION 3: New schools wishing to join the league or member schools wishing to withdraw from the league or add or delete teams shall notify the league in writing with sufficient time to allow the league to render a decision. The changes must be approved by a majority vote of the full membership.


SECTION 1: Each member school shall have a representative authorized by the Principal of that school. The representative will attend all general meetings of the league and have the authority to vote on issues that govern the league.

SECTION 2: The executive committee shall perform the duties assigned to it by the league in carrying out the day-to-day operations of the league. The executive committee shall render decisions on league matters in accordance with the rules and regulations of the league and will inform the general membership of its actions at the next general meeting.

SECTION 3: The executive committee shall be empowered to appoint representatives in each respective season for the purpose of compiling of win-loss records and coordinating all-star games.


At its general meeting, the league will determine the annual league fees, based on the number of teams, to be paid by each member school. It will also determine the amount of expenditures to be paid out during the year. The secretary is authorized to collect and disburse funds as deemed necessary. A written financial statement will be presented at each general meeting.


Scheduling of all contests will be done by the league’s assigned coordinator. Team performance and input from the school’s athletic administration will be considered when scheduling. Member schools must play conference opponents the required number of times in a season as stated in the by-laws. The playing of non-conference opponents is optional in all sports, however, conference contests take first priority.

Field trips and after school ceremonies that affect few of a team’s student-athletes are not valid reasons for postponements. Any of these situations that may occur should be handled by the affected schools well in advance of the scheduled game.


Only the win-loss results in conference play will be used to determine the order of finish. In the event of identical records, the schools will share that place of finish. Schools may enter tournaments on a voluntary basis, but such tournaments shall have no bearing on league standings. The league’s primary emphasis is stated in Article II of this handbook.


SECTION 1: Participants in the league must not heave reached the age of 15 prior to September 1.

SECTION 2: Each member school shall develop its own standards of eligibility regarding academics and behavior with emphasis on academics being a priority.

SECTION 3: All athletes must be enrolled in the public school district of the school they will be participating in.


Member schools found to be in violation of the rules and regulations of the league, as determined by the Executive Committee may have penalties levied against them. The penalties may include:

1.  Letter of reprimand

2.  Forfeiture of contests

3.  Forfeiture of place in standings

4.  Probation

5.  Suspension

6.  Expulsion


SECTION 1: Every attempt to solve a dispute between member schools should first be taken by the schools involved at the conclusion of the contest up to 30 minutes following the game. If coaches cannot reach an agreement, then the league representatives from the schools involved should try to resolve the dispute. If it is still a dispute, then the league representatives should contact the Executive Committee within 14 days of the event to intervene. The Executive Committee will settle the issue by a majority vote. An Executive Committee member whose school is involved in the dispute will abstain from voting. During this process, the Executive Committee may demand of the parties involved a written report detailing the nature of the dispute and the steps already taken in an attempt to resolve the dispute. The Executive Committee may also demand both parties involved to be present at the meeting. The Executive Committee may also call for an account of the dispute from any available personnel that deems helpful. The decision of the Executive Committee is final and binding and may not be appealed.

SECTION 2: Disputes must be brought to the attention of the Executive Committee within 14 days of the alleged dispute, otherwise they will not be considered.

SECTION 3: A protest or dispute based on an official’s judgment or interpretation of the playing rules shall not be considered.


SECTION 1: Whenever possible certified officials are to be used for all league contests.

SECTION 2: The rate of pay will be that of sub-varsity games unless otherwise negotiated between the league and the official’s organization. When only one official, instead of two, work the contest, they should be paid the prevailing varsity fee. (See rate sheet in Appendix C.)

SECTION 3: In the event the officials do not show up for a scheduled contest, the event is to be rescheduled for a later date at the same site. Teams must wait 30 minutes from the scheduled starting time before a contest is postponed. It is the host’s schools responsibility to hire certified officials and to confirm with the officials the scheduled event. Every possible attempt should be made by the host school to avoid postponements due to lack of officials.


Every attempt should be made to have all participants in the same uniforms with appropriate numbers when necessary. Schools with home and away uniforms are to wear their light-colored uniforms at home and darker ones away. If schools show up at a contest wearing the same color uniform and the official request a change must be made, it is the home teams responsibility to make the change. It is understood at this level of competition, that it is not always possible to have all participants in the same uniforms and no penalties will be levied against a team who cannot outfit a team in the same uniform.


In the excitement of athletic competition, it is possible to have emotions overshadow sound, responsible judgment. To foster the educational values of athletics, it is imperative that the principles of good sportsmanship be displayed at all times by those involved-players, coaches and spectators. Coaches should exemplify sportsmanlike conduct as he/she is a role model for the players as well as the spectators. No profanity or improper language should ever be used by the participants, especially the coach. Host schools are responsible for the behavior of spectators and should adopt policies to insure proper conduct at its athletic events. It is the responsibility of the league representatives to insure the principles of good sportsmanship are followed.

The ejection of a player or coach from a contest shall result in a two game suspension for that player/coach and shall be enforced in the next scheduled game. Any ejection must be reported to the sport representative.


1.  NJSIAA rules apply. The middle school course should be 1½ miles and sufficient crowd control should be provided throughout the course.

2.  The number of meets will be determined at the previous season’s winter meeting.

3.  Scoring of meets is set by NFHS guidelines. Rule 9-2 - Article 2.

4.  An All-star team will be selected at the end of the season. Each school is to select 7 runners.


1.  Length of Game: The official game shall consist of two 30-minute halves. If tied after regulation play, one 10-minute “golden goal” seven –aside period will be played. If still tied, the game ends in a tie. An extra 10-minute quarter shall be then played for the purpose of developmental play for those who saw little or no playing time in the official game. The developmental quarter is not optional.

2.  Where possible both teams should be on the same side of the field and spectators on the other. A line should be present at least 10 feet from both sidelines to keep all non-playing members a safe distance from the playing field,

3.  The coach is to report conference win-loss records to the appointed committee member by the established guidelines. All results will be kept and tallied for the end of season.

4.  Each school will play 12 games. Competitive balance will be considered.

5.  An all-star game shall be held at the conclusion of the season. Each school is to select 4 players.


Rules and Regulations:

1.  Number of Games: Each school shall play 12 games. Scheduling non-conference games is optional. Failure to play a conference game will result in a forfeit.

2.  Length of Game: the official game shall consist of two 30-minute halves. If tied after regulation play, two 5-minute overtime periods will be played. “Golden Goal” is in effect. If still tied, the game ends in a tie. An extra 10-minute quarter shall be then played for the purpose of developmental play for those who saw little or no playing time in the official game. The developmental quarter is not optional.

3.  Where possible both teams should be on the same side of the field and spectators on the other.

4.  The coach is to report conference win-loss records to the appointed committee member by the established guidelines. All results will be kept and tallied for the end of season.

5.  An all-star game shall be held at the conclusion of the season. Each school is to select 3 players.


Rules and Regulations:

1.  Number of Games: Each school shall play 16 games. Scheduling non-conference games is optional.

2.  Length of Game: The official game shall consist of four 6-minute quarters. An extra 8-minute running time quarter shall be played after the regular game for the purpose of developmental play. The developmental quarter is not optional. At least one certified official must be present. The rate of pay is that of sub-varsity. NJSIAA rules apply.

3.  An adult must be the time keeper/head score keeper.

4.  The home team will provide water and basketballs for the visitors.

5.  The coach is to report conference win-loss records to the appointed committee member by the established guidelines. All results will be kept and tallied for the end of the season.

6.  An all-star game shall be held at the conclusion of the season. Each school is to select 2 players.



Rules and Regulations:

1.  Number of Matches: Each school will have 16 meets. Scheduling non-conference meets is optional.

2.  Length of Match: The official match shall consist of 3 periods. (1:00/1:30/1:30)

3.  At least one certified official must be present. NJSIAA rules apply.

4.  Where possible both teams should be on the opposite side of the mat and spectators on the same side of their team.

5.  Winter sports will provide the visiting team water.

6.  The coach is to report conference win-loss records to the appointed committee member by the established guidelines. All results will be kept and tallied for the end of the season.

7.  Weight Classes are as follows: 70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 100, 105, 110, 115, 120, 126, 132, 138, 144, 150, 158, 170, 185 and heavyweight (275 pounds max/171 minimum).

8.  Weight Class Eligibility – A contestant shall not wrestle more than one weight class above that class for which the contestant’s actual stripped weight, at the time of weigh-in, qualifies the contestant. (i.e. A wrestler weighs in at 82.4 pounds for the 85-pound weight class, he/she may wrestle the 85 or 90-pound weight class that day.)

9.  Weight Allowance:

a.  There will be a 2-pound allowance from January 15th until the completion of the season.

b.  There will be a 1-pound allowance for Monday matches. (i.e. Monday, January 19th match – 70 pound weight class – 70 + 2 + 1 = 73 pounds) The 1-pound allowance will happen if there is a match the Tuesday after Martin Luther King Day and President’s weekend.

c.  Back-to-back matches allow for an additional pound. If this situation is to occur the school that has back-to-back matches must notify the other school. The additional pound goes for both teams.

10.  A tournament shall be held during the season. Date and site of the tournament will be determined at the fall scheduling meeting.

11.  Trophies shall be awarded to the first place team, based on a win-loss record of the season.

12. New for 2012, all schools must use the leagues mandated weigh-in sheets. This will help avoid controversies.

Revised 6/9/16


Rules and Regulations:

1.  Number of Games: Each school shall play 14 games. Scheduling non-conference games is optional. Scheduling considerations may be made for competitive reasons.