Mathematical Olympiads (MOEMS) at Edison School
I believe in the power of mathematics to engage young minds and the power of young minds to engage in mathematics. A.G. Andrews
2007-2008 Schedule:
Oct. 1 First meeting followed by a
parent information meeting at 3:40.
Oct. 9 (Tuesday since no school on Oct. 8)
Coaching Session
Oct. 15 Coaching Session
Oct. 22 Coaching Session
Oct. 29 Coaching Session
(First Practice Contest)
Nov. 5 Coaching Session
Nov. 12 Coaching Session
Nov. 15 (This is a Thursday but is
the date of the first contest!)
Nov. 26 Coaching Session
Dec. 3 Coaching Session
Dec. 10 Coaching Session
Dec. 17 (This is contest 2 date)
Jan. 7 Coaching Session
The Spring Schedule is yet to be determined but we do know that the contests will be the week of: January 15, February 5, and March 4 with the Mathematics Olympiad being completed by the end of March and a possible celebration picnic in April.
All Math Olympiad coaching and contest sessions will take place in Edison Room 110 from 3:00 to 4:00 p.m. on the scheduled dates. Children will be ready for pick-up each day at 4:00 p.m. Students are not required to attend every meeting but it is important that they take the nationwide contests on the indicated test dates and that they participate regularly. Children may also join Mathematical Olympiad throughout the year but we do need a signed registration form for all participants.
If you have any questions about the Math Olympiad Program, please contact:
Dr. Bob Mann, Person in Charge of Olympiad (PICO), or 298-2037.
Please keep this document for future reference!
The overall goal of the Edison Mathematical Olympiad is to encourage children to learn and investigate mathematics in an engaging and enriching environment. We appreciate your support in helping us achieve this goal.
Thank you,
Coach Bob Mann (PICO)
Coach James Olsen (Webmaster)
Coach Mei Yang (PICO)
Coach Victoria Baramidze
Team Edison information can be found at
Please check this site regularly for announcements, updates, and reminders.
Visit for information about the Math Olympiads and for details regarding contest rules, awards, and general procedures. Below is a message to parents from the MOEMS Executive Director:
During this school year, your child will be participating in the Mathematical Olympiads for Elementary and Middle Schools (MOEMS). MOEMS is a nonprofit public foundation which provides opportunities for children to engage in creative problem solving activities which develop a child’s ability to reason, to be logical, to be resourceful, and occasionally to be ingenious.
The Olympiad goals for children are for them to:
1. Develop enthusiasm for problem solving and mathematics,
2. Deepen understanding of mathematical concepts and strengthen ability to use these concepts,
3. Consider concepts that they might not otherwise encounter, and
4. Enrich experiences in intellectually stimulating and significant mental activities.
Like most worthwhile goals, there is no easy road to becoming a capable problem solver. One must recognize that this is an important and desirable goal, and that it may take considerable time and effort to realize it.
Your child will practice regularly under the direction of a faculty sponsor in preparation for five monthly Olympiad contests. Being able to solve a difficult problem is one of the most satisfying experiences one may have. On the other hand, struggling with a difficult problem should indicate to your child that he or she has found something worthwhile and new to learn. This should be viewed as a challenge and an opportunity to grow. Learning how to solve a problem and to understand its underlying mathematical concepts are the most important goals of mathematics education.
Your encouragement and recognition of the importance of the Olympiad goals will help your child enjoy the Olympiad program as well as make progress in becoming a problem solver.
We thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
Richard Kalman Executive Director, MOEMS