List #1

1.Contrite (adj):showing sincere regret or remorse.

2.Apathetic (adj):not interested; having or showing very little concern.

3.Indolent (adj):avoiding activity or exertion; lazy.

4.Plausible (adj):seeming reasonable or probable.

5.Conspicuous (adj):easily noticeable; prominent.

List #2

Propensity (noun): natural inclination or tendency.

Assuage (verb): to make milder or less severe; to soothe.

Complacent (adj): uncritical satisfaction with oneself; smug.

Interloper (noun): a trespasser.

Prerogative (noun): a right or privilege.

List #3

1.Indignant (adj): Feeling or showing anger

2.Taciturn (adj): Reserved or uncommunicative; quiet

3.Colic (noun): abdominal pain

4.Penury (noun): extreme poverty

5.Harangue (verb, noun): to lecture in a critical manner. A long winded, critical lecture.

List #4

1.Jest (n):a thing said or done for amusement; a joke.(v):to speak or act in a joking manner.

2.Tumult (n):noisy and disorderly commotion.

3.Memoir (n):an account of one’s personal life or experience (nonfiction).

4.Anecdote (n):a short, true, and often funny story.

5.Peril (n):immediate danger.

List #5:

21. Surreptitious (adj): Acquired in a sneaky or stealthy way.

22. Elicit (verb): To call forth or bring out

23. Poignant (adj): Evoking a keen sense of sadness or regret.

24. Quixotic (adj): Idealistic and unrealistic; foolishly romantic

25. Reverence (noun): Deep respect for someone or something.

List #6:

26. Prudent (adj): wise; careful; cautious

27. Transient (adj): temporary, fleeting; lasting only for a short time

28. Corroborate (verb): to confirm or give support to (a theory, statement, or finding)

29. Extol (verb): to praise enthusiastically

30. Cajole (verb): to persuade someone to do something by sustained coaxing or flattery.

List #7

31.Malevolent(noun): Having or showing a wish to do evil to others.

32.Fervent(adj): having or displaying a passionate intensity

33. Beguile(verb): To charm or enchant (someone), sometimes in a deceptive way.

34. Indubitably(adverb): Unquestionable; without doubt

35. Ambivalence(noun): Lack of clarity; wavering; being undecided.

List #8

36. Cacophony (noun): a harsh, discordant mixture of sounds.

37. Prodigious (adj): remarkably or impressively great in size, extent, or degree.

38. Ambiguous (adj): open to more than one interpretation; having a double meaning.

39. Disdain (noun): the feeling that someone or something is unworthy of one’s consideration or respect; contempt.

40. Verbose (adj): using or expressed in more words than are needed.

List #9

41.Amiable(adj): Having or displaying a friendly and pleasant manner.

42.Vapid(adj): Without liveliness or spirit; dull or tedious; flat.

43.Quagmire(noun): An awkward, complex, or hazardous situation.

44.Benevolent(adj): Well meaning and kind; desiring to help others.

45.Digression(noun): A temporary departure from a subject either in words or in speaking.

List #10

46. Feign (verb): to pretend; to give a false appearance of.

47. Indict (verb): to bring a formal accusation against someone in a trial. (indictment is noun)

48. Acquit (verb): to free someone from a criminal charge by a verdict of not guilty (acquittal = noun)

49. Fastidious (adj): meticulous, demanding, having high and unattainable standards.

50. Plethora (noun): an abundance, excess.

List #11

51. Presumptuous (adj): assuming too much; arrogant.

52. Unprecedented (adj): never having happened before.

53. Refute (verb): to prove wrong; disprove.

54. Exacerbate (verb): to increase in severity; aggravate; increase.

55. Disseminate (verb): to scatter or spread widely; disperse; dispel.