Catholic Social TeachingChapter 1 Large


2. This principle includes the social conditions that permit people to reach their full human potential

3. The power to perform deliberate actions on one’s own responsibility

10. Rights that are for every human being

13. This principle reminds us that we are our brothers’ and sisters’ keepers

14. The ______guides us to live loving and just lives as God intends

18. The U.S. Catholic bishops highlighted ___ principles that serve as the foundation of the Church’s social teaching

19. An important social justice encyclical that lists important human rights

22. The lack of some or all the nutrition elements necessary for human health

25. The quality or state of being worthy, honored, or esteemed

26. The body of Church doctrine that applies Jesus’ gospel to our life together is called ______doctrine

27. This principle asks how our most ___ members of society are doing

28. This is the heart of Christian morality

30. A pastoral letter sent to the whole Church on some important aspect of Church teaching

32. God revealed that he has a communal and social ___

33. This principle calls us to protect the people and all of God’s creation


1. The depiction of sexual acts or nudity with the purpose of gratifying lustful desires

4. The principle of dignity of work is concerned with the rights of ___

5. The Genesis creation account reveals that each of us is made in ______

6. God called her to minister to the poorest of the poor

7. Our sins sometimes develop into ___ of sin that create unjust societies

8. This principle holds that although people have different talents, we are all equal

9. This is the central social institution that must be supported and strengthened

11. The foundational principle holds that every person deserves ___

12. The life, death, and resurrection of Jesus

15. All rights have corresponding ___

16. This principle teaches that the lowest level of an organization should handle a function if it is capable without the higher level intruding

17. The principle of respect for human life holds that every stage of human life is ___ and worthy of protection

20. Rights that are inherent and beyond challenge

21. Enables us to recognize and understand God’s command to do good and avoid evil

23. The state or condition of sin into which all generations of people are born

24. Rights that are untouchable because they come from God

29. Claims we can make on each other and on society to guarantee attaining certain basic minimum conditions to live a truly human life

31. An Aramaic term of endearment that means "dada"