§ Specialty_

§ Unit/Ward

§ Institute/hospital

§ Address

§ PMDC Recognition for training in that specialty_

§ PMDC Recognition for training in other specialties_

§ UHS Recognition for training in other specialties

§ Head of Unit/Ward

§ Designation

§ Qualification



Name / Designa-
tion / Qualifications with
year/institute / Date of
joining the present post / Teaching/Wor
Experience / Research
Qualification / Year / Institute
Professor of Pediatrics
Assistant Professor of Pediatrics
Senior Registrar
Senior Registrar
SMO Bs-18/SR

Technical Assistance to Teaching

o Computers Internet facility Yes/No

o Audiovisual aids Yes/No

o Microscopic Study Material Available/Not Available

(Please give number nature)

o Gross Specimens Available/Not Available

(Please give number nature)

o Models Charts

(Please give number nature)

Clinical Teaching

Ward rounds ------

Case presentation Discussion ------

Sr.# / Equipment(s) / Min Required / Deficiency / Remarks
Working/Not Working
1.  / Weighing scales older children infant neonate / 1
2.  / Height/Length measuring scale / 1
3.  / Ultrasonic Nebulizer / 2
4.  / Infant Ventilator Neonatal Ventilator / Optional
5.  / Pulse Oximeter / 1
6.  / Infusion Pump / 3
7.  / Transport Tnucbator / 1
8.  / Low Grade suction Apparatus / 2
9.  / Neonatal / Optional
10.  / Resucitator, Infant/Child, Manual / 1
11.  / Suction Machine, dual operation with tubes / 1
12.  / Otoscope, with infant/diagnostic head / 2
13.  / Forceps, Splinter/Repilation, spring type / 2
14.  / Speculum, nasal, child siza / 1
15.  / Scale infant / 1
16.  / Height Measuring Unit, infant / 1
17.  / Thermometer, armpit / 6

Minimum Standards Set by UHS (Yard Stick) To be filled-up by UHS

Equipment(s) / Model / Student equipment Ratio
Sr.# / Equipment(s) / Available / Number / Model
1.  / ECG Machine
2.  / Defibrillator
3.  / ABG’s Machine
4.  / Portable X-ray Machine

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Sr.# / Equipment(s) / Number / Model
1.  / Exchange Transfusion Set
2.  / Lumbar Puncture Needles
3.  / Chest Intubation Sets
4.  / Bone Marrow Needles

Minimum Standards Set by UHS (Yard Stick) To be filled-up by UHS

Equipment(s) / Model / Student Equipment Ratio



Available space including seating capacity _

(Continue on the copy of the table if required)

List of books / Edition No. / Year/No
1.  Caffey’s Pediatrics Diagnostic Imaging / 12th
2.  Nelson’s Textbook of Pediatrics / 19th
3.  Feigin & Cherry Textbook of Pediatrics Infections Disease / 7th
4.  Current Diagnosis and treatment in Pediatrics / 21st
5.  Robertson’s textbook of Neonatology / 5th
6.  Washinton’s Manual of Pediatrics / 1st
7.  Farfar textbook of Pediatrics / 7th
8.  Practical Guide to care of the Pediatric Patient / 2nd
9.  Emergency Pediatrics (Pocket Guide) / 2nd
10.  Textbook of Pediatrics (SM Haneef Sajid Maqbool) / 21st
11.  Pediatrics Neurology (Kenneth) / 4th
12.  Textbook of Pediatrics Dermatology by yasmin khan / 4th
13.  Wayne Harris Clinical Examination / 9th
14.  Harriet Lane Handbook / 19th
15.  Textbook of Syndrome by Smith / 6th
16.  Hutchison Manual of Examination / 23rd
17.  McLeod’s Manual Examination / 13th
18.  Current Pediatrics Procedures / 1st
19.  Pediatrics Clinical Skill(Richard B.) / 4th
20.  Pediatrics Radiology / 4th
21.  100 Cases in Pediatrics / 1st
22.  Pediatric Endocrinology by Brooks / 7th

Subscription of Journals

(Continue on the copy of the table if required)

S.# / Name of the journals / Subscribed since
(Month, Year)
Pakistan Pediatrics’ Journal
British Medical Journal
Pediatrics in Review
Journals of Allama Iqbal Medical College
Pakistan Journal of Pediatrics surgery
Journal of College of physicians and Surgeons Pakistan

Patient turnover

§ Out door

§ Emergency_

§ Indoors_



Admissions/month Outcome/month

Through OPD_ Through Emergency_


Discharges_ Deaths_ Referrals_

Bed Strength

Bed Strength / Available
Total Number
ICU/High Dependency
Number of beds in ICU
for this unit

Minimum Standards Set by UHS (Yard Stick) To be filled-up by UHS

Bed Strength / Minimum
Total Number
ICU/High Dependency
Number of beds in ICU
for this unit
Sr.# / Name of Disease / Number seen in last one month
1.  / Diarrheal Disease
2.  / Pneumonia
3.  / Neonatal Sepsis
4.  / Premturity
5.  / Tuberculosis
6.  / Meningoencephalitis

Invasive Management Done

Sr.# / Name of Procedure / Number of times
(performed) / Elective/Emergency
1)  / Lumbar Punchure
2)  / Exchange Transfusion
3)  / Chest Intubation
4)  / Bone Marrow
5)  / Peritonial Dialysis

Investigations Available

§ Laboratory (in the ward)

o Biochemistry Yes/No

o Microbiology Yes/No

o Incharge Lab

o Qualification

§ Radiological Facilities

In the unit yes /No

In the Hospital Yes/No

Blood bank Yes/No


§ / Method of Maintenance / Manual/Computerized
§ / Annual Reporting Done / Yes/No

Signature of Head of the Department

Signature of Head of the Institution
