Instructions to respondents for the completion of Exhibit A-3:

All respondents to this solicitation shall utilize Exhibit A-3, Submission Requirements and Evaluation Criteria Components (Technical Response), for submission of its response and shall adhere to the instructions below for each Submission Requirement Component (SRC).

Respondents shall not include website links, embedded links and/or cross references between SRCs.

Each SRC contains form fields. Population of the form fields with text will allow the form field to expand and cross pages. There is no character limit.

Attachments are acceptable for any SRC but must be referenced in the form field for the respective SRC and located behind each respective SRC response. Respondents shall name and label attachments to refer to respective SRCs by SRC identifier number.

Agency evaluators will be instructed to evaluate the responses based on the narrative contained in the SRC form fields and the associated attachment(s), if applicable.

Each response will be independently evaluated and awarded points based on the criteria and points scale using the Standard Evaluation Criteria Scale below unless otherwise identified in each SRC contained within Exhibit A-3.

Point Score / Evaluation
0 / The component was not addressed.
1 / The component contained significant deficiencies.
2 / The component is below average.
3 / The component is average.
4 / The component is above average.
5 / The component is excellent.

The SRCs in Exhibit A-3 may not be retyped and/or modified and must be submitted in the original format.

Exhibit A-3 is available for respondents to download at:

Respondent Name:


SRC# 1:Organizational Structure

The respondent shall describe its organizational structure and history. For Responses including a subcontractor, the same descriptions of organizational structure and history shall be provided. The description shall include, but not be limited to, the following:

  1. A detailed description of the respondent’s organizational structure, legal structure, ownership, affiliations, and location(s);
  1. A copy of the respondent’s corporate organizational chart and a depiction of where this Project falls within the organizational structure;
  1. Background information of the corporation, its size, and resources that shall include the following:

1)Name of respondent and any subcontractor;

2)Date established;

3)Ownership (public company, partnership, subsidiary, etc.);

4)Corporation’s Federal Employer's Identification Number (FEIN) and Florida Corporate Charter Number;

5)Corporation’s primary line of business;

6)Total number of employees; and

7)Number of personnel engaged in the services described in this solicitation.

The respondent’s response for this SRC shallinclude attachments, as prescribed herein. Attachments are limited to the organizational chart, certifications, list of physical locations, and key staff resumes as referenced above.


Evaluation Criteria:

The adequacy of the respondent’s description of its organizational structure, legal structure, ownership, affiliations, and location(s).

The submittal of the respondent’s corporate organizational chart, inclusive of the location of this project.

The adequacy of the respondent’s description of the corporation’s background, size, and resources as referenced above in Section SRC #1,c.

Score: This Section is worth a maximum of 15 raw points with each of the above components being worth a maximum of 5 points each.

SRC#2: Staffing

The respondent shall identify key staff and/or subcontractor(s) who will provided the services requested and detail their qualifications. Key staff shall include, at a minimum:

  • One (1) Contract Manager who shall be responsible for coordinating all activities between the Agency and the Vendor.

The respondent’s response for this SRC mayinclude attachments, as prescribed herein. Attachments are limited to resumes of key staff and position descriptions as referenced above.


Evaluation Criteria:

  1. The adequacy of the qualifications of the proposed key staff and/or subcontractor(s).

Score: This Section is worth a maximum number of 5 raw points with the above component being worth a maximum of 5 points.


SRC#3: Current Activity

The respondent shall provide documentation of its current health information exchange activity (e.g. exchange metrics) by describing its experience in creating exchanges. For responses that include a subcontractor, the same descriptions of experience shall be provided.


Evaluation Criteria:

  1. The adequacy of the respondent’s documentation to support the respondent’s experience in successfully completing an exchange.

The adequacy of the respondent’s capability to provide services based on evidenced experience

Score: This Section is worth a maximum number of 5 raw points with the above component being worth a maximum of 5 points.


SRC#4: Approach to Providing Services

The respondent shall detail the approach to providing the services described in Attachment B, Scope of Services. At a minimum, the response shall include a draft implementation plan containing:

  1. Necessary steps to achieve activities;
  2. Timeline for completing services and requirements; and
  3. Milestones for exchange activities to be completed.

The respondent’s response for this SRC shallinclude attachments, as prescribed herein. Attachments are limited to the draft implementation plan.


Evaluation Criteria:

  1. The adequacy of the respondent’s proposed implementation in accordance with the requirements in Attachment B, Scope of Services.

Score: This Section is worth a maximum of 5 raw points with the above component being worth a maximum of 5 points.



The respondent shall provide an estimated cost proposal presented in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet to include the following:

  1. Total contract amount for each deliverable as detailed in Attachment B, Scope of Services, Exhibit B-1. Deliverables and Performance Standards;
  2. Software costs;
  3. Technical labor hours;
  4. Administrative labor hours; and
  5. Testing hours.

Reimbursement of actual costs shall not exceed $75,000.00 per entity connected


Evaluation Criteria:

  1. The adequacy of the estimated cost proposal as it relates to the activities listed in this solicitation.

Score: This Section is worth a maximum of 5 raw points with the above component being worth a maximum of 5 points.

AHCA RFP 013-17/18, Attachment A, Exhibit A-3, Page 1 of 6