QEP Team Meeting



Attended (via SPOC): David Monroe, Matthew Bodie, Ashley Hendrickson, Janice Thiel

Next meetings: May 2, June 6, July 11.

The team will consider submitting a proposal to present at All College Day on Tuesday, October 23, 2012 – proposals due April 25, 2012. Perhaps another review of the QEP Impact Report draft? And/or “Critical Thinking Resources in the Library”??


I)  Assessment

A)  QEP Impact Report

1)  Final draft to be completed before QEC Meeting August 31.

2)  Ashley and Janice met on 4/11/12 to begin draft.

3)  Gail Lancaster has agreed to review and edit draft.

B)  Critical Thinking Assessment Test (CAT)

1)  Ashley and Maggie Tymms have organized the CATs for the scoring workshop.

Campus / Section / Instructor / Course / Description
CL / 867 / Williams, Latrica / STA2023 / Elementary Statistics
SPG / 1060 / Kennedy, Daiva / STA2023 / Elementary Statistics
TS / 874 / Weaver, Suzann M / STA2023 / Elementary Statistics
CL / 493 / Michaelides, George C / MAC1105 / College Algebra
SE / 1961 / Michaelides, George C / MAC1105 / College Algebra
SPG / 4577 / Kennedy, Daiva / MAC1105 / College Algebra

2)  CAT Scoring Workshop is scheduled:

(a)  Friday, April 20, 8:30 a.m.-4:00 p.m.

(b)  DO-102 - Consular Conference Room

(c)  Lunch – Make-Your-Own Salad

3)  Ashley has followed-up with Tennessee Tech to request updated training module.. Ashley has received bins for the scoring workshop.

4)  Janice created a WITS survey form and sent an invitation to faculty to participate. There are 12 faculty registered. Janice extended the invitation to the Vet Tech and Math faculty who administered the CAT in their program/classes.

5)  Janice let Vet Tech know this will be a random sampling and to score all will require another scoring workshop with their faculty participation, and she asked:

(a)  Are all of these from the two-year program? Are these all from the same class/section? If not, what sections? We’ll need to identify which are which, perhaps a list of student numbers for each class/section?

C)  Assessment Rubric for Critical Thinking (ARC)

1)  Faculty have been reminded of the need to submit their students’ Ethics CTAPs:

Class Number / Subject / Catalog / Description / Instructor
918 / PHI / 1600 / Studies in Applied Ethics / John Venturella
926 / PHI / 1600 / Studies in Applied Ethics / Eric Tucker
1121 / PHI / 1600 / Studies in Applied Ethics / Lee Miller
2171 / PHI / 1600 / Studies in Applied Ethics / Fred Bennett
2415 / PHI / 1600 / Studies in Applied Ethics / Nick Manias
2465 / PHI / 1600 / Studies in Applied Ethics / Laurie King

2)  ARC Scoring Workshop is scheduled:

(a)  Friday, May 18, 8:30 a.m.-4:00 p.m.

(b)  DO-102 - Consular Conference Room

3)  Janice created a WITS survey form and sent an invitation to faculty to participate. There are 14 faculty registered.

4)  Printing all the CTAP papers will be time-consuming

D)  SACS Working Group

1)  Next meetings are scheduled for:

(a)  Wednesday, April 18, 3:30 – 4:30 p.m.

(b)  Thursday, May 31, 2:00-3:00 p.m.

2)  Recommendations

(a)  Establish methods for maintaining lists of those assigned primary responsibilities (e.g., curriculum developers)

(b)  Revisit college goals (consider workforce)

(c)  Improve efficiencies of maintaining faculty lists and documenting qualifications/credentials

(d)  Review non-academic areas of the college (facilities, etc.) for how the achievement of goals is monitored.

II)  Student Success

A)  Classroom Activities

B)  Rubrics

C)  ePortfolio

D)  Student Activities

1)  Great Debate 2012

(a)  Final Debate was held 3/30/12

(b)  Improvements: Tighten format, garner more buy-in, review survey questions for clarity

(c)  Ashley will write a report from the audience poll and student survey.

III)  Professional Development

A)  Quality Enhancement Committee (QEC)

1)  Meeting: Friday, August 31, 9:00-11:00, room TBD

(a)  Review of the QEP Impact Report draft

B)  Critical Thinking Institutes

1)  Narrowing the Gulf – 3/29-30/12.

(a)  Edna Ross of University of Louisville presented the key note and conducted an additional break-out session.

(b)  Mandy Gunnell from <i>Clickers was on-hand with loaner student response devices.

(c)  Faculty Champions attended a special meeting with Dr. Ross on 3/29/12

(d)  Janice will follow-up with Peg Connell to retrieve evaluation results and to relay information about critical thinking presentation materials available via the Gateway Website.

2)  2012 Fall Critical Thinking Institute

(a)  Friday, September 21, 2012

(b)  Seminole Campus – Digitorium

(c)  Time TBD

(d)  Janice will contact Anamarie Root of Staff & Professional Development about partnering, calling for proposals earlier and adopting the “Interdisciplinary” theme

C)  Faculty Champions

1)  2010 and 2011 Faculty Champions

(a)  Janice sent a final reminder for deliverables to be received by mid-May

2)  Final Survey for Faculty Champions – Janice will work with Ashley to develop this.

3)  CETL-CT Bridge

(a)  CETL Critical Thinking Grant

(i)  The 4-member CETL Critical Thinking Grant Selection Committee (anonymous) reviewed and completed rubrics and a recommendation matrix.

(ii)  4 of the 6 applications were approved, and the grantees were notified on 3/30/12:

·  Critical Thinking Research Project - St. Petersburg College Southeastern Public Safety Institute (SEPSI) Law Enforcement Academies – Joseph L. Smith ($1,500)

·  Twenty-First Century Digital Interdisciplinarity (META Project) – Julia Rawa-White and Nadia Yevstigneyeva ($1,500)

·  What was I Thinking? – Patricia Smith, Sheree Greer, and Lynn Carpenter ($1,500)

·  Writing a Research Paper in Six Modules – Jennifer Haber ($1,500)

(iii)  Announcement about grantees appeared in the Blue & White Blog on 4/5/12

(iv)  Janice has followed-up with each to get projects going. Most will be funded from 2012-13 budget.

(b)  Li-Lee Tunceren and Janice are putting together a proposal to send another CETL-CT Bridge team to the International Conference for Critical Thinking in July.

D)  Academic Roundtables

1)  Sue Blanchard is leading two book study groups at Tarpon and Clearwater for the book “Making Thinking Visible.” Two initial face-to-face meetings were held, and follow-up is being conducted virtually. Sue will present at All College Day and the Fall Critical Thinking Institute.

IV)  Critical Thinking Resources

A)  Gateway Website

1)  Video and other resources from the Spring Critical Thinking Institute/Narrowing the Gulf have been added.

B)  RLO’s

1)  Janice has asked Tim to approach the Instructional Design Technologists about partnering to have faculty produce additional critical thinking activities/RLOs.

C)  Instructional Portfolios

1)  Deadline to complete mid-May

D)  Critical Thinking Resource Centers

1)  Matthew will review the site and note ideas for improvement.

2)  Donna Kelly is compiling a list of resources for possible purchase. “Let me think about the best campus/site representation and come up with a suggestion. Your idea is a good start on this. HEC does a great deal of specialized critical thinking work – but have a great deal of their own materials. As far as costs, I would have to do a rough selection first. Some titles may be less expensive, such as Sue’s choice. If we purchased 5 title – that would be $90 plus postage.”

*Action Item 4 of 4