North Hampton Public Library

Trustee Meeting

April 22, 2009

Minutes – Approved May 27, 2009

5:38 PM: Meeting called to order. In attendance were Emily Creighton, Chair, Alison

Robie, Treasurer, Peter Parker, Secretary, Susan Grant, Library Director, and Lorreen

Keating, Assistant Director & Children’s Librarian. Emily noted that the Trustees

should thank Mike Coutu for his presentation, “Collateralizing Public Deposits” at the

Quarterly Seacoast Library Trustees & Directors Meetingon April 18. Emily pointed out that after Mike’s presentation she noted that the current Library Investment Policy needs an update and that she would annotate revisions in a draft and circulate the draft document before the next meeting.

Upon motion by Alison, seconded by Emily, the minutes of the meeting of March 30

were unanimously approved. There was a brief discussion of different times to convene

future Trustee Meetings which all agreed should be postponed until the end of the


Treasurer’s Report:

The Treasurer’s Report for March, 2009, attached, was distributed. Susan called our

attention to the fact that our heating oil account (#52150) was currently at 110% of

budget and that some of the YTD totals were inaccurate because of errors in the spread

sheet program that the Library’s book-keeper uses. More importantly, Susan noted that

the print-out report contained other inaccuracies because the Town does not provide

the Library with paper bills. This is particularly vexing. The Town has not indicated

that eligible employees are covered with medical benefits and the Library owes the

Town about $4,000, but the Library’s book-keeper does not get a bill from the Town.

Among other things, this has meant that Ashley Swasey apparently does not have

medical insurance. The Trustees agreed that we need “documentation” and that we

ought not to pay until we get a bill.

Susan also brought the furnace problem (starter unit) to the attention of the Trustees.

Currently, we buy oil from one provider and pay for maintenance and service from

Lamprey Bros. Alison recommended that the Library attempt to find a single provider;

her colleagues agreed.

Discussion then turned to Encumbered Funds, a report of which was distributed. Susan

informed the Trustees that the balance is $18,820, part of which will be used to pay for

new carpet tiles in the main room, the entry, and hall. Susan said that she has selected

the contractor, but that the work will require that books, shelves, tables, etc., be moved

to the CraigRoom to make way for them. There was some discussion of when - and by

whom - that work could be done since it will require that the Library be closed to the

public. It was also discussed that we will ensure advance notice to the public of the closing and will do our best to minimize the time the Library will be closed.

North Hampton Public Library Trustees Meeting, April 22, 2009 Minutes, p. 2

Old Business:

The 2009-2010 Goals for the Trustees and Director came to the table next. All agreed

that, except for utilities and building maintenance, the budget should be level, but we

realize that reassessment of those goals is possible. All present received the

“Goals Worksheet April 2009" which reminded us that we review our Risk Management

policies in accordance with LGC’s Financial Policies. Discussion ensued about the eight action goals. There were questions concerning the Library’s insurance policies which Susan and Lorreen will report updates at the May Trustees meeting.

There was a brief discussion of building infrastructure priorities which Susan identified as carpeting,lights and the toilets. Lorreen will bring an updated list of building infrastructure priorities along with an updated list of energy/environmental actions to the May meeting. Alison and Susan agreed to work together to develop a Library fact sheet for the Select Board. This would be an ongoing effort to keep the Board informed about the Library.

Next, the Trustees, Susan and Lorreen discussed their concerns about keeping the Friends of the Library active. We will speak with them to see if they will host afund-raising event and or to sponsor some sort of “community building” event.

Upon Emily’s request, we agreed to postpone discussion of the Director’s review

policy. This summer, she and Susan will work together to develop a draft of the Director’s review policy.

Alison made a motion to accept The Trustees Goals draft and a second was given by Peter. Vote was unanimous. The goals are attached to these minutes.

Susan brought the TD Banknorth signature slip which Emily, Alison, Susan and Lorreen

signed - Peter had already done so at the Bank.

Susan then informed us that the USSDallas and NR-1 program coordination was not complete and that she would continue to work with Diane Wheeler, Recreation Director to finalize the program.

Susan then briefly followed up on her report to the Board of the Town department

heads meeting called by Steve Fournier, which Peter also attended. Fournier evidently

wants to hire an architect/planner to put together a “plan” for the various Town offices. He estimated that a RFP (Request for Proposals) would cost about $200,000 and wanted to know if the Library’s Capital Reserve Fund could be used to help pay for this effort. The Trustees agreed that the CRF stipulates that these monies are to be used for the planning of a new or expanded Library building and not for the planning of the Town Complex.

North Hampton Public Library Trustees Meeting, April 22, 2009 Minutes, p. 3

We agreed that such a process, before beginning, should be a collaborative meeting of the SelectBoard, the Planning Board and the Long-Range Planning Committee. This meeting should identify the “real” needs of the Town and the prioritization of those needs before taxpayer dollars are spent. Alison made the motion to accept Emily’s draft letter to the Select Board requesting a meeting, and a second was given by Peter. Vote was unanimous. The letter was signed by the Trustees and is attached to these minutes.

We received a hard-copy version of the Librarian’s report, attached.

Peter requested that we change the meeting time. Alison moved and Emily seconded that the next Trustee Meeting will be held onWednesday, May 27 at 4:00 PM (rather than 5:30). The vote was unanimous.