190 Sunshine Boulevard, Mermaid Waters 4218

Ph: 07 5572 1278 Fax: 07 5572 1279

Please fill in ALL fields below

Owner’s name: ______Phone number: ______

Address: ______Drivers licence number: ______

Alternate contact person and phone number: ______

Cat’s name/s: ______Breed: ______Age______

Drop off date: ______Time: ______

Pick up date: ______Time: ______

When did your cat receive their last flea preventative treatment? Brand used? ______
If you have more than one cat boarding, would you like them to be placed in the same enclosure? Yes [ ] No [ ]

Has your cat been diagnosed with or are you aware of any medical conditions? Yes[ ]No[ ]

Can Mermaid Vet photograph your pet for our social media pages?Yes[ ]No[ ]

Does your cat require any medication or a fed special diet? Yes[ ]No[ ]

If yes, please specify: ______

Date of most recent vaccination: ______
***We will not accept any unvaccinated cats into our cattery. Vaccines must be given 10 days prior to admit***

50% of the bill must be paid when dropping your cat off. This amount is $______

The remainder of the bill totalling $______must be paid on discharge of the animal.

Please note: Mermaid Waters Veterinary Surgery reserves the right to contact the GoldCoastCity Pound for collection of the animal should the discharge date be extended by seven days without prior arrangement.

Mermaid Waters Veterinary Surgery also reserves the right to apply flea treatment at the owner’s expense if the animal arrives with fleas. This can be paid for on collection of the cat/s.


[ ] I am the owner of the above named patient/I am authorised by the said owner to present the patient for boarding as detailed above

[ ] Should the animal need medical attention, I permit Mermaid Waters Veterinary Surgery to provide whatever medical services are needed, as decided by the attending veterinarian, and to be liable for costs associated with these services.

Signed: ______Date: ______

Here is a list of our extras to help your cat relax and unwind during their stay in our cattery

Please tick which you would like your cat to have:

Daily treats can be provided at an additional cost of $2/day

  • Sardines
  • Dried fish
  • Greenies dental treats

Cat Toys

  • Cat nip mice $7/stay
  • Hire cat ‘Wobbler’ interactive feeder for $5/stay
  • Cat grass (coming soon)

Feliway Spray morning and night $4/day

  • Is your precious puss a little anxious? This is the perfect way to help them relax during their stay

Flea prevention single application $18. If you pet is not up to date with flea prevention we can apply one for you. Compulsory for all cats not up to date. We strive to keep our cattery flea free & to ensure your cat doesn’t go home with fleas.

Worming – We are happy to worm your cat during their stay to save you the trouble. Total cost $12.50 includes wormer and application.

Brushing your cat can be done for $5/time or $20/week (daily).

Nail Clips $10 (discounted price for boarding stays) – normally $15!

Free dental check, that’s right it’s free!

Every cat that wants it is allowed exercise time. This is included in the price of your cats stay. We do no believe in charging extra for exercise time

Owners signature: ______Date: ______