29 Katie Lane; PO Box 607

Worcester, New York 12197


Earl F. Johnson Meeting Room

Worcester Town Hall

April 12, 2017

Kevin Norton called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm and lead the Board in the Pledge of Allegiance. These other Board members were present:

Donald Kirby, Jr. Bruce Hollenbeck Timothy Powers

Matt Stevens Patricia Fiederer

The following other person(s) were also present: Agnes Terrell, Councilman Larry DeLong.

Minutes: A motion (Hollenbeck, Stevens) to approve the March 8, 2017 minutes as written carried unanimously.

Correspondence: Land use applications received from the following:

·  The Storehouse Inc. to install a roof overhang over the front door at 332 Main Street.

·  Pamela McCoy to install a portable pre-built utility shed at 1022 Center Valley Road

·  Harold Crispell to build a new single family residence at 272 West Hill Road.

New Business: A motion (Hollenbeck, Powers) to appoint Matt Stevens as Vice Chairman carried unanimously. Discussion held on a maintenance law and a sign law. The sign law that is being worked on currently is too complex. Councilman DeLong went over survey results on what the Planning Board can do and what is important to start working on. The Planning Board decided to work on a sign law, a solar law and to make cosmetic changes to the land use law. The results will go back to the Town Board. Discussion held on the Lawler Music Festival which will be held on June 1, July 1 and July 2 on Brady Road. The Zoning Board of Appeals granted the permit. The Town Board also needs to issue a permit because there will be more than 1,500 people attending. They are currently waiting for a meeting between the Town Board and the sponsor to get more information. Pat Fiederer suggested giving a packet of information to the person in charge.

Old Business: The Highway Superintendent will replace the land use zoning signs that are faded. The December 23, 2016 was an illegal meeting. There was a resolution on the table that passed at that meeting. Even though it was an illegal meeting, the motion is still approved unless rescinded by the Planning Board. A motion was made (Stevens, Kirby) to rescind the motion made at the December 23rd meeting. Ayes: Stevens, Kirby, Norton. No: Powers. Abstained: Hollenbeck, Fiederer. A motion was made (Stevens, Kirby) to make the Town Board lead agency on the Katie Lane project. Ayes: Stevens, Kirby, Norton, Hollenbeck, Fiederer. No: Powers.

Adjournment: The next monthly meeting was set for Wednesday, May 10, 2017 at the same time and place. A motion (Powers, Norton) to adjourn carried unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Theresa Lombardo
