Newton High School Wrestling

2017 – 2018


§  All wrestlers will abide by the rules of Newton High School, our athletic department and GHSA (Georgia High School Association.)

§  You are a student-athlete, not an athletic-student. Proper conduct is expected and classroom discipline problems will not be tolerated. Punishment for poor classroom behavior will be determined by the coaches.

§  Player’s personal appearance should project the proper image to the school and the community. Hair and facial hair will be kept in accordance to the Georgia High School Association.

§  All wrestlers will abide by the dress code rules of our school and the rules of the athletic department. Earrings will not be worn when we are at practice, matches, and tournaments.

§  If a player is put in ISS he will be disciplined by the coaching staff. ISS means that you have broken a school rule and that you will miss practice. Don’t let it happen to you!

1st punishment will be to miss one match

2nd punishment will be to miss two matches

3rd punishment will be removal from the team for the remainder of the season

§  Players who get suspended from our high school will be disciplined at the discretion of the principal, athletic director and head wrestling coach. Minimum punishment will be to miss one match. Maximum punishment will be removal from the team for the remainder of the season.

§  Our players are expected to display good sportsmanship in every situation. While you are participating in athletics for our high school you are representing your coaches, your teammates, your community, and your school. Do not do anything that would be an embarrassment to this program. Learn to control your emotions, even if things are not going your way.


§  We expect all of our players to be present at every practice. However, we also understand that there may be an emergency situation that may occur. If missing a practice cannot be helped, please notify Coach Boyter before the absence (). If a player misses a practice and the coaching staff determines that absence could have been avoided by the player, he will be suspended for as long as the coaching staff determines.

§  If a player misses a practice during the season and fails to notify the head coach as to the reason for his absence, he will be suspended for that week’s game. If you cannot come to school, we need to know why. We also need to know when you will return.


·  All injuries must be reported to our athletic trainer. Please do not go to the doctor without notifying him. We are not depriving you of the right to go to the doctor, but we need to know for insurance purposes.

·  All injured players are expected to attend all practices to watch if permitted by the doctor.


·  If a player quits a team or decides to drop out of wrestling for a year, he loses his right to wrestle at our high school for that year. The only way that he will be allowed to play again is if the coaching staff allows his return.


·  In the state of Georgia, consumption of alcohol, tobacco and non-prescription drugs are illegal under the age of 18. We will not accept and will take a stand against illegal drugs and alcohol. If the coaching staff has knowledge of a player using illegal drugs, he will be suspended from the team for the remainder of the season.


·  We ask that you trust in our judgment to play the best players. Our parents need to understand the 10 points about our program. Critiquing of player is not personal; it is coaching.

1.  We strive to treat our players like they are our sons.

2.  We coach hard, loudly, and aggressively. Wrestling is a loud, disciplined and emotional sport. We coach it the same way.

3.  Be coachable. (Try your best to do what the coaches tell you to do.)

4.  We require your child’s undivided attention when we are teaching/coaching.

5.  The team always comes first. We have no stars.

6.  We don’t play kids to make them happy. Athletes are played because they have a great attitude, do more, add the most value to the team, understand their roles, strive to make the team better, and do the job better than someone else. A parent’s influence or position makes no difference.

7.  A players is put in the best college-potential position only if it’s best for our team.

8.  Publicity is used to promote our team, school, and community.

9.  Schedule meetings with me in advance; remember our philosophy when evaluating a situation-the team comes first. My door is always open and my mind; please have the same attitude. I always meet with a player before I meet with a parent.

10.  Being simple and boring, but winning, is better than being complex and exciting, but losing.


For any wrestler to earn a varsity letter he must compete in over one-half of varsity matches. Tournaments will count as two matches. He must also compete in the area, sectional, or state tournament.

A wrestler could receive a varsity letter if the coaching staff feels this wrestler was an integral part of the team and did the best he could considering his weight class, ability, year of graduation and community service.




·  Wrestlers must travel with the team to and from all events unless prior notice is given.

·  Please pick up wrestlers, promptly, after practices, matches, and team functions. Excessive late pick-ups will be dealt with at the coaches’ discretion, which could result in a loss of match time and/or dismissal from the team.

·  All wrestlers must have a current physical, heat, concussion, risk, and insurance forms on file. These must be fully completed and submitted prior to trying out.

·  There are 14 varsity and JV spots at the following weight classes: 106, 113, 120, 126, 132, 138, 145, 152, 160, 170, 182, 195, 220, and 285.

·  Each wrestler must have headgear and wrestling shoes. Wrestlers with braces must have a mouthpiece covering ALL braces, not just top or bottom. Knee and elbow pads are optional.

·  No jewelry or other forms of accessories are to be worn in practice or at the matches. Electronics are permitted for down time during away matches and tournaments, but each athlete is responsible for protecting and securing their personal items.

·  Briefs or boxer briefs must be worn under the singlets at all times. Boxers are a uniform violation according to GHSA rules. This can lead to point deductions and possibly the inability to wrestle for that match. Additionally, only form fitting undershirts are permitted beneath the singlets. They cannot be t-shirts, and they must be black, royal blue, or white (Newton High School colors).

·  Students who were retained in the same grade or ended the school year without passing 5 of 7 courses are not eligible to participate.

·  On match days, wrestlers must dress up wearing team issued warmups. Wrestlers breaking the dress code will not be permitted to travel with the team or attend the match as a member of the team.

·  Every wrestler will be issued wrestling singlets before each match which must be returned after the match. The wrestler is responsible to pay for any damaged, lost, or stolen equipment/uniforms.

·  There is a $20 Newton County fee that all athletes must pay to participate in sports. It is only due once a year, and it covers all athletics for that school year. This is included in the wrestling fee.

·  There is a $285 fee that all wrestlers must pay to participate in wrestling. This fee does include the warm-up that must be ordered. You can pay the participation fee in two different ways: all in one payment or 3 payments of $95.00.

•  The first $95.00 payment is due by September 1st

•  The second $95.00 payment is due October 2nd

•  The third $95.00 payment is due November 1st (Last Payment)

·  Things may come up during the season that are not completely covered in the rules and conduct handout. In these situations, the coaches, along with the athletic director and administration, will make rule interpretations and decisions in the team’s best interest. All coaches’ decisions are final!

Student/Athlete: ______

Parent: ______

Cell Phone: ______

Emergency Contact Name / Number: ______



Date: ______