Supplementary Table-1. The main cancer associated lncRNAs

LncRNA name / Species / Expression / Biological Significance / Refer-ence
7SK/RN7SK / Human / Highly express in gastric cancer / Controls RNAP II activity and serves as scaffold for protein-protein interactions / [14]
A130040M12Rik/VL30 / Mouse / Highly express in melanoma / Forms a PSF-RNA complex to regulates proto-oncogene transcription, cell proliferation, and tumorigenesis / [15]
ANRIL/ CDKN2B-AS / Human / Highly express in prostate cancer, acute, lymphoblasttic leukemia, glioma and melanoma / Negatively regulates expression of tumor-suppressor genes CDKN2A and CDKN2B via chromatin remodeling / [16, 17]
BOK-AS1/ BOKAS / Human / Highly express in leiomyosarcoma / Inhibits Bok-induced apoptosis / [18, 19]
BCAR4 / Human / Highly express in breast cancer / Promotes metastasis by activating the expression of a cell-migration pathway / [20]
BCYRN1/BC200 / Human / Highly express in breast, cervix, oesophagus, lung and ovary cancer cells / Improves expressions of the key metastasis-supporting proteins MMP9 and MMP13 / [21]
CCAT1 / Human /

Highly express in colorectal and gastric cancer cells


Promotes cancer cell proliferation and migration; regulates long-range chromatin interactions at theMYC locus

/ [22, 23]
CCND1/BCL1 / Human / Highly express in breast cancer / Induces TLS allosteric change; inhibits CBP and p300 activity; regulates cyclin D1 gene expression / [13]
EPB41L4A-AS1/ TIGA1 / Human / Highly express in lung cancer / Ectopic expression of TIGA1 inhibits tumor cell proliferation / [24]
GAPLINC / Human / Highly express in gastric cancer /

Regulates CD44-dependent cell invasiveness and associates with poor prognosis

/ [25]
GAS5/SNHG2 / Human / Down-regulatedin breast cancer / Functions as a tumor suppressor; promotes apoptosis and controls cell cycle / [26]
GHET1 / Human / Highly express ingastric cancer / Promotes gastric carcinoma cell proliferation by increasing c-Myc mRNA stability / [27]
H19/ASM / Human / Highly express in bladder, lung, liver, breast, ovary, prostate and colorectal cancer cells / Functions as an oncogene; controls IGF2 expression in cis / [28]
HIF1A-AS1 and 2 / Human / Highly express in renal and kidney cancer cells / Regulates cell proliferation and apoptosis / [29]
HNF1A-AS1 / Human /

Highly express in lung and oesophageal adenocarcinoma cells

/ Regulates proliferation and metastasis / [30]
HOTAIR/HOXAS / Human / Highly express in breast cancer / Interacts with PRC2 and regulates chromatin state / [31]
HULC / Human / Highly express in liver and gastric cancer cells /

Regulates cell proliferation, apoptosis and tumor metastasis

/ [32]
KCNQ1OT1/LIT1 / Human / Highly express in ovarian and colorectal cancers / Functions as an oncogene; interacts with histone methyltransferase G9a and PRC2, leading to gene silencing / [29]
KRAS1P / Human / Highly express in prostate, and hepatocellular cancer cells / Function as a proto-oncogene / [33]
LncRNA-LALR1 / Human / Highly express in hepatocellular and liver carcinoma / Promotes cell cycle progression and accelerates hepatocyte proliferation during liver regeneration by activating Wnt/β-catenin signaling. / [34]
LincRNA-p21/ Trp53cor1 / Human / Down-regulated in colorectal and lung cancer cells / Functions as a direct transcriptional target of p53 and to mediate p53-dependent apoptosis; regulates mRNA translation and protein stability / [13, 35, 36]
Loc554202 / Human / Highly express in breast cancer / Regulates proliferation and migration in breast cancer cells. / [37]
LSINCT5 / Human / Highly express in breast and ovarian cancer cells / Affects cell proliferation. / [38]
MALAT1/HCN / Human / Highly express in breast cancer, hepatocellular, pancreatic and gastric cancer cells / Regulates the expression of metastasis associated genes and regulates cell motility / [39, 40]
MALAT2 / Human / Highly express in gastric cancer / Regulates cell metastasis / [41]
MEG3/GTL2 / Human / Down-regulated in bladder, gastric,lung, glioma, hepatocellular and prostate cancer cells / Functions as a tumor suppressor; stimulate p53-mediated transactivation and suppress tumor growth in the absence of p53 / [42]
MIAT/RNCR2/GOMAFU / Human / Highly express in colon, kidney, lung and breast cancer cells / Functions as an oncogene; binds to splicing factors such as SF1 / [19]
MINA/ROX/MDIG / Human / Highly express in gastric carcinoma, esophageal squamous cell carcinoma, and lung cancer cells / Regulates chromatin H3K9me3 and influences the heterochromatin structure / [19]
MIR17HG/MIHG1 / Human / Highly express in breast, gastric and lung cancer cells / Controls cell survival, proliferation, differentiation, and angiogenesis. / [43]
MIR31HG / Human / Down-regulated in prostate cancer / regulates p16

Regulates p16INK4Aexpression to modulate senescence

/ [44]
PANDAR / Human / Down-regulated in NSCLC tissues / Acts in response to DNA damage to limit apoptosis / [45]
PCAT1 / Human / Highly express in prostate tumor tissues / Regulates BRCA2 and controls homologous recombination / [46]
PCGEM1 / Human / Highly express in prostate cancer / Regulates cell proliferation and apoptosis; promotes colony formation / [47]
PINC / Mouse / Highly express in breast cancer / Associates with PRC2; regulates cell survival and cell cycle progression in breast cancer / [48]
PTENP1 / Human / Highly express in hepatocellular carcinoma / Suppresses the oncogenic PI3K/AKT pathway, inhibits cell proliferation, migration/invasion as well as induces autophagy and apoptosis / [49]
PVT1 / Human / Highly express in lung cancer / Controls levels of MYC through regulation of MYC protein stability / [50, 51]
RRP1B / Human / No available information / A tumor progression and metastasis susceptibility candidate gene, it is potentially a dynamic modulator of transcription and chromatin structure / [52]
SRA1 / Human / Highly express in breast and prostate cancer cells / Co-activator of steroid receptors and other transcription factors; associates with metastasis / [53]
SUMO1P3 / Human /

Highly express in gastric cancer

/ Controls cell differentiation, metastasis and invasion / [54]
TARID / Human / Down-regulated in head and neck, lung and ovarian cancer cells / TARID directs demethylation and activates the tumor suppressor TCF21 via GADD45A / [55]
TERRA / Mouse / Down-regulated in breast and prostate cancer cells / Facilitates telomeric heterochromatin formation and inhibits telomerase by direct binding / [56]
TUSC8 / Human / Down-regulated in cervical cancer / Promotes cell proliferation through upregulation of c-Myc in cervical cancer / [57]
UCA1 / Human / Highly express in bladder and gastric cancer cells / Regulates cell growth and promotes invasion / [58]
WRAP53 / Human / Highly express in osteosarcoma, lung, colon and breast cancer cells / Regulates p53 mRNA stability and impacts transcription of p53 target genes / [59]
XIST or SXI1 / Human / XIST expression is lost in female breast, ovarian, and cervical cancer cells / Triggers chromatin instability and promotes caner development / [19]
YIYA / Human / Highly express in liver, esophageal, ovary and breast cancer cells / Regulates cell cycle progression at the G1/S transition / [60]
ZNFX1-AS1 / Human / Down-regulated in breast, liver, lung, kidney cancer cells / A putative tumor suppressor; regulates mammary development / [61]