Name of the tool / Flipboard
URL / https://flipboard.com
What is it? / Flipboard is magazine-format application software for Android, Windows 8, Blackberry 10 and IOS operating systems. The software collects content from social media and other websites, presents it in magazine format, and allows users to "flip" through their social-networking feeds and feeds from websites that have partnered with the company.
How to? / ·  Click the link and you’ll enter the website/

·  Download the app for Andriod,Windows 8,IOS or Blackberry.
·  After downloading the application, swipe through the first screen and log in . You can do so with a Facebook or Twitter account if you don’t want to register from the begining.
·  Start subsribing to the topics you are interested in.
Links, articles, resources, sample URLs
Classroom uses- sample URLs / ·  Link on how to get started with Flipboard
·  https://flipboard.com/tutorials/#get-started-flipboard
·  15 cool ways to use Flipboard.
·  http://coolcatteacher.blogspot.com.tr/2011/04/15-fantastic-ways-to-use-flipboard.html
·  5 ways to use Flipboard in the Classroom
·  http://www.teachthought.com/literacy-2/digital-media-literacy-5-tips-for-using-flipboard-in-the-classroom/
·  There is also an app for this. It is compatible with Andriod/ IOS platforms
·  Flipboard can also be used as a “ bookmarking” tool
·  https://share.flipboard.com
·  Current Events-Can be used to keep up with current events.
·  Class Syllabus-Teachers can use it to create a class syllabus. Teachers can make their syllabus available in a magazine, in which they could include articles for students to read and comment on.
·  Class Projects- Teachers can ask their students to create a class-project magazine. The students could be assigned to compile images, editorials, and YouTube videos around a specific subject matter they’re studying. For example, for Book 2 level 1 Unit 1 on “ The psychology of Happiness”, students could be assigned a group project on “The meaning of happiness”
·  Resource Guide for students-Teachers could use this by complying education material to create a resource guide for the students. Conversly, students could compile material from the unit to create a guide.