Thank you for participating in this short multiple-choice quiz. By doing so, you are helping the JCCC Center for Sustainability to gauge how much our students know about sustainability. Getting an honest and accurate measure of students’ current sustainability knowledge is important in order to provide programs and curriculum that will be interesting and useful to you and our campus.

For your participation, you will be entered into a drawing for a chance to win one of several $25 CavCards for use at the JCCC Bookstore, Dining Services, or Business Office.

Please DO NOT look up answers to the quiz questions on the internet; this will harm our survey results. Your responses will remain completely anonymous and there is no grade or rating given to you, even if you don’t know any of the answers. You will receive a follow-up email, however, with the correct answers and explanations in case you are curious.

  1. Which of the following best defines sustainability?
  1. Balancing the goals of our human systems with the capacity of natural systems to support them.
  2. Meeting the needs of the present without compromising the needs of future generations.
  3. Saving the environment.
  4. Making the world a better place for future generations.
  5. I don’t know.
  1. Which of the following is a sustainability issue? Choose all that apply
  1. Poverty
  2. Energy
  3. Food
  4. Jobs
  5. I don’t know
  1. Americans account for about 5 percent of the world’s population and
  1. About 40 percent of the world’s energy consumption
  2. About 20 percent of the world’s energy consumption
  3. About 10 percent of the world’s energy consumption
  4. I don’t know
  1. What is the primary source of electricity generation in the U.S.?
  1. Solar
  2. Nuclear
  3. Natural Gas
  4. Coal
  5. I don’t know
  1. Carbon monoxide is a major contributor to air pollution in the U.S. Which of the following is the biggest source of carbon monoxide?
  1. Factories
  2. Confined animal feeding operations
  3. Motor vehicles
  4. Trees
  5. I don’t know
  1. Which of the following is a primary reason that gasoline prices have risen over the last several decades in the U.S.?
  1. Growing percentage of gas stations owned by large corporations.
  2. Increasing oil discoveries overseas
  3. Higher rates of state and federal gasoline tax
  4. Increasing global demand for oil
  5. I don’t know
  1. How much total waste doAmericans send to landfills per year?
  1. 250,000,000 tons
  2. 150,000,000 tons
  3. 75,000,000 tons
  4. 25,000,000 tons
  5. I don’t know
  1. True or False: Food waste is not a problem as long as it is composted.
  1. True
  2. False
  3. I don’t know
  1. Which of the following contribute to climate change? Choose all that apply:
  1. Burning of fossil fuels.
  2. Deforestation.
  3. Large scale livestock operations.
  4. None. Climate change is a hoax.
  5. I don’t know.
  1. Which of the following are predicted effects of climate change? Choose all that apply:
  1. Extreme weather events
  2. Scarcity of fresh drinking water
  3. Expansion of the hole in the ozone layer
  4. Interference with food systems
  5. Species extinction
  6. More mild seasons
  7. I don’t know
  1. Which of the following are affected by global population levels? Choose all that apply:
  1. Energy consumption
  2. Unemployment levels
  3. Competition for resources
  4. Gravity
  5. Volcanic activity
  6. I don’t know
  1. Which of the following individual items could have the greatest positive impact on sustainability?
  1. Urban redesign
  2. Electric cars
  3. Organic food
  4. Reusable shopping bags

E Renewable energy

  1. True or False: the mining and extraction of coal results in all of the following: habitat destruction, water pollution, human health problems, and displacement of homeowners?
  1. True
  2. False
  3. I don’t know
  1. The following are effects of the current U.S. food system? Choose all that apply:
  1. Increase in crop diversity
  2. Soil erosion
  3. Lower food prices
  4. Poor nutrition
  5. All of the above
  6. I don’t know
  1. What is the most common cause of pollution of streams, rivers and oceans?
  1. Waste dumped from factories
  2. Trash washed into the ocean from beaches
  3. Surface water running off yards, streets, pavement and farm fields
  4. Illegal dumping of garbage
  5. I don’t know
  1. Pollution emitted by Company X can cause:

A.Prices to be lower than they otherwise would be for Company X's products

B.Increased health care costs for people outside of Company X

C.Decreased production for other companies

D.All of the above

E.None of the above

  1. Which of the following governmental policy decisions directly affect sustainability?
  1. Subsidies
  2. Import/export tariffs
  3. Labor regulation
  4. Taking no action
  5. All of the above
  6. None of the above
  1. What is life-cycle assessment?
  1. A new advance in the medical field
  2. Considering the impacts associated with all stages of a product’s life, from resource extraction to usage to disposal
  3. Reviewing an organism’s existence from birth to death
  4. I don’t know
  1. Which of the following informed your answers for this survey? Choose all that apply.
  1. A class at JCCC.
  2. Television.
  3. I guessed.
  4. Books or articles.
  5. Friends and/or family.
  6. Other: