Please pray for our Cornerstone Team July 2015

·  Ever-increasing intimacy with God

·  Vision, Open doors, Wisdom, Peace – Fruitful service

·  Favor with authorities, Unity with co-workers & Good friends

·  Physical & Financial well–being for them & their families

Dave & Jennifer Cook , Family Life Div. of CRU

·  Pray for Art of Marriage leaders in Milwaukee – us at staff conf.

·  That Believers excel in speaking truth in love

·  Servants hearts on our short-term mission trip to Honduras 7/25-8/1

Matt & Estee George – On staff with CRU – East Asia

·  Pray for the mission trip we are helping lead on July 20-Aug 3.

·  Pray students grow in their ability to share the gospel cross-culturally and have a heart to be life-time laborers for the Lord

Lisa Kalenberg – Leading the Trafficking/Women’s Dept. of Because Justice Matters in San Francisco & Directing the women’s cntr, The Well

·  Grace as they meet in alternate locations due to extensive damage to the property resulting from a neighbors flooded bath room

·  Pray God would raise up needed staff & finances to meet our needs

Valeriy & Luba Lysytsya - Sister Church in Talnoe, Ukraine

·  The well-being of our nation

·  Wisdom for people to turn to Christ, the Answer

Spencer & Michelle Mattson – Students Int’l In Nicaragua

·  Pray Spanish, understanding & speaking, will come easily for us all

·  Pray for relationships/friendships will develop for our family

Jordan & Aubrey Monson – The Seed Co. – a branch of Wycliffe preparing for work in Sao Tome, Principe & Angola, Africa

·  PTL, Everett Matthew joined the team & Aubrey is a full-time mom!

·  PTL, Jordan passed difficult exams the 1st time (only 2 attempts allowed) & got his Master’s in Biblical Exegesis at Wheaton

·  Pray-Jordan in full-time linguistics training June–Aug. at Grand Forks

Paul Rivas – S.A.Mission- Santa Cruz Learning Center in Bolivia

·  A number of teams are booked to go to remote areas of the country

·  Pray for safety and fruitful ministry for each of them and us

Steven & Britta Skalman - CRU directors in Fargo, Moorhead area

·  PTL, we are pregnant, expecting in January!

·  Pray for cont’d energy this summer for family time and ministry

Gina Teodorescu – With CRU living in Bucharest, Romania leading The Significant Woman conferences - coaching women in sharing their faith and building women’s movements

·  PTL for God’s work in the Gypsies in Craiova, & the new church

·  Fruitful women seminars in the Romanian churches in the US in July

Kyle & Matilda Tromanhauser & sons, Kyle Jr. & Konner– Missionary/Church Planters in Munich whose vision is to establish a multi-ethnic, inter-cultural, and economically diverse English-speaking church among the Int’l. “Global Citizens”

·  God would bring 120 people to join their Prayer First team

·  Pray they will raise funds in time to be there when school starts

·  God by the Holy Spirit would build a diverse ministry team

Rachel Waldstein – Calcutta, India – working with street kids, men and women –

·  Pray for Spiritual, and physical strength for Rachel

·  For Muslem VBS kids no longer allowed to come to the center

·  PTL for Ajay our spiritual director, wife Merry & new baby! Pray strength and protection for them, experiencing spiritual attacks &trials

2015 Cornerstone Mission Trips

·  High School - July 24-31, with Mattsons in Nicaragua

·  Pray God will prepare those going on these mission trips

·  Pray for receptive blessed hearts for all wherever they serve

“The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; pray therefore the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest. Mt 9:37b,38

“So shall my Word be that goes forth from My mouth; It shall not return to Me void, but it shall accomplish what I please. IS. 55:11

“For the Lord God is a sun and shield, he bestows favor and honor. No good thing does the Lord withhold from those who walk uprightly, O Lord of Host, blessed is the man who trusts in Thee” PS. 84:11.12