
Agent Accreditation Forums

2nd October 2012


Can checklist be completed on-line? Yes, save the document from our website and add to portal submissions through additional documents.

Which applications start to count towards accreditation? Any application submitted from date signed up.

The scheme may imply that the architects work as a whole is of good quality when this may not be the case. Accreditation is purely for registration and not reflective of the agents ability to design or present a high-quality scheme. Wording on documentation amended before publicised on website to ensure not misleading.

What distinction is made between additional information (asked for by the officer) and when its considered to be invalid? and could additional info count towards a “yellow card”? Only items stated within the checklist will result in a yellow card and would have been clearly required when submission made. Inaccuracy would also be a yellow card reason.

Will accreditation apply on an individual basis or to a company as a whole? Both are possible but if on an individual basis the accredited person’s name would need to be on the application form along with the company name.

Will the company logo be shown on the CBC website? Yes if you want it to be.

Validation requirements is a countywide checklist, is there a possibility it could be a county wide accreditation scheme? We meet regularly with all other County wide authorities and we will raise the issue.

Is Charnwood the first Authority to carry this out? No Melton had a fast track scheme and other authorities are known to do similar schemes but mainly for householder developments only.

Could 3 “fence” applications be submitted just to get accredited? Yes but to retain accreditation all apps have to be consistent, yellow then red card system operates.

Regarding the fast track- what difference will this actually make?

CBC make it clear that the application will be registered in days 1-3 because the agent is accredited. Obviously normal time constraints will apply after this for example if the application needs to be in the advertised in the local newspaper

However invalid files take additional time as the agent needs to be contacted, need to await reply to see if it can then be validated, in some cases there can still be items outstanding and further correspondence can be required, so invalidation can result in a couple of weeks delay or even more.

Do Charnwood have adequate staffing levels to meet 3 day guarantee? Yes this will not be a problem because only booking in and identifying consultees.

It is suggested that agents double check plans and docs thoroughly before sending, to check for errors ie windows showing on all copies of the elevations. This will prevent the file being invalidated and result in decision being made quicker.

Applications can be invalidate right up to the decision date.

Information provided by Charnwood

PD records – How far back? The constraints go back to 1947, records on planning explorer to 1974 (searchable to 1990 without ref number) If any constraint appears and can not access decision notice on-line send in a request.

List of constraints – could they be available free via e-mail? Currently provided with pre-app advice except householder pre-apps. These incur a charge. Could look at such a service but may need to charge especially since all information available on web site and it would take time to input site details and produce response.

If constraints and history are provided by Charnwood and something is missing that would result in the application being invalidated- would it affect the agent accreditation scheme? As long as the date the information was provided was noted on checklist, then it will not affect the accreditation scheme.

CBC’s electronic map information (imap) matches the EA Flood Mapping

Information required with applications

Checklist can be uploaded and submitted along with the plans in the planning portal

Checklist has a check box regarding scaling from the drawing for planning purposes, if agents could fill this in or put on drawings that they may be scaled from for planning purposes only it would be helpful. This is a requirement because of issues in an enforcement case.

The application form can be submitted on the planning portal and all other information via email or paper.

A3 drawings are preferred but other paper sizes are acceptable need specifying on document and pdf to paper size.

When sending drawings, it would be helpful if pdf’s could be labelled as you would want it to be shown on website ie. Plan 1d – Existing elevations, as otherwise every plan needs to be opened and have the file name re-labelled.

Would an application be rejected if it does not have north on the plan? Site location plan should show north, if provided on same sheet as site layout plan this would be sufficient.

Are existing plans required if replacement dwelling. It would be useful to judge old against new, but site plan and photos would be acceptable.

Paper reports are scanned therefore bound copies have to be broken down.

Black and white copies are preferable, a copy on cd is helpful, but needs to be unprotected so we can “split document if required for uploading.

Emails should be no greater than 5mb otherwise they get stopped by our firewall. Prefer file sizes to be no greater than 2MB

Any large plan document should be of a low resolution.

NOTE only require 1 hard copy of drawings if submitting paper (none when submitting electronically) despite what the national application forms states.

What are requirements for dimensions on plans? External height, width and length measurements and distance to boundaries. These arise from our electronic consultation process and the necessity for people to accurately see how the proposal may affect them whilst viewing it online.

Is a full section 106 agreement needed at registration stage? No, only a draft heads of terms required but detail of the legal representatives would be useful.

Bio diversity surveys/reports – bat survey - A common sense approach has been adopted. A judgement is required as to whether one will be necessary. Not always required for works to trees or alterations to roofs etc. take into account whether any previous activity has been recorded. It was suggested that pre-app advice would perhaps be the best approach. This was agreed to be best approach. If not clear that survey required would not count against accreditation.

Other issues

Would a partial rebate of pre-app advice fee be possible if a planning application is submitted? “Blaby reduce planning fee if you make a pre-application- £50.00 for pre-application advice, application fee is then £125.00 also believes Hinckley do it as well although this might not apply to majors”

This will be considered as part of review of fees on pre app advice but may not be legally possible or considered appropriate. Charnwood however do not charge for pre-application advice for householders.

Might as well not submit pre-app. If full app not decided in 13 weeks should pre-app fee be refunded? This could be considered but delays in decision not always Charnwood fault.

Agents were in agreement that they were not keen on any of the logo presented.

The preference expressed was for the normal Charnwood logo and strap-line with the words Accredited Planning Agent. We have changed the Logo which is agreed looks cleaner and professional.

Clients have asked about the availability of online or telephone payments? Telephone payments can be handled by the Building Control Staff, but on 1st November it will be a facility available within Development Control. This is now Working Telephone 01509 634987

If the client pays, the agent does not get a copy of the receipt, could this be provided? Planning do not issue a receipt unless it is requested, as the fee does not include VAT and the applicant details are not always known. If a request for a receipt is made it will be provided, and it will always be emailed in preference to posted where email addresses are given.

Is it possible for the applicant to receive a copy of the invalid letter? These are all posted on web site. We only send to agent.

In the main believes pre-application is a great idea, but was not impressed that after several meetings and consequent revisions that the subsequent application was refused.

How do Agents feel about the Planning service received from Charnwood Borough Council?

i)  Harborough are better – (didn’t quantify why)

ii)  Happy with Charnwood, website far better and PD form excellent

iii)  Same Countrywide

How could Charnwood improve? Tell agents decision, before advising applicant. Explained agent always emailed decision first, but as soon as decision is made it will appear on the website, and if the applicant is avidly checking the website and see it before the agent reads their email, then the applicant will see it first.

Agent feels it is his job to interpret client’s wants and needs and create a design that then meets planner’s requirements. Problems that can occur include: a) Sometimes planners draw a sketch that is not practical design to build; b) Client sometimes talking to planners direct – suddenly know everything about planning and misinterpret what it actually is the planners want to amend. Planning is a very open process, so subsequently the applicant can review correspondence quickly and easily on the website.

It would be useful to have a “report a fault” button on the web-site for when a document is shown under the wrong reference or wrong address, rather than having to ring/email, equally as for when a document won’t open. This is a possible enhancement to website that needs to be considered.

Would it be possible to open all items in a new window as when viewing on planning explorer if you hit the cross instead of the back arrow you get thrown all the way back to the beginning, having plans open in a new window would be most helpful. This is a possible enhancement to website that needs to be considered.

Charnwoods PD form is the best in the county however it does not reference clearly about Lawful Development. It was show on screen that it is referenced under the disclaimer- with relevant links to the website. Document was designed to be 1 double sided sheet of A4. Felt it should be in plain English and displayed more obviously.