/ Assignment Brief / 2013-2014
Comparison exercise exploring theory and empirical evidence and relating this to a practical critical incidents in cross-cultural settings . / This assignment is worth30%of the overall unit mark
Scenario “GeekChic”
You work for an international company, which provides management advice to a number of multinational organisations, such as Al Jazeera, Google, Figlo and a new App developing company called GeekChic. Your company has been invited to tender for a contract to deliver cross-cultural training to this major new clientGeekChic. The client is expanding its international activities and needs to send a manager from a country selected by you from Table 1 (see below) to Paris, France for a 2-year assignment.
The manager to be transferred is female and in her mid-thirties. She joined the company four years ago and has performed exceptionally well, earning two promotions in that period. Company evaluations (which you have been permitted to read) indicate that she has the right skills-set and that she would be an ideal candidate for this assignment. However, no formal training has been carried out, and this would be her first international work assignment. Your company has been invited by the client to deliver a cross-cultural briefingreport to this new manager from GeekChic. The report should include the following sections:
Section A (25%)
  1. a brief introduction of the aim of the report on behalf of GeekChic(I.e. NOT your class at Middlesex University)
  2. a brief overview of macro-level facts of Paris, France (e.g., climate, currency, GDP, etc.)
  3. a brief value description of the country of France based on Hofstede’s work, using a country from Table 1 as a benchmark. You could also include a graph as shown in class.
Section B (45%)
  1. an analysis of the business and management culture in France, with reference, where appropriate, to a country selected from Table 1 below, integrating appropriate cross-cultural theory and evaluating the challenges the manager is likely to face in France using the materials from class. For example: “As a manager about to move to France, it is useful to be aware that decision making is based on XXXX theory, unlike the decision making process in Saudi Arabia, with which you are more familiar (Bloggs, 2013).”
Your subheadings must relate to seminar topics (but don’t use these as titles):
  • Values & globalization
  • Decision Making
  • Negotiation & Communication
  • Leadership & Cultural Intelligence
Section C (15%)
  1. a conclusion and three key points of advice
Professional delivery Max word count 2000. Over or under 10% allowed. More than that, you are subject to the critique that you cannot focus (over) or read to little (under) and this will affect your grade.Ensure you do a grammar & spell check, use a professional lay out with subheadings, include an accurate reference list incl. at least 5 articles from the reading list.(15%)
You may choose any country from Table 1 below to compare to France. Information about these countries can be found via Summon, Google Scholar and the internet. Of course the more ‘culturally different’ from France, the more interesting information you have to write about.
If you’ve chosen a country of your own nationality, you can use your own anecdotes as examples provided that you found academic evidence first. For example, if you chose Lebanon, you may want to make a statement about the different religions because you know what it’s like to live in Beirut, but you must find academic/reliable evidence for this too. Beware of stereotyping, nonsense advice such as “In France people only wear blue clothes (Mr Nobody, 2013)”, etc.
Table 1
Saudi Arabia
The Netherlands
United Kingdom
United States
Hong Kong
Marking Criteria
Evidence that you have systematically researched the assignment and covered required areas to the expected standard. Comprehensiveness (breadth and depth) of information. Evidence that you have understood key issues and been able to effectively integrate theory and practice. Relevance and balance of contents. Integration and coherence of component parts. Evidence of effective use of a range of relevant resources. Coherence, synthesis and integration of contents. Creativity and innovation.Further information on the assignment and marking criteria are provided in the Module Handbook, will be given periodically in class and via MyUniHub.
Online via Turn It In. Week 11, Friday 20th of December, 2013, 9pm. Feedback is provided within 15 working days but for this course work, feedback is given after Christmas.