Name: ______Date: ______

Class: ____

America Debates Involvement

World War II: Topic 6, Lesson 2

Answer the following questions from your textbook, USING COMPLETE SENTENCES.

pp. 368 – 376

1.What action did Germany take in the Spring of 1939 that made France and Britain

realize that appeasement would not work? (p. 369, ¶ 3)




2.How did Adolf Hitler deal with the threat from the Soviet Union? (p. 370, ¶ 2)




3.What happened to Poland in September of 1939? (p. 370, ¶ 3 & 5)

September 1: ______


September 17: ______


4.List the three major Axis Powers and 5 major Allied Powers (no sentence necessary).

(p. 370, ¶ 3)

Axis PowersAllied Powers






5.What was the Phony War? (p. 370, ¶ 4)




6.What was the Maginot Line? (p. 371, ¶ 1)




7.Describe the “Miracle” of Dunkirk? (p. 371, ¶ 2-3)





8.Define (no sentence necessary):

Blitzkrieg: ______


Luftwaffe: ______


Operation Sea Lion: ______


9.What famous American spoke out on the side of isolationism? (p. 373, R, ¶ 1)




10.What was unique about the Selective Service and Training Act of 1940? (notes)




11.What was the Blitz? (p. 372, ¶ 1)




12.What did FDR mean when he referred to the U.S. as the “Arsenal of Democracy?”

(p. 375, L)




13.Look at the chart on page 375. How much money in Lend-Lease equipment was given

to the Soviet Union and Great Britain? (no sentence necessary)


Why did the U.S. give more money to Britain than to the Soviet Union?




14.What was the result of the Atlantic Charter? (p. 375, R, ¶ 2)




15.Describe what is happening in the picture on the lower left of page 372?


