Project Adventure


By Chuck Saufler and Linda Hanson

Innovative Program

Project CLIMBERS is an innovative program which combines an interdisciplinary, cooperative, student centered approach to teaching. Project CLIMBERS is a hands-on learning experience offered to all students in grades K-4 through the combined efforts of guidance and physical education.


Project CLIMBERS' basic premise is that good social skills are necessary for success in today's world. Project CLIMBERS provides students with the skills necessary for becoming productive members of their school and community.

The acronym "CLIMBERS" was chosen to represent specific behaviors and attitudes which are emphasized:

Cooperation, Leadership, Initiative, Motivation, Belief in Yourself, Encouragement, Respect, Success.

The children learn cooperative interpersonal skills while engaged in activities that are exciting and fun. Project CLIMBERS activities provide opportunities for students to practice important social skills and problem solving strategies in a supportive environment.

Integrated Curricula

The challenges of Project CLIMBERS reinforce the curriculum areas of classroom guidance, health and physical education. Challenges focus on consequences of actions, personal safety, components of positive relationships, responsibility, fair play, tolerance of differences, cooperation, empathy, peer pressure and refusal skills through an array of games and learning experiences which comprise Project CLIMBERS.

Sequential Learning

Project CLIMBERS problem solving activities are sequenced so that each year builds upon the previous year's successes. This provides students with the cumulative effect of improved self image, greater self confidence and raised aspirations.

Through a facilitated group process children cognitively evaluate the components of success, trust and competence with real life experiences. This promotes the transference of the learned competencies back to community, family and school situations.

Guiding Principles

The guiding principles of Project CLIMBERS are presented in the Full Value Contract. The following commitments are the basis of the Full Value Contract:

Be Here.Be present physically, mentally and emotionally.

Be Safe.Create a level of physical and emotional safety so that people are able to relax and feel comfortable.

Speak the truth.Share your thoughts openly and honestly.

Pay Attention.Listen to what others say and focus on their ideas. Minimize distractions.

Be Willing to Try New Things.Try not to prejudge an activity or situation. Recognize your preconceived ideas about what you will learn or experience.

At the primary level this translates to Try Hard, Play Safe, Be Fair.
