CMI External Assessment Marking Sheet: Unit 5013V1 – Leadership practice

Learner Name: / Learner Number: / Centre:
Date: / Part of Batch: / Qualification:
CMI Marker’s Result: Passed / Referred / CMI Lead Moderator’s Result: Passed / Referred
This unit is about being able to define and show an appreciation for key leadership principles in setting and communicating organisational direction, and the application of leadership styles in the achievement of organisational objectives. It is also about being able to differentiate between the leadership and management aspects of a job role and show an understanding of how these are integrated to enable effective performance.
Learning Outcomes
The Learner will:-
1.  Understand the links and differences between management and leadership
2.  Understand leadership principles that support organisational values
3.  Understand and apply leadership styles to achieve organisational objectives
Task 1 / Assessment Criteria / Pass/Refer / Comments
Discuss the key differences between leadership and management. Taking two of these from each list, provide practical examples of effective leadership in action and, effective management in action in the running of a department. Discuss why it is important for those with management responsibilities to be able to use both leadership and management skills effectively. Identify some of the behavioural and skills challenges raised by this concept.
Evaluate the differing demands of leadership and management and discuss two working examples of occasions when managers have to strike a balance between these demands in order to work effectively. Where possible, use work based examples throughout.
Guideline word count: 900 - 1,100 words / A.C. 1.1 - Discuss the concept of managers as effective leaders
A.C. 1.2 - Discuss the concept of leaders as effective managers
A.C. 1.3 - Evaluate the balance needed between the demands of management and the demands of leadership
Task 2 / Assessment Criteria / Pass/Refer / Comments
Analyse what the role of a leader should be in the creation and communication of an organisation’s vision. Use both an external and a work based example to provide an illustration of where principle has worked well, and where it has not worked so well. Highlight the positive and negative points and suggest reasons for successes and shortcomings.
Guideline word count: 350 - 400 words / A.C. 2.1 - Analyse the role of the leader in contributing to the creation of the organisation’s vision, and in its communication to others

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Task 3 / Assessment Criteria / Pass/Refer / Comments
Evaluate how empowerment, trust and ethical leadership impact in a work context. Provide one negative and one positive practical example of the impact these have on organisational practices.
Guideline word count: 350 - 400 words / A.C. 2.3 - Evaluate how empowerment and trust through ethical leadership impacts on organisational practice

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Task 4 / Assessment Criteria / Pass/Refer / Comments
Using at least two (relevant) different theories, make the distinction between two leadership styles, highlighting the key differences between them. Provide an interpretation of two contrasting working situations and in each case select which of the leadership styles you have previously described might be the best choice for the manager to use in order to try and achieve a successful outcome for the organisation. Evaluate the reasons for your choice, highlighting the practical values of the styles you have selected.
Again, by means of two practical examples, one external and one work based, evaluate the impact an individual’s personal energy, self-belief and commitment can have on their leadership style. Highlight both the positive benefits and the disadvantages of these factors in each of the examples used.
Guideline word count: 900 - 1,100 words / A.C. 2.2 - Evaluate how personal energy, self-belief and commitment impact on leadership styles
A.C. 3.1 - Distinguish between two different leadership styles
A.C. 3.2 - Evaluate the practical value of a leadership style to a manager in achieving organisational objectives
A.C. 3.3 - Interpret how situational variables influence the choice of leadership style
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CMI Lead Moderator’s Feedback:

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