The Solar wind is 428 km/sec and there are 8 Sunspot clusters on the surface today. Sunspot AR1897 has evolved into a sprawling archipelago of magnetic islands with more than a dozen dark cores scattered across 350,000 km of solar "terrain." This complex region has a 'beta-gamma' magnetic field that harbors energy for strong M-class solar flares, and it is directly facing Earth:

Reports of naked-eye sightings of Comet ISON are coming in from around the world. Experienced observers put the comet's magnitude at +5.5 on Nov. 16th. This means it is now fully 10 times brighter than it was only three days ago before the outburst. To the naked eye, ISON appears as a faint smudge of pale green light low in the pre-dawn sky. The view through a telescope is more dramatic. The comet's tail has become a riotous crowd of gaseous streamers stretching more than 3.5 degrees across the sky.

Bengahzi was a Botched October Surprise

It’s even worse than we previously thought. A retired four-star admiral is now claiming that Barack Obama intentionally conspired with America’s enemies to stage a bogus attack and the kidnapping of an American ambassador so he could “negotiate” the release of a “hostage” and bolster his mediocre approval ratings just prior to the election?

The Washington Examiner, quoting retired Four-Star Admiral James Lyons, writes: “the attack on the American Consulate in Benghazi… was the result of a bungled abduction attempt…. the first stage of an international prisoner exchange… that would have ensured the release of Omar Abdel Rahman, the ‘Blind Sheik’…”

But something went horribly wrong with Obama’s “October Surprise.” Although it appears to everyone, including Congressional investigators, that the Obama Administration intentionally gutted security at the consulate prior to the staged kidnapping, former Navy SEALs Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty disobeyed direct orders to stand down, saved American lives, single-handedly killed scores of attackers. However, the attackers, believing that the Obama had betrayed the secret plan for the prisoner trade, tortured Ambassador Chris Stevens and dragged his body through the streets. After all, they were quire surprised that someone was in fact shooting back.

The attackers also knew where everything was located, including the diesel fuel, the gate keys, and the safe room inside the compound. They knew there would not be a single armed person inside that compound. Some of the attackers brought their own cell phones, so they could film the event and send it to their friends.

US Employment as low as in 1978

The percentage of American civilians 16 or older who have a job or are actively seeking one dropped to a 35-year low in October, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. In September, the labor force participation rate was 63.2 percent, but in October it dropped to 62.8 percent—the lowest it has been since February 1978, when Jimmy Carter was president. The labor force, according to BLS, is that part of the civilian noninstitutional population that either has a job or has actively sought one in the last four weeks. The civilian noninstitutional population consists of people 16 or older, who are not on active-duty in the military or in an institution. At no time during the presidencies of Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton or George W. Bush, did such a small percentage of the civilian non-institutional population either hold a job or at least actively seek one. The BLS has been calculating the national labor force participation rate since 1948. From that year until 2000, when labor force participation peaked at 67.3 percent, the percentage of the civilian noninstitutional population that either held a job or was seeking one generally was on the rise. Since 2000, the percentage has been trending down. When President Barack Obama took office in January 2009, the labor force participation rate was 65.7 percent. By the beginning of 2013, the start of Obama’s second term, it had dropped to 63.6 percent. Since this January, it has continued to decline, hitting a 35-year low of 62.8 percent in October. When someone drops out of the labor force and ceases to actively seek a job, they are no longer counted as “unemployed.” The BLS counts as “unemployed” only those who have actively sought a job in the last four weeks. The unemployment rate is the percentage of people in the labor force who did not have a job in the last four weeks but were actively seeking one. People in the civilian noninstitutional population who did not have a job and did not actively seek one in the last four weeks are considered “not in the labor force.” The number of Americans not in the labor force has climbed by 11,034,000 since Obama took office, rising from 80,507,000 in January 2009 to 91,541,000 in October. Despite the 11,034,000 who have dropped out of the labor force since Obama took office, the national unemployment rate has remained at a relatively high level. In January 2009, it was 7.8 percent. Since then, it has never dropped below 7.2 percent, the level it hit this September before rising to 7.3 percent this October. October was the 59th straight month of 7-percent-plus unemployment in the United States.

Comet Ison is Going to Surprise Almost Everyone

Get ready for a stellar show. The much-anticipated Comet ISON is now visible to the naked eye according to reports from many observers.

Comet ISON — the potential "comet of the century" — has suddenly brightened in an outburst of activity with just two weeks to go before it literally grazes the surface of the sun.

In recent months, Comet ISON has repeatedly befuddled forecasters trying to anticipate just how bright it will ultimately become. But earlier this week, the comet's brightening trend again seemed to sputtering and stalling, but more recent observations suggest a sudden and radical upsurge in brightness.

Comet ISON is now in full outburst mode, becoming many times brighter over just the past few days. Astronomers measure the brightness of objects in the night sky as magnitude, in which the brighter an object is, the lower its magnitude number. The human eye can perceive objects as faint as magnitude +6.5.

According to veteran comet observer, John Bortle, Comet ISON was shining only at magnitude +8.5 on Monday (Nov. 11) morning — more than six times too dim to be visible to the unaided eye. But by Wednesday morning, the comet’s brightness had increased three-fold brightening to +7.3.

In just 72 hours, Comet ISON increased nearly 16 times in brightness.

Carl Hergenrother, acting co-coordinator of the comet section of the Association of Lunar and Planetary Observers, has confirmed Bortle's observations.

"ISON has dramatically brightened over the past few days," Hergenrother told via email. "The latest observations put the comet around magnitude 5.7 to 6.1 which is a 2+ magnitude increase from this weekend. My own observations from this morning in 10x50 and 30x125 binoculars show a nice 'lollipop' comet with a very condensed blue-green head and a long narrow tail. The tail was over 1 degree in length even in the 10x50s. The comet may continue to brighten as the outburst is still in its early stages."

"ISON, while not as large as the full moon, was an impressive sight in the eyepiece," Wilde said. "The coma was compact with a very bright apparent nucleus, very bright green in color. The tail was very thin and bright near the coma and widened slightly as it extended out to almost 3.5 degrees as seen in the 15". It wasn't huge or extraordinarily bright but it was a great view nonetheless. I viewed the coma at up to 490x and it was uniformly dense and bright. There was no indication of the start of any breakup. After finding it with the telescope it was quite easy to pick out the coma with the [binoculars]."

This outburst is not completely unusual since ISON has demonstrated short "spurts" of brightening over the past few weeks, but they were quickly followed by abrupt slow-down in its brightening trend.

So will the current outburst persist until the comet arrives at the sun on Thanksgiving Day (Nov. 28)?

"Whether by chance we have caught the comet at the peak of the outburst is certainly debatable (to me rather improbable) and it may well still brighten further," Bortle said.

"The comet may continue to brighten as the outburst is still in its early stages," Hergenrother said. "Whether this outburst will be a short-lived event or the beginning of a more active phase is still to be seen."

This sudden upsurge in brightness is certainly very good for a comet that until now seemed to be running well behind in brightness predictions. It seems now that we can feel a little more optimistic about this enigmatic object putting on show for us later this month on into early December.

Comet ISON was first discovered by Russian amateur astronomers VitaliNevski and ArtyomNovichonok in September 2012. The comet is officially designated C/2012 S1 (ISON), with ISON standing for International Scientific Optical Network.

The comet is rapidly approaching its Nov. 28 perihelion and as a result it is becoming more and more difficult to observe low near the east-southeast horizon in the dawn sky. Still, observers with access to a clear horizon may be able to follow ISON for about another week.

Next Monday morning (Nov. 18), ISON will be passing close to the bright 1st magnitude star Spica in Virgo. Using the handle of the Big Dipper, sweep an arc to the brilliant orange star Arcturus. Then continue that arc on to Spica. Using binoculars, ISON should still be readily be visible as a fuzzy star with a short tail.

Will it still be visible to the unaided eye? Check it out for yourself!

Solar Pole Shift is Unique in Human Consciousness

NASA is reporting that the sun will do it's cyclic magnetic pole shift very soon (within 3-4 months but some scientists are saying within 1 month). This is a very regular event (every 11 years), so there is nothing to fear here. However, knowing how much solar flares have been affecting us now compared to years and decades past it is only logical to think that we'll definitely feel the solar magnetic pole shift on an emotional and physical level in a greater way than we have before.
It feels like we will be experiencing it very differently due to our increased sensitivity. Not only are we more aware of the Sun and its relation to Earth. We are also able to see it with color instruments up close and in stereo, which has provided people a new image of the Sun in our minds. We see the corona and the activity of magnetic filaments, sunspots, and even solar flares. Our ability to observe and therefor affect the Sun is much enhanced.

Add to that the fact that the entire Solar System is passing through the Galactic Plane, and we have a once in 26 thousand years opportunity. Now add to that the fact that there are 7 billion souls alove on this planet, and we have an event that happens once or twice in the life of a planet. This means that we have a chance to seriously affect the universe; right now.

The Sun's North Pole has already shifted, and now we are waiting for the South Pole to catch up. It could happen this month.

HERCOLUBUS: The Greatest Mystery Of The Modern Era

Saturday, November 16, 2013 14:41

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(Before It's News)

TheFINAL SHIFTFast Approaches

We live in a time when common sense has become quite rare. Likewise, the voice of reason has fled humankind. For these reasons the following essay will be quite difficult for many to understand or believe or imbibe.

If you were running the world during these tumultuous times, and you knew that events were on the horizon which would forever alter the entire planetary civilization, would you use the global mainstream media to tell everyone?
If those earth-shattering events were as unstoppable as they were fateful, would you disseminate this information?

If your answer is “Yes”, what will the 7 billion plus people who reside on Planet Earth do the next day? That is, after you tell them that their world is about to come to an end.
Will they still go to work?
Will they continue to support theConsumer Society?
Will many of them even want to get out of bed again after they hear what is coming?

With this understanding one can better comprehend the many unreasonable and irrational, mindless and foolish, crazy and insane actions taken by theWorld Shadow Government. Obviously they know that their time is up. Accordingly, they have less and less control – by the day – over how things will play out.

Yes, they may have a Plan A, a Plan B, and a Plan C. However, there are many emerging eventualities over which they have far less influence than what they are used to. Their bunkers buried deep underground may not be in the protected areas they once thought. Nor are their off-planet rendezvous sites as safe from solar system calamities as they once believed. Of course their experiments with time travel and interstellar travel, wormholes and parallel universes, blank slate technologyand invisibility cloaking have already proveddisastrous.

Before we continue to address the unfoldment of their master plan, and how it is thwarted at every turn, exactly what is it that the WSG is so concerned about? Does something lurk in the far reaches of the Solar System which has their undivided attention? You be the judge!

The following video may be one of the most revealing you will ever watch.
It also informs as to why there are so many desperate moves being made at the very top;thepervasiveinstitutionalmadnesssomehow becomes fathomable.

***************Hercolubus is coming. — Carlos MuñozFerrada ***************

We are not suggesting that all of the scientific predictions of Carlos MuñozFerrada* are entirely accurate. Prophecies of this nature are rarely perfect. However, what this highly intuitive and gifted astronomer and seismologist has told us cannot be ignored.

*Carlos MuñozFerrada, predicted with extraordinary accuracy numerous earthquakes in South America during the last century. He did this by making direct correlations between specific astronomical phenomena and various catastrophic earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. His most significant prediction regards the “future arrival of a greatComet-Planet”.

For those who did not watch the preceding video, Ferrada calls it aComet-Planetbecause it has the size of a planet, and the speed and elliptical orbit of a comet.

Whether you believe or not what this video portrays is not essential. What matters is that there have been numerous prognostications of this nature over millennia which simply can no longer be ignored in the face of such pervasive and compelling evidence.

What kind of evidence? Before we go there, it’s important to point out that Latin America has produced other gifted visionaries just like Carlos MuñozFerrada. Here are three of those individuals who have independently referred to the future happenings delineated by Carlos Ferrada.

(1) V.M.Rabolu (1926 – 2000) was born in Tolima, Colombia.

“In 1998 he wrote “Hercolubus or Red Planet”. Based on his direct and conscious experience, V.M.Rabolu describes the terrible events that will happen on our planet in the short term and explains the path that the human being can follow in order to achieve a deep transformation.”

“Hercolubus, a planet so called by the sages of antiquity, is approaching our Solar System and is the cause of great concern for those who know about such cosmic phenomena. In our former encounter, Hercolubus put an end to the Atlantean civilization. These facts are duly related through all the “Universal Floods” of different religions and cultures.”

“The consequence of the very close proximity of Hercolubus will be upheaval in all corners of our planet.”
– “Hercolubus or Red planet” by V. M. Rabolu; Diana’s Pub (October 1, 2002)

(2) BenjamínSolariParravicini (1898–1974), was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina on August 8

“Benjamin SolariParravicini, the great Argentinean prophet, who was nicknamed “the South American Nostradamus”, wrote some decades ago: “The hour of hours will arrive and in its darkness the crash of the big planet will be received. The Earth will be reversed. Everything will fall”.

(3) SamaelAunWeor (March 6, 1917 – December 24, 1977) was born as Victor Manuel Gómez Rodriguez in Bogotá, Colombia