Delaware Emergency Management Agency
Course Description
COURSE CODE/TITLE / AWR-155 / Principles of Frontline Response to Agro Terrorism and Food System DisastersCOURSE LOCATION / Delaware Fire School Room 1
COURSE DATES / 13 October 2015 / COURSE TIME / 0900-1600 Hours
COURSE DESCRIPTION / This course is the fifth in the Western Institute for Food Safety & Security (WIFSS) Agroterrorism Preparedness Curriculum for Frontline Responders. Frontline agriculture and public safety response teams receive a comprehensive program based on the principles of the Incident Command System (ICS) and the concept of Unified Command. It is designed to provide agroterrorism response training to the local and regional teams of emergency frontline responders who would be called upon in the event of an agricultural or food systems disaster. This course builds on earlier courses in the curriculum to focus specifically on: 1) fundamental elements that must be present to successfully respond to an agroterrorism or food systems disaster, 2) core competencies needed in a community frontline emergency response team, 3) how to gain insight to the communities' vulnerabilities to agroterrorism or food systems disasters and plan strategies for prevention, response, and recovery, 4) strategies for building and sustaining a community frontline emergency response team, and 5) collaborative strategies for the community team to learn and adopt
COURSE OBJECTIVES / Describe how this course fits into the WIFSS Agro-terrorism Preparedness Curriculum for Frontline Responders. Define agro-terrorism and describe its potential impacts. Describe the National Incident Management System (NIMS) and the requirements for its use. Identify the eight organizational elements within the ICS and how these elements would be used to manage an emergency situation. Identify where their agency would fit into the projected ICS response to an incident of agro-terrorism or food systems disaster. Summarize the primary concept of Unified Command and explain why this concept is pivotal to an agro-terrorism or food systems disaster response. Identify how their frontline emergency response agency will fit within the Unified Command framework. Develop the ability to design response priorities and apply the principles of the ICS and Unified Command to real-life scenarios regarding an agro-terrorism or food systems disaster. Engage in discussion with their classmates at various steps during the scenarios, and see both the challenges and benefits of the team approach in a response effort. Summarize the core course conclusions, understand the course goals, complete the post-test, and evaluate the course.
PREREQUISITES / AWR-151, AWR-152, AWR-153, AWR 154 & AWR 160
AUDIENCE / · Agriculture Safety (Pre and Post Harvest)
· Animal Emergency Services
· Citizen/Community Volunteers
· Emergency Management, EMS, Fire, Law Enforcement
· Public Health
· Healthcare
· Government Administrative
· Pvt. Sector, Corp Security, and Safety Professionals
COST/MEALS / The training and course materials are provided at no cost to the state, local organization or responder. Funding for travel, accommodations, and meals are not provided for this training opportunity.
CERTIFICATE / Rural Domestic Preparedness Consortium
(Any one attending this course must be an American Citizen)
All classes have limited seats. Registrations will be processed on a first come/first served basis. If you have any questions please e-mail