Slinfold Parish Council
PO Box 315, Billingshurst, West Sussex RH14 9XX
Tel: 01403 785864 (Mobile 07733-359479)
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting
Held on Thursday 28th November 2013
7:30pm in the Parish Room
208/13 Attendance and Apologies for Absence
Those present: Councillors C Gibson (Chairman), S Bailey, G Constantine, L Day, M Edmonds, M Haines, H Sherwin-Smith, J Slipper, G Stenton-Chandler and M Wellesley-Wood and the Clerk M Burroughs.
Also present four members of the public. Apologies: Cllr. P Youtan (District)
209/13 Declarations of Interest and Notification of Change to Members’ Interests
Cllr. Day declared a pecuniary interest in matters relating to a Hayes Lane planning application i.e. DC/13/2042 and Cllrs. Bailey and Edmonds declared the same interest with regard to a Six Acres application DC/13/1990 (see 215/13). Councillors left the room whilst these items were being considered by the Parish Council.
Cllr. Redmond declared a personal interest in DC/13/2150 and Cllr. Sherwin-Smith with regard to DC/13/2092 (see 215/13). There were no other Declarations of Interest or changes noted to Members’ Interests.
At this point, it was RESOLVED to suspend Standing Orders and change the order of the agenda. The minutes reflect the agenda item order and not necessarily the order that items were taken.
Public Session
A resident spoke on his concerns with regard to traffic safety on the Five Oaks Road. He feared for the safety of all road users (vehicles, cyclists and pedestrians) who either travel the road or access the public footpaths that cross the road. The resident’s concerns were noted and it was agreed to consider these at a future meeting.
A resident spoke in favour of his own planning application i.e. DC/13/2029. He provided details of a new build house in Park Street describing it as reasonable and proportionate in size and that it did not unduly encroach upon the neighbouring property. He made reference to the history of the built up area and that he had representations of support for his application. The applicant had spoken at the last meeting on 31st October at which time he read out a similar detailed presentation in support of the application and his comments were duly noted. No decision could be made at the last meeting as the plans had only just arrived and had not been reviewed by the Planning Advisory Committee.
With regard to DC/13/2029, the Clerk (via the Chairman who read the message out) advised that she had received a communication from a resident earlier that evening who was unable to attend the public session of the meeting but had asked that members be aware that she had observed that the applicant’s agent ‘Michael Gray’ had made reference to supporters for the application. It was asked that members note that only one supporter of the application referred to by the agent actually lived in the street in question (i.e. Park Street) and that this observation be conveyed to those present.
A resident spoke against a retrospective planning application i.e. DC/13/1990 (see 215/13) for a front garden fence, explaining that it was contrary in spirit to the rural feel of the estate and that the material used for the fence i.e. white UPVC was out of character. Reference was made to the Slinfold Parish Design Statement which encourages development to retain the rural feel of the village.
210/13 Chairman’s Announcements - None
211/13 Approval of the Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting 31st October 2013 - the draft minutes having been circulated were taken as read. The minutes were approved and signed as a true record.
212/13 Matters arising from 211/13 - as previously circulated or as listed on this agenda and:
i. Defibrillator update – the defibrillator has now been purchased and an electrician appointed to fit the equipment in a heated box to be sited in the porch outside The Cobblers, Hayes Lane. Awareness training sessions have been arranged for Saturday 4th January and Thursday 9th January and these will be advertised in the Slinfold Magazine and Parish Council News (distributed December)
ii. Gatwick Airspace Consultation – it was agreed that Cllrs. Edmonds and Wellesley-Wood should respond on behalf on the Parish Council to the consultation and share the same. As the representative for our area, County Councillor Kitchen agreed to circulate the agenda and any related papers for forthcoming meetings GATCOM meetings so that the PC may make comment as appropriate.
213/13 Neighbourhood Planning – An update from the public exhibition/drop in sessions on 9th and 11th of November has been circulated. A meeting has been arranged for the 5th December to review the feedback from the public and progress the project further. Detailed feedback is to be collated and will follow. It was RESOLVED that funding be applied for, via HDC, by the working party, and that the PC be kept informed with regard to the progress being made on the plan.
214/13 Matters arising from the last public session
DC/13/2029 – at the last meeting on 31st October, two members of the public spoke on a planning application validated by HDC to build a new house in Park Street. The plans for the application had only just been received and it was agreed to defer the Parish Council’s response to this meeting so that the Planning Advisory Committee could review the plans and put forward their recommendation. See Planning 215/13
215/13 Planning
Cllr. Stenton-Chandler presented the Planning Report to the Parish Council. The report was reviewed, approved and the Parish Council ratified the decisions made by the Planning Advisory Committee as appropriate. Details follow:
New and amended planning applications: The following application(s) were received in the month and reviewed by the Planning Advisory Committee. HDC to be advised of the Parish Council’s recommendations as follows:
HDC Application number / Date validated by HDC / Address & Post Code of application / Nature of application / Name Applicant or Agent / CommentDC/13/2235 / 21-Nov-13 / Holdens, The Street, Slinfold Horsham West Sussex RH13 0RR / Surgery to Ash Tree / Mr Scott / No Objection provided Will Jones, HDC is in agreement
DC/13/2150 / 12-Nov-13 / Lane End, Lyons Road Slinfold Horsham West Sussex RH13 0QS / Notification of proposed barn / Mr R Kelly / No Objection
DC/13/2092 / 4-Nov-13 / 7 Mitchell Gardens, Slinfold, West Sussex RH13 0TY / Fell one oak and surgery to 3 others / Mrs M Best / No Objection provided Will Jones, HDC is in agreement that the oak needs to be felled. The PC can see no sign of disease but agrees that all trees need some surgery so would only support the felling of the one tree if upon inspection, HDC agree that it is necessary
DC/13/2079 / 1-Nov-13 / Windover Farm, Waterlands Lane Rowhook Horsham West Sussex RH12 3PX / Non-material amendment to DC/13/1218 (Proposed orangery extension, new bay window, new dormer window, conversion of integral garage, replacement windows, internal alterations and new garage) relating to the new garage element, additional windows either side of the first floor door in the south elevation, alterations to dormers in the west elevation and roof lights in the east elevation / Mr & Mrs Wade / No Objection
DC/13/2042 (was 1712) / 1-Nov-13 / Land Rear of 1 To 25 Hayes Lane Slinfold West Sussex / Redevelopment of site to provide 23 x dwellings, vehicular and pedestrian access and a range of community measures including a replacement football pitch with improved drainage levelling, new car parking and upgraded access to serve the existing recreation ground, new tennis pavilion and siting for additional tennis court, with associated works and landscaping / Slinfold LLP / At the PC meeting 28/11, the Parish Council RESOLVED to support this application. There are some observations/comments to make to HDC particularly in relation to comments in the Design & Access Statement regarding works in return for the surrender of the lease and more detail on the S106 agreement is required
DC/13/2029 / 23-Oct-13 / The Cottage, Park Street, Slinfold Horsham West Sussex RH13 0RU / Erection of 3-bed cottage style dwelling with detached garage and widening of existing vehicular crossover and improvements to visibility splays (Outline Permission) / Mr and Mrs Nordgreen / Detailed plans were received 31/10 so this application was deferred to this meeting. The Planning Advisory Committee recommended (4 from 4) that the PC object to this application. The PC RESOLVED to object. Details of the objection is on the HDC website.
DC/13/1990 / 30-Oct-13 / 37 Six Acres, Slinfold Horsham West Sussex RH13 0TH / Retrospective application to erect a fence along boundary of front garden / Mr S Grundy / It was RESOLVED after discussion not to object to the application
Applications permitted, refused and withdrawn:
HDC Application number / Date received by HDC / Address & Post Code of application / Nature of application / Status / Feedback to HDC Planning Committee (Date)DC/13/1703&4 / 6-Sep-13 / Doomsday Cottage Pinkhurst Lane Slinfold Horsham West Sussex / Replace existing single bay timber garage with a single storey 2-bay garage with integral store (Full Planning) / Application Permitted / HDC 27/9, No Objection
DC/13/1653&4 / 6-Sep-13 / Wild Harrys Hayes Lane Slinfold Horsham West Sussex RH13 0SL / Installation of a 12 panel solar photovoltaic system on the south facing roof of inner courtyard / Application Permitted / HDC 27/9, No Objection
Planning applications pending consideration or decision by HDC (2013):
The Parish Council received a report on all previous applications currently pending consideration, or a decision, by HDC.
Enforcements and Appeals – Waterland Chalet is still ongoing.
iii) It was RESOLVED to approve the Planning Report as above.
iv) Other Planning Matters - None
216/13 Report from the District and County Councillor(s)
Cllr. Youtan (District) sent her apologies.
Cllr. Kitchen (County) advised that:
· as a newly elected County Councillor she was awaiting ‘adoption’ to committees;
· Aircraft Noise Monitor – very few complaints are received with regard to aircraft noise from Slinfold residents. There are only two monitors and there are no plans for a monitor to be sited in Slinfold this year but this is on the list for consideration for next year. Cllr. Kitchen pointed out that if residents are disturbed by aircraft noise then they should report the same to the Gatwick ‘hotline’ (see also 212/13 above).
217/13 Finance
(i and ii) It was RESOLVED to approve payments totalling £5,097.72 for November 2013 (as reviewed by members present), and a transfer of £70,000 between bank accounts as follows: Details of salaries are available on request.
Nov-13 / SPC / Ref / Payee / £ / CommentSaxon Weald / DD / N/A / Saxon Weald / 57.99 / Monthly charge for garage rental
Loan / SO / N/A / PWLB / 1,709.28 / 2ND PAYMENT
CLERKS SALARY / 200587 / 94 / MRS M BURROUGHS / Salary Nov
CLERKS EXPENSES / 200588 / 95 / MRS M BURROUGHS / 354.27 / Expenses Nov
LW SALARY & EXPENSES / 200589 / 96 / MR T MOTHE / Salary & Exp Nov
Hall Rental / 200590 / 97 / Slinfold Village Hall / 73.50 / PC 31.50 NP £42
Pension / 200591 / 98 / WSCC Pension / 211.71 / November Clerks and PC
Repairs / 200592 / 99 / Mr R Pope / 40.00 / Notice board repair
PC & Install / 200593 / 100 / PC Assistance Ltd / 564.00 / PC as agreed plus installation and transfer of old files
Printer / 200594 / 101 / SOS Systems / 29.95 / Quarterly Charge
KGV / 200595 / 102 / Park Leisure Ltd / 984.00 / Wet Pour Repairs KGV
From Co-op / 200596 / 103 / Slinfold Parish Council / 70,000.00 / Transfer to Barclays Account
TOTAL / 75,097.72
iii) It was RESOLVED to approve a grant application from the Village Hall Trustees for £1,528 (including VAT) to upgrade the projection facilities in the Parish Room.
iv) John Whybrow, Chairman of the Slinfold Village Shop Association will be attending the January meeting to put a proposal to the Parish Council. It was agreed that further information is required from the Shop Association in advance of this meeting. Cllr. Wellesley-Wood agreed to prepare a list of questions for the Clerk to forward to Mr Whybrow for a response.
v) Community Youth Worker – at the recent Cluster Group meeting, the previously proposed increase in salary of nearly 10% from Horsham Matters was challenged as the calculation appeared inaccurate. A budget of £5,000 is in place to contribute towards a Youth Worker and the Parish Council agreed that a significant increase would not be welcomed. Revised figures are awaited and the quarterly activity report has been circulated.
vi) It was RESOLVED to approve a Christmas bonus for the Environmental Cleansing Officer.
218/13 Police Report
The report from PCSO Tracy Field was noted as was an email from her Sergeant Iain MacNab providing an update on PCSO for the surrounding villages. It was agreed to respond to Sgt. MacNab that it was ‘good news’ that more PCSO time would be available in the new year and we would welcome the opportunity to understand what residents can expect from a PSCO and how the Parish Council can engage, review and comment on the same.
219/13 Land behind Hayes Lane (Cherry Tree)
This agenda item was dealt with under planning
220/13 Slinfold Scouts
The Clerk advised that she had been in contact with Horsham District Council with a view to arranging a meeting with the appropriate parties from HDC, the Scouts and the Parish Council to progress the Scouts concerns relating to their lease with HDC. John Loxley from HDC has asked that Carol Mazgay, an Estates Surveyor look at the issue, the lease and progress matters as appropriate and report back to the Parish Council.