Academics outside academia

American Anthropological Association

ndNAPA Directory of Practicing Anthropologists

1982Getting a Job Outside the Academy

Baba, Marietta

1994The fifth subdiscipline: Anthropological practice and the future of anthropology. Human Organization 53, 2: 174-186

Basalla, Susan and Maggie Debelius

2001 So what are you going to do with that?” : A guide to career changing for M.A.’s and Ph.D’s. Farrar, Strauss, and Giroux.

Bennett, Linda A.

1988Bridges for Changing Times: Local Practitioner Organizations in American Anthropology. NAPA Bulletin No. 6. AAA

Cameson, B.

2000Great Jobs for Anthropology Majors. VGM Career Horizons.

Cohen, Lilly and Dennis Young

1989Careers for Dreamers and Doers: A Guide to Management Careers in the Nonprofit Sector. Foundation Center

Ervin, Alexander

2000Applied Anthropology: Tools and Perspectives for Contemporary Practice. Allyn and Bacon

Everett, Melissa

1995Making a Living While Making a Difference: A Guide to Creating Careers with a Conscience. Bantam

Fiske, Shirley and Erve Chambers

1996The inventions of practice. Human Organization, 55 (1): 1-12

Fowler, Don D. and D. L. Hardesty, eds.

1994Others Viewing Others: The Ethnographic Career. Smithsonian

Givens, David B.

1986State Job Opportunities for Anthropologists. Amer. Anth. Ass’n.

Goodman, C and L. Rosenblatt

1991Applied Anthropologists and the job market: Strategies for attaining employment. Paper delivered at AAA conference

Greene, Marianne Ehrlich

1997Internship Success. VGM, Career Horizons

Hanson, K.J., et. al., eds.

1988Mainstreaming Anthropology: Experiences in Government Employment. NAPA Bulletin No. 5.

Heller, Scott

1988From selling Rambo to supermarket studies: Anthropologists are finding more non-academic jobs. Chronicle of Higher Education 34(38).

Herman, Robert D

1984The Jossey-Bass Handbook of Nonprofit Leadership and Management. Jossey-Bass Publishers

Hoopes, John

1997Mayfield’s Quick Guide to the Internet for Students of Anthropology. Mayfield.

Hyland, Stanley, ed.

1994Guide to Training Programs in the Applications of Anthropology. SfAA.

Institute for Food and Development Policy.

1991Education for Action: Graduate Studies with a Focus on Social Change. Food First Books.

Krannich, R and C. Krannich

1988Jobs and Careers with Nonprofit Organizations: Profitable Opportunities in the Nonprofit Sector. Impact Publishers

Koons, A, B. Hackett and J Mason, eds.

1989Stalking Employment in the Nation’s Capital: A Guide for Anthropologists. Washington Ass’n of Professional Anthropologists

McCurdy, D.W. and D.F. Carlson

1984The shrink-wrap solution: Anthropology in business. In J. Spradley and D. McCurdy, eds. Conformity and Conflict. Little Brown.

Mitchell, Leslie

1996The Ultimate Grad School Survival Guide. Peterson’s.

Newhouse, Margaret

1993Outside the Ivory Tower: A Guide for Academics Considering Alternative Careers. Office of Career Services, Harvard U.

Omohundro, John

1998Careers in Anthropology. Mayfield

Peters, Robert L.

1992Getting What You Came For. Farrar, Strauss, and Giroux.

Price, Laurie J.

2001a, The Mismatch between Anthropology graduate training and the work lives of graduates. Practicing Anthropology,

23(1): 55-57.

2001b. How good is graduate training in Anthropology? Anthropology News. May 2001, 5-6.

Sabloff, Paula, ed.

2000Anthropology: Profiles of Practitioner Anthropologists. NAPA. Bulletin No. 20, AAA.

Schoen, Donald

1983The Reflective Practitioner: How Professionals Think in Action. Basic Books

1987Educating the Reflective Practitioner: Toward a New Design for Teaching and Learning in the Professions. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass

Schwimmer, B.E. and D.M. Warren

1993Anthropology and the Peace Corps: Case Studies in Career Preparation. Iowa State U. Press.

Secrist, Jan and J. Fitzpatrick

2001What Else Can You Do With a Ph.D.: A Career Guide for Scholars. Sage Publications.

Singer, Merrill, ed.

1994Anthropologists at Work: Responses to Student Questions about Anthropological Careers. AAA.

Van Willigen, John,, eds.

1989Making our Research Useful: Case Studies in the Utilization of Anthropological Knowledge. Westview.

Wulff, Robert and Shirley Fiske

1987Anthropological Praxis: Transmitting Knowledge into Action. Westview.