Reference: The Equerry to TRH The Prince of Wales and The Duchess of CornwallLetter dated 20 December 2016 - Communication and Protocol Guidance for Their Royal Highnesses’ Commonwealth Military Affiliations


To ensure that all of members of The Royal Winnipeg Rifles (the Regiment)know best how to engage with Clarence House, in order to maintain the best possible relationship with HRH. Additionally, to answer some of themore commonly asked questions regarding protocol and communications in relation to HRH and to identify the Regimental individual or individuals responsible.


The Equerry and Assistant Equerry manageTRH's military portfolios, among other responsibilities, and are the initial points of contact at Clarence House. Traditionally, the Equerry deals with His Royal Highness's affiliations, and the Assistant Equerry with Her Royal Highness's. However, either is able to deal with military related issues on behalf of both of TRH. The Assistantto the Equerry will also act as a conduit of information, arranging logistics and collating briefing material once meetings or engagements are confirmed in TRH diaries. The Staff Support Administrator (SSA) to the Equerry is predominantly internally focused, but may also assist in delivering engagements if required.


Bidding Process. Due to the inevitable geographic constraints, HRH will only undertake Commonwealth military engagements when conducting foreign tours,the itinerary of which are arranged by the Deputy Private Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs at Clarence House. In advance of HRH's tour, The Regiment, through the chain of command, must engage with the British High Commission, which will thereafter liaise with the F.C.O. team at Clarence House. OPI: Commanding Officerand/or Regimental Secretary


Command Handover Letters. Given the inherent constraints of HRH’s diary and the rarity of foreign tours, it is extremely challenging to ensure that Commanding Officers attend handover audiences with HRH in UK. To ease some of the pressure,HRH prefers to ensure a letter and signed photograph are sent to the outgoing Commanding Officer. In order to facilitate this process, the Commanding Officer is to inform the Equerry's Officeno less than six months prior to a command handover. OPI: Commanding Officer

Command Handover Audiences. HRH attemptsto receive incoming and outgoing Honorary Colonels either at Clarence House, or Highgrove. Commanding Officers are welcome to join these meetings. If there has been, or is due to be, a handover command within six months of the proposed meeting date, their successor, or predecessor, is also welcome to join the meeting. These meetings last for 45 minutes. In order to arrange an audience, the Regiment must inform the Equerry's Officeno less than six months prior to this appointment being handed over. As well, the chain of command must be informed to ensure that the proper visit clearances are requested. OPI: Commanding Officer

Unit Updates

Requirement. These should be sent by the Commanding Officer, or HonoraryColonel, no less thanonce a year, and should be addressed to HRH in person. These updatesensure that HRH, and the Equerry’s office, are kept fully up to date with all Regimental level matters. Updates are required three weeks prior to audiences and engagements involving HRH during foreign tours. It is accepted that the Regiment will not be able to send updates on fixed dates annually, and may be required to send more than one update per year, however, updates should endeavour to be sent to coincide with the Regimental Birthday (9 November). OPI: Commanding Officer

Content. Updates should generally include all significant activity since the previous submission. They should comment on, but not necessarily be exhausted by, the following:

- Operational Updates.

- METS, (including Veteran management, CT3/4 activity, recruiting and retention).

- Cadet activity.

- Regimental Association activity.

- Regimental Foundation activity.

These is no set format for an update, however, it should be structured as a formal letter and can be handwritten or typed. The update should be considered a powerful tool and significant thought should be given to it accordingly. The Equerry will be happy to advise on this as required.

Forewords. If the Regiment wishes HRH to provide forewords for publications, a draft foreword should be submitted in as much detail as possible. These should include a deadline, (of no less than two months), the details of the publisher and editor, as well as any financial context inherent to the publication. In guidance, it is extremely unusual to receive more than one foreword every two years. OPI: Regimental Secretary

Portraits. It is understood that once HRH formally becomes the Colonel-in-Chief (or equivalent position) of the Regiment,the Regiment may wish to have a portrait of HRH commissioned. The Regiment should be conscious that portraits of HRH imply numerous sittings and a significant commitment in terms of time and logistics. The cost of the portrait would normally fall to the Regiment, who mustselect an artist from a list approved by HRH. If a portrait is requested, any uniform requirement must first be provided by the Regiment. From the point of HRH approving a request, through to its completion,the Regimentshouldexpecta portrait to take around one year. Whilst exceptions can be made, it is highly unlikely that more than one military portrait will be possible every four years. Thus, the Regimentshould not expect replacement portraits to be commissioned, other than in rare extenuating circumstances. OPI: Regimental Secretary

Photographs. Photographs of HRH in uniform should be considered as an alternative to portraits, however, it should be noted that timelines for these are also likely to be around one year, from the point of HRH approving such a request. The Regimentmust provide the uniform for the photograph, however, the Regiment will not be expected to bear the cost of the sitting. Photographs of HRH in uniform may be requested on the occasion of a new affiliation, or under extreme circumstances (such as amalgamations). If the Regiment is already in the possession of portraits or photographs of His Royal Highness in uniform, the Regiment may request copies of photographs of His Royal Highness in UK uniforms, of all Services. OPI: Regimental Secretary

Uniforms. Upon HRH formally becoming the Colonel-in-Chief, (or equivalent position), of the Regiment , we should contact the Equerry to manage the sizing and delivery of any new uniforms. The Regiment will send complete uniforms at our expense.. These will be tailored to HRH, or, where required, alternative materials will be sourced locally anduniforms tailored. The Regimentwill not be expected to bear the tailoring costs. It is vital that the Equerry is informed of any changes in the Regiment’s uniform as soon as possible, in order that any alterations to HRH uniforms can be made accordingly. OPI: Commanding Officer and Regimental Secretary

FurtherCommunications with HRH

Loyal Greetings. There may be circumstances, (significant anniversaries, commemorative dinners or reunions, etc.), when the Regiment is unable to secure the attendance ofHRH, but would be very grateful for HRH to be involved in the event in some way. In this instance, it is fitting for the Commanding Officer, Regimental Secretary or HonoraryColonel to send the Loyal Greetings of the unit, (see Annex A for format ). In response, HRH will send a reply designed to be read aloud at some point during the event. The Loyal Greetings should be sent at least two months before the specific event.. OPI: Honorary Colonel, with inout from Commanding Officer, Regimental Senate and Regimental Secretary

Messages and Letters of Support. HRH may send telemessages to mark unit level deployments and homecomings. HRH may also write to congratulate those being promoted above the rank ofColonel as well as those receiving Honours and Awards bestowed by Her Majesty. HRH will always write to the next of kin of those killed, or seriously wounded, whilst on Operational duty. Due to the challenge of the Equerry's Office communicating with Commonwealth Nations' Ministries of Defence, the Regiment is requested to inform the Equerry's Office at the earliest opportunity if any of the above conditions are met (contact details are consolidated at Annex B). OPI: Commanding Officer and Regimental Secretary

Birthdays and Christmas Wishes. The Regiment, through the Honorary Colonel, will send Birthday and Christmas wishes to HRH. HRH The Prince of Wales's birthday is on 14 November (HRH The Duchess of Cornwall's birthday is on 17 July). As there is no set format aletter will be sent on HRH’s Birthday and a Regimental Christmas Card will be sent at Christmas. In terms of HRH sending Christmas cards, it is useful for the Equerry's office to know the Christian name of the Commanding Officer's spouse, should he, or she, have one. OPI: Honorary Colonel, Commanding Officer and Regimental


In order to maintaintherelationship HRHhas with the Regiment in a fair, transparent and consistent manner, a clear and open channel of communication must be maintained at all times between the Regiment and the Equerry's office. To this end, the Regiment must maintain contact with the Equerry's office in accordance with thisSOP.


Annex ALoyal Greeting Format

Annex BClarence House Points of Contact


Current as of: 26 February 17

Annex A to




The following example is the usual style for a loyal message from an organisation on some special occasion:

'On the occasion of the centenary dinner of the…. to be held at…on…the President, with humble duty, has the honour to submit loyal greetings to His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales / Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Cornwall from all who will be present'.

In order to ensure HRH respond accordingly, Loyal greetings should be submitted no less than three weeks prior the event in question.

Annex B to




1.Postal Address:

The Equerry's Office

Clarence House,



2.Post addressed to HRH(C/O The Equerry):

a.HRH The Prince of Wales, KG, KT, GCB, OM

  1. TRH The Prince of Wales and The Duchess of Cornwall

3.The Equerry(until Jul 18):

Major Harry Pilcher


4.Assistant Equerry(until Jun 17):

Captain Matthew Wright


5.PA to the Equerry:

Clare Howarth


6.SSA to the Equerry (until Oct 18):

Sergeant Ian Payne



Current as of: 26 February 17