Welcome …………………………………………………………. 2

Essentials for a Successful Campaign …………………………….. 3

Laying the Cornerstone for Success ………………………………. 4

Campaign Organization …………………………………………… 5

Campaign Organizational Chart …………………………………… 6

Campaign Steering Committee Role ……………… 7

Chart of Standards …………………………………………………. 10

Campaign Timeline ………………………………………………... 19

Leadership Gifts Division ………………………………………….. 38

Pacesetter Gifts Division …………………………………………… 40

Major Gifts Division ……………………………………………….. 45

Special Gifts Division ……………………………………………… 50

Community Wide Campaign ……………………………… 52

General Campaign Policies ………………………………………… 57

General Solicitation Guidelines ……………………………………. 59

Ways of Giving ……………………………………………………. 65

Appendix …………………………………………………………… 68

(1)  Campaign Case Statement ……………………………… 68

(2)  2012 State of the Camp Talking Points …………………. 73

(3)  2013 Changing Lives Event Talking Points …………… 76

(4)  Capital Priority Talking Points ………………………….. 78


Dear Campaign Steering Committee,

Thank you for agreeing to take on a significant leadership role with Changing Lives: The Campaign for Becket-Chimney Corners YMCA. We are pleased to provide you with the attached “Campaign Manual” containing some key background information as we undertake the planning process for a comprehensive $12 million campaign. ($3,000,000 unrestricted endowment, $7,000,000 capital and $2.35 million Annual Fund).

As you know, the Camps and Berkshire Outdoor Center are at a critical point -- an infusion of $12 million will significantly enhance our unrestricted endowment, address several pressing capital needs and augment our growing Annual Fund so that we may sustain the good work of providing rustic outdoor education and camping for the next 100 years.

This Campaign Steering Committee Manual is designed to provide a framework for the volunteers and staff at Becket-Chimney Corners YMCA to attract significant philanthropic support in this comprehensive fund-raising effort. The manual contains materials that will familiarize you with the concepts and strategies that underpin campaign implementation and provide reference materials for Becket-Chimney Corners YMCA. We hope that it will serve as a general reference and provide insights into the steps required to build a strong campaign organization and accomplish the many tasks that will lead to success.

It should be noted that the materials in this manual are all subject to refinement and revision as circumstances may require during the course of the implementation of the Campaign. The Office of Development and Brenda Marsian, Chief Development Officer pledge assistance to you in every way possible. Your comments, ideas, and questions are welcome and encouraged. Please do not hesitate to contact us or Brenda.

Thank you for your commitment to changing lives for good. Your involvement is valuable and a wonderful testament to your belief in the importance of the rustic camp and outdoor education experience. You are a role model for other Becket-Chimney Corners YMCA community members to follow and lend their financial support to ensure this special place’s sustainability and growth.

Amici & Agape,

Jim Goldman Amy Hurwitz Gutschenritter

Co-Chair Co-Chair



Favorable Public Image – Becket-Chimney Corners YMCA must reflect a strong record of service that is perceived to meet the needs of its constituencies

Compelling Case Statement – The Case must be compelling and present a logical plan to meet tangible needs. The Case must reflect acceptable fiscal parameters.

Adequate Source of Contributable Dollars – There must be adequate financial resources within the constituencies to support the proposed campaign. The core group from which financial support will be solicited must be receptive to the proposed projects.

Strong and Enthusiastic Governing Body – The nucleus of any campaign organization is the group that plans and authorizes the program. The governing body of Becket-Chimney Corners YMCA must be dedicated to the cause and willing to support it generously with its time and means, presenting a unified commitment to its constituencies.

Affluent and Influential Campaign Leadership – Becket-Chimney Corners YMCA must have access to outstanding volunteer leaders who can influence those with the capacity to make substantial commitments. Leadership generally flows outward from the governing body of the institution conducting the campaign, and it is an essential element in successful fund-raising.

A Strong Sense of Urgency – There must be a pervasive belief that the project being undertaken is important to the institution conducting the campaign, as well as the constituencies being served, and that it must be completed in a timely manner.

A Demanding Timetable – To ensure that the $12 million objective will be achieved within the scheduled time period, a demanding timetable has been developed that outlines the necessary steps to accomplish leadership and volunteer enlistment and gift solicitation within each campaign division.

A detailed timetable with specific deadlines will be developed for both soliciting and non-soliciting divisions. Adherence to these deadlines will require the utmost attention and the diligent follow-up of the campaign leaders who are responsible for the successful execution of the total fund-raising effort.


Experience conclusively demonstrates that effective fund-raising begins from within the institutional “family” and, once “public”, starts from the top of the prospect pool. These truisms are rooted in logic.

URGENCY – Thoughtful and proportionate giving by those closest to Becket-Chimney Corners YMCA’s decision making process and by those who know the need most intimately will enhance the credibility of the case and will demonstrate a level of urgency not possible from other sources.

CREDIBILITY – Others less close to Becket-Chimney Corners YMCA will respond more generously if they perceive the Board of Trustees are giving at a high level of their capacity. Token gifts or low participation by the “family” will result in token gifts from other constituents.

EXAMPLE – Giving from the top is a matter of impact. Those who are financially able to consider a major investment in Becket-Chimney Corners YMCA are most often considered to be leaders by others of more modest means. A significant pledge by such a leader increases the level of confidence others have in Becket-Chimney Corners YMCA, validates the standards of giving, and sets an example for others to follow.

IMPACT – A six-figure gift has visible impact on a seven-figure objective. By the time smaller gifts are solicited, the amount yet to be raised will have been proportionately reduced.


Because no other single factor will influence the degree of success enjoyed by the campaign as much as leadership, the entire campaign structure and organization is designed to maximize Becket-Chimney Corners YMCA’s volunteer resources and to ensure that those who are able and willing to take a leadership position can do so with a high likelihood of success.

The organization chart for the Changing Lives for Good Campaign is a summary of the entire campaign effort.

With the overall guidance of the Campaign Co-Chairs, the campaign will be organized into five basic solicitation phases, as depicted on the organization chart.

In addition to showing how the responsibility for each activity relates to others, the chart indicates the specific responsibilities of each soliciting division: the prospect type or dollar levels involved, the number of prospects and volunteers needed, and the time schedule necessary for each division to accomplish its solicitation objectives.

Also shown are the non soliciting committees.

The responsibilities for all positions on the organizational chart will be outlined in subsequent sections or following the chart in this section.


Board of Trustees

Campaign Steering Committee

CEO→ / Co-Chairs: Jim Goldman and Amy Guschenritter / → Development

Leadership Gifts Division Chair Drew Lipsher / Pacesetter Gifts Division Chair Justin Hillenbrand / Major Gifts Division Chair: TBD / Special Gifts Division Chair: TBD / Community Division Chair: TBD
Sept. 2012 to Dec. 2015 / Jan. 2013- Dec. 2013 / Jan. 2014 to Jan. 2015 / Jan. 2015 - Dec. 2015 / Jan. 2015 - Dec. 2015
Board of Trustees / $100,000-$1,500,000 / $25,000 to $99,999 / $10,000-$24,999 / Below $9,999
# of Prospects: 24 / # of Qualified Prospects: 42
# of Unqualified Prospects: 39 / # of Prospects: 37
# of Unqualified Prospects: 152 / # of Prospects: 6
# of Unqualified Prospects: 50 / # of Prospects: TBD
# of volunteers: 1 / # of Volunteers: 10 / # of Volunteers: 7 / # of Volunteers: 40 / # of Volunteers: TBD
Organize: 8/12 / Organize: 12/12 / Organize: 5/14 / Organize: 9/14 / Organize: 1/15
Kick Off: 10/12 / Kick Off: 1/13 / Kick Off: 9/14 / Kick Off: 1/15 / Kick Off: 5/15
Complete: 12/15* / Complete: 12/15* / Complete: 12/15* / Complete: 12/15 / Complete: 12/15
* As new trustees come on board throughout duration of campaign the Board Chair will be responsible for their campaign solicitation / *As new Pacesetter prospects are identified throughout the campaign, the Pacesetter Division will continue to be involved with cultivation and solicitation / *As new Major Gift prospects are identified throughout duration of campaign, the Major Gift Division will continue to be involved with cultivation and solicitation


The Board of Trustees, under whose authority and leadership the success of the campaign ultimately rests, must take an active role throughout this effort.

PROVIDE EARLY SUPPORT – The Board will be among the first groups to be solicited in the campaign. Members of the Board must make commitments fully commensurate with their means and their interest, for the gifts of the Board must serve as a challenge and an inspiration to those who will subsequently be asked to support the campaign.

ASK OTHERS TO PARTICIPATE – Board members will be asked during the campaign to accept responsibility for a reasonable number of high level solicitations, where appropriate.

PROVIDE LEADERSHIP – Members of the Board may be asked to accept positions of leadership in the volunteer organization of the campaign.

IDENTIFY PROSPECTS – Members of the Board may, from time to time, be asked to identify key prospects and, if necessary, to provide entrée to them.

MONITOR CAMPAIGN PROGRESS – The Board will have periodic opportunity, through reports of the Campaign Co-Chairs and Board Development Chair and the Office of Development, to monitor progress of the campaign.


Extensive pre-campaign activity, as recommended in the feasibility study, must be accomplished in order to create an environment most conducive to a successful campaign. The role of the Steering Committee is to guide these initial steps:

·  Refinement and formal approval of the Case for Support (See Appendix 1 for final text)

·  Conduct the Awareness Program

·  Conduct Prospect Review

·  Create Communications Plan

·  Create Naming Recognition Plan


The Awareness program is a process of communication and education. It brings the story of Becket-Chimney Corners YMCA’s needs to persons of influence and affluence. The Awareness Program’s goals are to:

o  Explore attitudes and perceptions: Provide a setting or environment in which prospective donors or leaders may, first, receive information and, second, ask questions, share enthusiasm, and even express concerns.

o  Seek Involvement: Seek to involve our top prospects in the early stages of campaign planning. Suggestions as to the path BCCYMCA should take in solving its problems should be encouraged.

o  Build Ownership: As prospective donors have an opportunity to voice their opinions to help shape and mold those plans, they gain a stake in the program – it becomes their own.

·  Create Climate for Leadership and Giving: While no funds will be solicited during the Awareness program meetings, prospects are told that their leadership and/or financial support will be sought at the appropriate time.


·  Awareness Planning Considerations:

·  The Awareness Program should be conducted well in advance of the scheduled campaign beginning at the Pacesetter Division January 2013 and conclude January 2015.

·  Hosts must be able to attract potential donors to their planned functions. They should be among Becket-Chimney Corners YMCA’s strongest supporters and should have the ability to influence others.

·  Awareness meetings can be effective in a variety of settings: at your offices, at a club, in the hosts’ home, etc. Every effort will be made to provide choices for the invitees.

·  Keep careful records on each attendee, recording any significant comments made during the meeting.

·  Adequate resources should be allocated to provide special visual aids, printed materials (perhaps an abbreviated version of the case for support), models of proposed buildings, etc.


The goals of Prospect Review are to:

o  Identify prospects for Becket-Chimney Corners YMCA

o  Determine a dollar amount for consideration by each prospect

o  Recommend solicitation strategies where appropriate

o  Identify possible campaign leadership and volunteer solicitors

o  Validate the Chart of Standards

o  Provide a road map to achieve campaign objective

A STUDY OF PROSPECT POTENTIAL – Prospect Review is a study of the potential giving ability over a three to five year payment period, of known prospects, taking into account their relevance to Becket-Chimney Corners YMCA and their interest in the program.

PROVIDES A “THINK ABOUT” FIGURE – Prospect Review provides a “think about” figure for the prospect to consider in proportion to the giving of others.

IDENTIFIES VOLUNTEER SOLICITOR – Prospect Review suggests which campaign volunteer, or team of volunteers, might best invite the participation of the prospect in the comprehensive campaign.

DETERMINES NEED FOR CULTIVATION -- Prospect Review helps determine the best cultivation and solicitation strategy for each prospective donor.

PROVIDES A CAMPAIGN ROAD MAP – Prospect Review, in combination with the Chart of Standards, provides a road map to the volunteer organization, enabling the campaign to be “won on paper” before solicitation begins.

RAISES SIGHTS – Effective Prospect Review will raise the sights of all who participate and guards against giving that is disproportionate to the goal.

IDENTIFIES “SUSPECTS” – Prospect Review brings to light those potential donors about whom further research is needed, those who need to be cultivated or informed, and those who could be available for leadership or volunteer roles in the campaign.


A cornerstone of Prospect Review is the Chart of Standards. The chart reflects the actual gift levels attained in a successful campaign at $12 million level. It is NOT an exact projection of what Becket-Chimney Corners YMCA must achieve; it is a road map provided by others who have traveled this road before. The Changing Lives Campaign must APPROXIMATE the gift levels reflected on the Chart to assure successful attainment of the $12 million objective.