New Projects Workgroup


Date: 24 July 2017
Meeting called by / All Chicago
note taker / Emily Pettersen
Attendees / Khen Nickele, Gwen Turner, Sherri Allen Reeves, Karen Kowal, Dorothy Yancy, Melvin Alexander, Latrice Johnson, Dave Thomas, David Dempsey, Ruth Coffman, Emily Pettersen

Agenda topics:

Welcome & Introductions / Dave Thomas
Agenda and Minutes / Agenda reviewed and accepted
Updates / a.  NOFA
a.  Grant Expansion
i.  Has not been an option in the past—NPW to decide if this affects choices for New Project selections
b.  Dedicated PLUS
i.  People who stay in TH projects that are eliminated do not lose their chronic homeless status
ii. Since we didn’t have this category before, do we allow current applicants to choose if applications/projects are specifically for chronically homeless projects or specifically for Dedicated PLUS? All Chicago is submitting a question to HUD to find out if Dedicated PLUS will affect our local priorities of housing chronically homeless persons.
c.  Joint TH-PH-RRH
i.  The NOFA did not give more detail on the Joint TH-PH-RRH projects
New Projects application process considerations / ·  Recommendations
o  Opinion: There is always discontent when it comes to these types of decisions for funding—whatever decision we make we need to acknowledge who is doing the work (service providers) & how they’ll feel about the selection criteria for NPW.
o  Opinion: Agencies could’ve applied for new projects funding like other projects who submitted applications that essentially only expanded their projects, so we should not re-open the application process
o  Consideration: Offer 10 existing new project selections to choose if they want to go on as expansion/existing projects
§  Agencies will still submit a request for renewal at the time of regular application, but they’ll also submit an expansion request. After that HUD will approve the expansion and only one grant needs to be processed.
§  Since expansions are different than renewals, agencies have already gone through the process of applying for new projects. If agencies want to expand projects, are they putting their current projects at risk if they do not receive funding after the CoC competition is finished?
o  If agencies who did not make the cut for the panel put renewal applications in, we’ll need to decide if they’ll be considered as part of the priority-Tier 1 group of applicants we originally decided on. (Concern—current successful projects will continue to get more money and units, while lower ranked new projects won’t have a chance to improve/gain more experience)
·  Communication to the community
o  To be discussed at next meeting
next steps / ·  HEARTH is meeting Thursday afternoon to see how they’re going to do their rankings…August 9th will be NPW deadline to decide on applicants
Next MeeTIng / Next meeting will be 3:00pm-4:30 at All Chicago Wednesday, August 2, 2017
Decisions we need to decide on: Do we ask applications to ramp up existing ten chosen projects 20-30% of their funding requested since we received more funding than originally thought? We also need to decide if we will fund all 10 panelists or select a few and ask them to expand.
Adjournment: / Minutes submitted by: / Approved by:
Motioned and adjourned at / 4:24PM