Pupil Premium Report Academic Year 2016- 2017

About Aspire

Total number of students on roll (September): 74

Total number of students on roll (July): 105

Total % of pupils eligible for PPG (Average over the year) - 83 %

Total number of students receiving LAC PPG: 8

Total number of students receiving PPG Service: 0

PPG Entitlement

PPG entitlement per student for year 2015-2016 (full year/by term) - £935/£311.66

PPG entitlement per LAC student for 2015-2016 (full year/by term) - £1900 /£633.33

As an AP Academy Free School, Aspire does not receive Pupil Premium in the same way as other schools. The FSM and FSM plus 6 for funding does not apply to Aspire. However Aspire has the equivalent of PPG built into its commissioning costs for each student. Those students referred to Aspire are categorised as disadvantaged and therefore needing alternative provision in order to make progress to stop the widening of the gap and then begin to close the gap.

Estimated total amount of PPG received 2014-2015 year:

Autumn Term 84% (87 + 8 LAC): £32,181

Spring Term: 87% (91 + 8 LAC): £33,427

Summer Term: 78% (76 + 6 LAC): £27,486

Full Year: £93,094

Aspire has a higher than national average percentage of FSM students at 84% compared to 28.9%.

Aspire has a higher than national average percentage of students with special educational needs 100% compared to 10%.

Aspire’s Understanding of Pupil Premium

The Pupil Premium is an amount of money that a school receives based upon the number of children at that school that are eligible for Free School Meals (FSM). Aspire receives the equivalent of Pupil Premium within the commissioning costs paid to Aspire by both the Local Authority and by Private commissions.

The Pupil Premium has a number of aims:

to increase social mobility;

to enable more pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds to get to the top Universities;

to reduce the attainment gap between the highest and lowest achieving nationally.

Simply spending more money on children does not necessarily improve their learning or their aspirations. There is no direct link between spending money and outcomes for students. If the Pupil Premium is to succeed in achieving its ambitious outcomes, the choices Aspire makes in allocating the money are vital to raising student attainment and aspirations. The concept of PPG was as one part of a strategic approach to raising standards across the academy, providing better opportunities for our students academically, as well as developing life, work and personal skills to give them the best chance of a successful future.

Summary Overview of Spending Decisions

The interventions and strategies explained below were not developed as a result of Pupil Premium but with our students’ complex needs, social and economic situation in mind.

Tutor Support

Pupil Premium enables Aspire to recruit and pay highly skilled level 2 TAs to work as tutors. Each class of 8 students has a teacher with suitable qualifications and experience. In addition, they have a tutor who is responsible for their pastoral care, behaviour and parental contact. Once the primary responsibilities of the tutor are complete, the role then supports learning and therefore directly impacts on student progress. We use 20% of PP to fund these Tutors.

Aims and Success Criteria: To support behaviour thus allowing academic progress to be made, reducing the attainment gap

Number of tutors each term / Average cost to Aspire (including on costs) £21,262.00 (a year)/ £7087.00 (a term) 20% 4,252 (a year) 1,417 (per term)
Autumn Term / 14 / £19,844
Spring Term / 14 / £19,844
Summer Term / 14 / £19,844
Total: / £59,533

Reading Intervention Programme

In November 2014, 21% were identified as having a reading age below 7 years with only 11% having a reading age around or above their actual age. In response, PPG enabled Aspire to employ a level 2 TA to run, monitor and devise reading intervention programmes. Through research and conversations with colleagues in other schools, the Accelerated Reader Programme was recommended for effectiveness against real reading progress. The Dyslexia Screening Programme was recommended by a Dyslexia specialist. The use of the programme enables Aspire to target more specifically the support needed to improve reading and writing. PPG enabled Aspire to do purchase the AR programme for the next 3 years and the Dyslexia screening software (to be used in conjunction with the Dyslexia specialist testing).

Aims and Success Criteria: To enable Aspire students to make reading progress and therefore greater academic progress, closing the gap between their reading age and chronological actual age.

Average cost to Aspire (including on costs) £21,262.00 (a year)/ £7087.00 (a term)
Spring and Summer Terms / £14,174
Reading Intervention Programmes
Accelerated Reader: 1 year / £2000 (£6000 for 3 years)
Dyslexia Screening Programme / £500
Total: / £16,674

Personal Mentor

In September, PPG enabled us to recruit a highly skilled member of support staff to work with Aspire students as a personal mentor. Our personal mentor offers counselling and listening surgeries to students who are struggling or in a crisis situation. Our personal mentor additionally works with connexions and careers services to ensure students have a positive post-16 outcome. In order for this to happen our personal mentor had to become full time. PPG enabled us to pay our personal mentor full time as opposed to part-time and pro rata.

Aims and Success Criteria: To enable students to manage their emotions, thus staying in school and making progress here. To find appropriate post-16 placements and courses, reducing NEETS and allowing those choosing the academic route access to A’ levels, which would help them to go to the university if they chose to.

Estimated cost to Aspire for pay increase due to increased hours only
Whole academic year / £6000
Total: / £6000

Loft Programme

The LOFT is a provision provided by the academy to offer key stage 3 students. Over the past 18 months the LOFT project has ensured students are engaged in enrichment activities that will challenge them socially and provide them with the skills to work and learn alongside people in the community.

So far students attending the LOFT have participated in activities such as raft building, sailing, horse riding, rock climbing, fishing, go karting etc. These activities go along with a wide range of awards and qualifications the students need to participate and achieve by the end of the year. These include first aid, food hygiene and NOCN cooking skills. We try and provide activities the students may not get chance to do in their personal time and qualifications that will stand them in good stead when they leave Aspire Academy.

Aims and Success Criteria: To provide students with social skills to enable them to make a positive impact on society.

Autumn Term (2 Groups = 16 Students) £1516

Spring Term (2 Groups = 16 Students) £1157.50

Summer Term (3 Groups = 24 Students) £3332

Total £6,005.50


As an Academy we noticed a group of 17 Pupil Premium students attendance was becoming an issue, when we investigated this it was due to parents not having the money to fund the 2 busses per journey. We decided to provide mega riders for these students.

Aims and Success Criteria: Attendance of those 17 pupils to improve therefore supporting their in school progress.

10 students x £10.80 (mega rider per week) x 39 = £4,212

Subsidised Trips and Visits

PGG enabled Aspire to subside trips and visits for students who would ordinarily not be able to travel because they couldn’t afford it. We identified that no students in one group had ever been to London. PGG enabled this group to take part in a cultural visit to London and visit London landmarks.

Aims and Success Criteria: To increase social mobility through addressing the number of students experiencing a Train journey and the Capital City, to increase the number of students who have experienced British culture with visits to London Landmark’s.

Cost to Aspire
Visit to London (10 students 3 staff)
City Cruises / £90
London Eye / £255
Train Tickets / £723
Total: / £1068


PPG Aim / Costings
Social Mobility / £5,280
Enabling access to Higher and Further Education and support in making FE choices (including academic routes to university) / £6,000
Reducing the attainment gap between PPG students and non-PPG peers / £82,212
Total: / £93,492
Overspend / £398 - Additional cost to be met by Aspire

A report into the effectiveness of PPG spending decisions, based on the aims and success criteria, will be written and published September 2016.

If you have any questions relating to Aspire’s use of PPG or wish to request further details please do not hesitate to contact us here at Aspire Academy.