Thomas Township Board Meeting September 2012

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8215 Shields Drive, Saginaw, MI 48609

September 10, 2012

7:00 o’clock p.m.

1. The Regular Board Meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Supervisor Weise.

2. PRESENT: Weise, Brosofski, Thayer, Weber, Radewahn, Ryder-Petre and Thompson


ALSO PRESENT: Manager, Russ Taylor; Fire Chief, Michael Cousins; Police Chief, Steve Kocsis; DPW Director, Rick Hopper; Community Development Director, Dan Sika Township Attorney, Otto Brandt; Finance Director, Deidre Frollo; Deputy Clerk, Betsy Wietfeldt and 6 interested parties.

3. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

4. Motion was made by Brosofski, seconded by Thompson to approve the agenda with the tabling of “E” Approve the amendments to the Fire Department Policy Manual. Motion carried unanimously.



8215 Shields Drive, Saginaw, MI 48609

September 10, 2012

7 P.M.

1. Call to Order

2. Roll Call

3. Pledge of Allegiance

4. Approval of Agenda

5. Consent Agenda

A. Approval of Board Minutes August 6, 2012.

B. Approval of Expenditures.

C. Approve the promotion of Mike Fabish to Interim Lieutenant of Station #2.

D. Approve the hiring of Cory Pitt as a probationary Fire Fighter.

E. Approve the appointment of David Sommers to the Zoning Board of Appeals.

6. Communications-Petitions-Citizen Comments

It is requested that you state your name and address for the record.

7. Public Hearing

A. Hear comments pertaining to the request by CIGNYS-Shields for an Industrial Facilities Tax Exemption on Equipment purchased for $181,840.00.

8. Unfinished Business


9. New Business

A. Approve Resolution 12-21 approving an eight year Industrial Facilities Exemption for CIGNYS for personal property totaling $184,840.00.

B. Accept the Audit for the 2011-2012 Fiscal Year.

C. Award the bid for the demolition of the old water tower to Iseler Demolition Incorporated in the amount of $18,136.00.

D. Approve resolution 12-22 for the appointment of the Trustee and Alternate Trustee to the Mid Michigan Waste Authority.

E. Approve the amendments to the Fire Department Policy Manual.

F. Award the bid for Fire Station #2 Improvements to RCL Construction.

G. Approve the sale of the 1976 Mack Tele-Squirt Ladder Truck to the Chesaning Brady Fire Authority in the amount of $5,000.

10. Reports

A. Supervisor D. Manager H. Fire Dept.

B. Clerk E. Community Development I. Police Dept

C. Treasurer F. DPW J. Parks & Recreation

G. Finance K. Board Members

11. Executive Session


12. Adjournment

5. It was moved by Thompson, seconded by Thayer to approve the consent agenda, as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

A. Approval of Township Board Minutes from the regular meeting 08/09/2012;

B. Expenditures consisting of;

General Fund $ 67,970.07 Public Safety-Fire Department 11,796.07

Fire Apparatus 118.95

Public Safety-Police Department 23,023.57 Public Safety-Drug Law Enforcement 0.00

Downtown Development Authority 1,545.64

Parks 28,109.99

Parks Capital Improvement Fund 0.00

Road Revolving Fund 0.00

HSC Grant Administration 144,968.00

Sewer Fund 14,834.67

Water Fund 289,163.57

Municipal Refuse 43,788.62 Watermain Extensions 0.00

HSC Expansion 0.00

Tax 597,950.55

6. Communications-Petitions-Citizen Comments:

A. None

7. Public Hearing

A. Hear comments pertaining to the request by CIGNYS-Shields for an Industrial Facilities Tax Exemption on Equipment purchased for $181,840.00. The public hearing was opened at 7:02 pm;

Steve Jonas, Vice President of Saginaw Future spoke in support of the IFT for CIGNYS and introduced Matthew Ware of CIGNYS.

Matthew Ware of CIGNYS thanked the Board for their support of the business and asked them to approve the IFT.

The public hearing was closed at 7:05 pm.

8. Unfinished Business:


9. New Business:

A. It was moved by Weber, seconded by Radewahn to approve an eight year (8) IFT for CIGNYS for improvements totaling $181,840.00the forestry. Motion carried unanimously.


Ayes: Weise, Thompson, Brosofski, Thayer Weber, Radewahn, Ryder-Petre.

Nays: None.

Absent: None

B. It was moved by Thompson, seconded by Thayer to accept the Audit for the 2011/12 fiscal year. Motion carried unanimously.

C. It was moved by Ryder-Petre, seconded by Brosofski to award the bid for the demolition of the old water tower to Iseler Demolition Incorporated in the amount of $18,136.00. Motion carried unanimously.

D. It was moved by Radewahn, seconded by Thompson to approve Resolution 12-22 for the appointment of the Trustee and Alternate Trustee in the Mid Michigan Waste Authority. Motion carried unanimously.


Ayes: Weise, Thompson, Brosofski, Thayer Weber, Radewahn, Ryder-Petre.

Nays: None.

Absent: None

E. This item was tabled.

F. IT was moved by Weber, seconded by Ryder-Petre to award the bid for Fire Station #2 Improvements to RCL Construction. Motion carried unanimously.

G. It was moved by Ryder-Petre, seconded by Thompson to approve the sale of the 1976 Mack Tele-Squirt Ladder Truck to the Chesaning Brady Fire Board in the amount of $5,000.00.


Ayes: Weise, Thompson, Brosofski, Thayer Weber, Radewahn, Ryder-Petre.

Nays: None.

Absent: None

10. Report of Officers and Staff:

A. Supervisor’s Report: Talked about a small golf outing

B. Clerk’s Report: None

C. Treasurer’s Report: Thanked his Financial Staff for their work.

D. Manager’s Report: None

E. Receive and file Community Development Reports.

F. Receive and file Finance Departments Reports.

G. Receive and file Fire Departments Reports and reminded everyone about the Pancake Breakfast.

H. Receive and file Police Departments Reports.

I Receive and file Parks and Recreations Reports.

J. Board Member Reports: Ryder-Petre asked about number of runs increasing in the Fire Department. Thompson asked in light of the recent issues in the City, will there be further training on how to handle situations such as the Milton Hall situation.

K. Receive and file DPW reports.

11. Executive Session:

A. None

12. It was moved by Brosofski, seconded by Thayer to adjourn the meeting at 7:35 p.m. Carried unanimously.


Edward Brosofski, Clerk

