Fiscal and Reporting Services


The Human Services Agency is seeking qualified individuals or organizations to provide fiscal intermediary and reporting services to assist the Agency in administering a variety of services to clients involved in welfare to work and sheltered employment programs.


RFQ IssuedThursday, May 10, 2007

Respondents’ Conference Thursday, May 17 10:00 AM

Proposals DueMay 22, 2007, 3:00 PM

Schedule may change if necessary.

C.Respondents’ Conference

A Respondents’ Conference will be held on Thursday, May 17, 2007, at 10:00 AM, at 1650 Mission Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, CA, to answer any questions regarding this RFQ.


The respondent determined to be best qualified will under direction of the Agency provide the

following administrative services on an as needed basis:

  1. Employer of record services to include payroll functions, timekeeping, recordkeeping, process and filing of all payroll tax returns, issuance of State and Federal wage statements, provision workers compensation insurance, conversion of participants grants to vocational training wages. There are between 30 and 90 participants in this program at any given time. The monthly average is currently 65 participants with an average payroll of $30,000 per month.
  1. Payment of tuition on behalf of participants for specialized private vocation training schools.

(Approximately 50 transactions per year)

  1. Data collection and reporting on funding sources, individual clients attendance, progress and outcomes. (approximately 400 clients for tracking and reporting)
  1. Fiscal and compliance reporting and monitoring including reconciliation of specified accounts and transactions as needed. (Approximately 15-20 accounts per year)
  1. Payment and administration of emergent facility repairs and upgrades upon request.
  1. Administration of small consultants transactions for short-term projects. (Approximately 5-10 projects per year)
  1. Other administrative projects as assigned.

To be considered qualified for this RFQ, interested parties must demonstrate:

  • 5 years experience in working with non-profit organizations, for profit organizations and government agencies.
  • Certified Public Accountant (CPA) on staff with dedicated hours and management oversight
  • Accurate existing accounting, payroll systems and demonstration of tracking documentation for audit purposes for all transactions.
  • Demonstrated experience in vocational training programs is preferred.
  • Respondent must be a certified vendor with the City and County of San Francisco or have the ability to become a certified vendor within tens days of notice of award.
  • Must be able to meet the City’s requirements for liability and bonding coverage in the minimum amount of one million dollars.


This response package may not be altered in any way after submission.

Respondent agrees that the response package and all materials submitted in response to the City and County of San Francisco Request for Qualifications to Fiscal and Reporting Services (RFQ #352) become the property of the City, and may be returned only at the option of the City and at the Respondent’s expense.

Respondent agrees that submission of a response package, properly completed and signed by an owner or officer of the proposing firm, agency, or organization who is duly authorized to bind the Respondent, shall constitute an agreement to accept all conditions, provisions, requirements, and specifications contained in this RFQ. If a response package involves a joint venture agreement, all parties to the joint venture must sign the package. The response package shall be binding for no less than one hundred twenty (120) days.

The contractor must comply with City and County ordinances and contracting requirements. For more detailed information, see the Office of Contract Administration website at The contract requirements include general liability and auto insurances, compliance with equal benefits ordinance, and current SF business tax certificate.

Respondent agrees that all costs incurred in developing this response package are the Respondent’s responsibility and at the Respondent’s cost.


Submissions in reply to this RFQ must be in the form of a “response package” containing the response and all required supporting information and documents. Respondents are required to provide all information requested below. In your response, please indicate “N.A.” if the statement is not applicable to you.

Respondents must submit an original response package and two (2) complete copies (three total). All information in the response package must be presented in the following sequence:

1.Response cover letter identifying the contact person and a brief description of the services to be provided. If a joint venture, identify the roles of the partnering organizations.

2.Provide a statement/resumes of experience, education, and other factors relevant to the services described in this RFQ (remember to address the Minimum Qualifications as outlined in Section G). Be sure to include information about work similar to this project, any related completed projects, education, and training. Organizations applying should provide resumes of all staff proposed.

3.Provide a statement listing all contracts (both public and private) relevant to services solicited that have been completed during the last three (3) years. The statement must also list any failure or refusal to complete a contract, including details and dates.

4.Provide a statement, written solely by the respondent, addressing the following:

  1. Summary of skills, resources, and experience relevant to this contract;

b. Compensation structure, hourly rate or flat fee for all services proposed. This will be

subject to negotiation with the Agency and will be limited not to exceed 15% of any

individual transaction.

5.Two (2) letters of verifiable reference

  1. Any relevant addenda which the respondent wishes to submit.


Response package must be received in hand by a contract manager no later than 3:00 P.M., TUEsday, May 22, 2007. no exceptions.

Delivery Address:SF Human Services Agency

Office of Contract Management, G000

Attn: Dave Curto

1650 Mission Street, Suite 300

San Francisco, CA 94103

Respondents must allow adequate time for parking, locating the office, obtaining approval through security staff to deliver the proposal, and other possible delays. RESPONSES NOT RECEIVED in hand by a contract manager BY 3:00 P.M., Tuesday, May 22, 2007 AT THE OFFICE of Contract Management, may BE REJECTED. Submissions by fax and postmarks will not be accepted in lieu of this deadline requirement.


The selection process will include an initial screening of the responses, based on the minimum qualifications. All qualified written responses will then be evaluated by Agency staff and ranked. The Agency has the option of conducting oral interviews as part of the evaluation process.

If the Agency opts to conduct interviews to assess respondents’ ability to provide the services, the Agency may elect to interview only the most qualified respondents (based on the minimum qualifications), if the number of responses is high. The interview panel will then submit its recommendation to the HSA Executive Director.

The final selection, based upon the written response (and possibly an interview), will be made by the HSA Executive Director.