Designing Winning Recipes Olga Hart (), Barb Macke ()
FYE library component pre- and post test
Designing Winning Recipes Olga Hart (), Barb Macke ()
1. Library resources offer:
a. quality and reliability of sources
b. free full text
c. ability to format citations
d. all of the above
2. You can login to library resources from off-campus locations using the same username and password you use for Blackboard and UC e-mail.
a. True
b. False
3. Which of the following is NOT the reason we use books for research:
a. They provide a detailed analysis of the topic.
b. They provide background information.
c. They provide most current information.
d. They provide an overview of the big issue.
4. Which tool would you use to find books in the UC Libraries collection?
a. “Search the libraries site” search box
b. UC library catalog
c. Google
d. Google Scholar
5. Which statement describes the best way to find books on careers in public health?
a. careers AND public AND health
b. careers NOT “public health”
c. careers AND “public health”
d. careers OR public OR health
6. Which of the following is NOT the reason we use articles for research?
a. They provide current information.
b. They provide background information.
c. They are relatively short.
d. They are intended for a particular audience (professional, scholarly, general)
7. Which tool would you use to find articles?
a. “Search the libraries site” search box
b. UC library catalog
c. Google
d. Periodical index/database
7. Which of the following is a characteristic of scholarly journals?
a. They report on current events.
b. They are usually published weekly.
c. Articles include bibliographies and/or references.
d. They are normally read by the general public.
8. When using public Internet sources for research, which of the following should be your greatest concern?
a. ability to find free full text
b. ability to find images
c. ability to access information any time you need it
d. quality and reliability of information
9. Which of the following elements in the URL may indicate a commercial bias?
a. .com c. gov
b. edu d. .org
10. Which of the following elements in the URL may indicate scholarly content?
a. .com c. .gov
b. .edu d. .org
11. Which of the following is NOT the reason to cite sources in a paper?
a. You will get an extra credit for including citations.
b. You and the reader will be able to find the sources you cited.
c. You don’t want to be charged with plagiarism.
d. You want to document the sources you used.
12. The two main citation styles used on college campuses are:
a. Chicago and APA
b. APA and MLA
c. MLA and AMA
d. Chicago and MLA
13. Which of the following definitions describes a journal?
a. a written essay or report on a subject
b. a collection of electronic records having a standardized format and using specific software for computer access
c. a type of periodical, often issued by a society or institution, containing news, proceedings, transactions and articles about work carried out in a particular discipline
d. a popular periodical usually read for pleasure or to keep up with current events.
Designing Winning Recipes Olga Hart (), Barb Macke ()
Follow-up survey
During Fall quarter in your Allied Health I Seminar you had to complete an assignment requiring the use of library sources. You had an option to use an online Library Guide/LibGuide ( designed to help you with the assignment.
We need your help to find out what you learned about library research during your first year. Please respond to the survey whether or not you used the LibGuide.
1. Did the LibGuide you used during Fall quarter in your Allied Health I Seminar help you in completing the library assignment for the Seminar?
2. Which of the following things you learned from the LibGuide were new to you? (Please check all that apply).
(Your learning outcomes go here, for example):
· Accessing library resources online
· Understanding how books, articles, and Web sites can be useful for research.
· Finding books in the online library catalog
· Finding articles online.
· Indentifying differences between articles in popular, trade, and scholarly publications.
· Finding quality Internet sources.
· Searching online resources effectively.
· Learning about citation styles.
· Learning how to evaluate sources.
· Understanding elements of a citation.
· I already knew all this.
· Other (please specify)
3. What was the most useful thing you learned from the LibGuide?
4. Have you used any of the skills learned from the LibGuide in any other class(es)? If "yes," what class(es)?