The Joyful Noise

Rock Rapids United Methodist Church

302 SOUTH Carroll StREET ~ Rock Rapids, Iowa 51246


H: 712-472-2770

C: 515-201-3634

Administrative Assistant, Amber Kooiker


Volume 40, Issue 7 July 2017

I thought I would use my article this month to update you on what is going on in my life. As most of you probably know by now, I have been diagnosed with breast cancer. As I wrote just last month, I went through it nine years ago. At that time I had a mastectomy, followed by 16 weeks of chemotherapy. Going through surgery and cancer treatments was not as horrible as I imagined it might be, but it was certainly not fun, and it was definitely NOT something I had any desire to ever do again. Unfortunately, there are many things in life that we do not get to have a choice about, and this is one of them. So here I go again!

There are some positives, and that is what I am choosing to focus on. One is, I always assumed if I got cancer again, it would be a recurrence of the same cancer; which would likely mean it had spread somewhere else, and would be less treatable and less survivable. Instead, this is considered a new cancer. Although it is the same type of cancer; Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, which is by far the most common type of breast cancer; the results of a biopsy were that it is a less aggressive and more treatable kind than what I had before. So, I figure if I survived the last one, I can survive this one!

The other positive thing is that thanks to keeping on a diligent schedule of having a mammogram and visit to the oncologist annually, this tumor was detected earlier than my last one. My previous breast cancer was considered stage 2B, based on the size of the tumor and the fact that the cancer had spread to the nearby lymph nodes. Based on the initial tests, they are estimating that this cancer would be considered stage 1A. That could change if they find during surgery that the lymph nodes are involved, but right now they do not see any evidence that they are. So, it appears that this is a much better scenario, and unless they determine that it has spread to the lymph nodes, I most likely will not need to have chemo this time.

So, at this time, I have been scheduled to have surgery at Sanford Medical Center in Sioux Falls on July 19th. I will be having a mastectomy, as well as having another procedure to remove a uterine polyp which has also been diagnosed in the past month. (I guess that falls under the category of “When it rains, it pours!) I am thankful that the surgeons at Sanford are willing to work together and schedule both at the same time to avoid having to go through two separate surgeries. I will be in the hospital one or two nights, depending on how they feel I am doing, then will be recovering at home.

I have been working with the Staff/Pastor-Parish Relations Committee on arranging for a medical leave for surgery and recovery time. If I feel like I need it, I will be able to take up to four weeks off, but I am hoping to be back to work much sooner than that. Part of the reason I want to get back to work as soon as possible is that before I found out I have cancer, I already requested and was approved for a 4-week renewal leave starting on September 18th. Pastors are encouraged to take a renewal leave periodically throughout their ministry to take time away to be spiritually and physically renewed. We are eligible for 4 weeks of renewal leave every 4 years, but this is the first time I have requested one in 24 years of ministry.

I requested one for this fall because my good friend from seminary (whose name is also Kathy) is part of a group going to Scotland, first for a week of spiritual retreat on the Isle of Iona off the west coast of Scotland, and then for a tour of the Scottish Highlands. I felt the combination of a badly-needed time of spiritual renewal and the chance to spend time with Kathy (who I rarely get to see as she lives in Michigan) was too good to pass up.

At this point I don’t want to give up on taking the renewal leave and Scotland trip this fall, partly because I have already purchased plane tickets and paid for most of the trip. But, mostly because in the midst of dealing with another cancer diagnosis and the fear and uncertainty inherent in that, I really need to be able to believe that I will be well and ready to travel to Scotland in September. Of course, I know that things could change if I find out following surgery that the cancer is more advanced than they currently think it is, but for now I need to be able to look forward to Scotland in September. So, I hope to get back to work as soon as possible after my surgery so I don’t feel guilty about taking 2 leaves in such a short time.

Thanks to everyone who has offered their support, thoughts and prayers. It is much appreciated. I am grateful to be serving a congregation of caring, supportive and praying folks. I trust in the care and competence of the doctors and other medical professionals that will be attending to me; but more than that, I will continue to trust in God’s care, presence, healing and peace in the days ahead. Like I said last month, I believe in the promise of Lamentations 3:21-24; that God is faithful:

But this I call to mind, and therefore I have hope:

22The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases,*
his mercies never come to an end;

23they are new every morning;
great is your faithfulness.

24‘The Lord is my portion,’ says mysoul,
‘therefore I will hope in him.’

Therefore, especially now, I will continue to hope (and trust) in him.

Pastor Kathy


If you have recently moved, changed your mailing address, your email address,

phone number, or are only using cell phones, please contact the church office

with the current information. Thank you!

If you would like to be included in the PHONE Prayer Chain that goes out as needed through our VoiceWave system and/or the Weekly Prayer Partner EMAIL which includes scripture readings, prayer requests, birthdays, and weekly reminders, please email or call the church; especially if you have not received these lately. If you have email, but do not receive information from the church this way, please give your email address to the office. We may not have it, and it’s important that we do going forward so you can stay updated. Thank you.


Please contact the church office or Pastor Kathy if you know a member has been admitted to the hospital. With the new privacy laws being strictly enforced there are many times we are unaware of hospitalizations. We would rather get ten calls than none at all. Thank you. Prayer concerns can be called into the office (472-2324) or emailed to the office at rockrapidsumc@premieronlinenet or Pastor Kathy at and they will be sent out.


ÿ  Pastor Kathy (diagnosis of new breast cancer)

ÿ  Barb Fegan- recovering from cancer surgery

ÿ  Delores Berg in the Avera Hospital in Sioux Falls

Praise God~

☺  Thank you to all the volunteers who provided meals to the Rice/Timmer family.

☺  Money raised at VBS to build a house in Haiti for a family sleeping in a tent.

01~ Jane Aeilts / 08~ Lance & Jill Schlumbohm / 23~ Deb Molitor
02~ Billie Sieperda / 09~ Rita Rice / 23~ Shirley Harms
04~ Helen Boeve / 09~ Edward Sindt / 23~ Dave & Char Krahling
05~ Heather Stubbe / 12~ Kurtis Huisman / 24~ Jack Spitler
05~ Daniel Berg / 12~ Eric Selken / 24~ Carmen Stratton
06~ Rebecca Halse / 13~ Dorothy Rockhill / 25~ Steve Sieperda
06~ Dan Vander Zee / 16~ Marceia Brown / 27~ Becky Rydell
07~ Larry Kracht / 16~ Alexis Selken / 28~ Randy & Kim Waagmeester
07~ Marie McCormack / 17~ Jodi DeGooyer / 30~ Elaine Birkey
07~ Jeff Schleusner / 21~ Holly Spitler / 31~ Tom & Colleen Wall
22~ Jason Engleman

*We apologize for any omissions or incorrect information. Please contact the office with the correct/missing information. Thank you!

2017 Financial Update

YTD Income: $65,925.79

YTD Expenses: $69,937.37

Net Income -$ 4,011.58

Community Bingo will be held the 1st Friday of each month at 2 p.m. at the Rock Rapids Health Centre. All are welcome.

A big thank you to those who contributed snacks, money and especially time to VBS this year. We served well over 150 kids and raised $4.00 shy of $4,700.00 for our house and all of the furnishings in Haiti.

~Amy Schulte, Kristin Vande Kop, Kathy Van Berkum-

VBS Directors

Thank you, thank you, and thank you to all of you who helped with this year’s UMW salad luncheon! We served 10 more than last year and our profit was $2289.00!!! Everything went smoothly and that is because of all of you who helped out so unselfishly. We could not do any of it without ALL of YOU! A big thank you to the young people who pitched in to help- it makes us feel so good to see all of you there giving of your time and energy.

Our Mission pledge will be met as will our pledge to assist our kids to attend camp along with many more worthy projects around the state and world.

Thanks again for letting this United Methodist tradition continue- our Methodist pride shines through as we come together as Christians to share our values and love with others throughout our community. We are busting with appreciation to all of you!

~Nancy, Bobbie and Vicki

If you are on Facebook, make sure you “like” the Rock Rapids Methodist Church page.

Please be sure to check out our website at

You can find our monthly calendar with events and church activities under the news/events tab.

*I will be out of the office July 6-10



May 17, 2017 at 6:00 p.m.

Members of Ad. Council: (Names of Absentees underlined)

Randy Waagmeester – chairperson; Al TeSlaa – Member at Large; Jill Schlumbohm – Christian Education; Shawn Wibben- Treasurer; Rhonda Menning – Evangelism & Lay Member to Annual Conference, Evelyn Baldwin – Financial Secretary & Stewardship/Financial; Dave Fields & Mary Fields – Lay Leaders; Judy Griesse –Memorial Committee; Kelli Docker – Missions; Tom Vinson– S/PRC; Kim Waagmeester – SS Superintendent; Heather Heimensen- Youth; Lainn Menning – Trustees; Kathy Van Berkum – Worship; Kathy Sides – pastor; Sonya Peterson- Communications

Call to Order / PRAYER

Rhonda called the meeting to order. Pastor Kathy opened with a word of prayer.

Minutes of the last meeting

Motion to approve: Kelli Docker

2nd: Tom Vinson



EDUCATION/Jill: Add text –

VBS Sign Up Reminder –

Bibles were distributed to seniors on Senior Recognition Sunday.

$219 was raised for the Central Lyon Backpack Program through the last Sunday of the month Sunday School offering.

$1389 was raised at the Camp Sunday meal.

We are able to assist in 33% of the base cost of the camp in which the kids are enrolled. $1356 was distributed among 12 kids. $33 was saved to help with next year’s meal expenses. Those enrolled were also made aware of additional assistance available through the conference. Parents were advised to talk to Pastor Kathy for this information.

EVANGELISM/Rhonda: Nothing to report. Look into updating our church directory.

WORSHIP/Kathy Van Berkum: No report.


Copier information (see attached)

-4733.46 checking account balance

Motion made to pay $123 per month lease on new copier/scanner/printer

Motion to approve: Al TeSlaa

2nd: Kelli Docker

FINANCE SEC./Evelyn: No report

LAY LEADER/ DAVE & MARY – No report.

MEMORIAL/Judy: No report.

MISSION/Kelli: Mefor’s here on Monday, May 22, at 4:00 p.m. with salad/dessert/potluck to follow. Staying at Dave & Patty’s home.

Mission Minute presented on May 21, Sunday.

Fall start to focus on food drive donations on communion Sunday.

SPRC/Tom: Renewal time request from Pastor Kathy from September 18 to October 15.

September 24 –

October 1 – Dean Shelly

October 8 -

October 15 – Laity Sunday

Pastor Kathy asked District Superintendent Tom Carver and assistant Ryan Christiansen?? To fill the pulpit on these Sundays.

Confirmation schedule starting this fall for the 7th and 8th. Also asked for a refresher for the youth confirmed 2 years ago.

Charge Conference date to be determined.

Membership letters – 2nd notice needs to be mailed before the Charge Conference.

Third Avenue Youth Update/Heather: Would like a debit card for the Youth Group activities.

Kathy VanBerkum made a motion to get a debit card for youth expenses. Second by Tom Vinson.

THIRD AVENUE SQUARED UPDATE/Kathy: Last meeting on May 10. Did not go to Kids Against Hunger due to threatening weather. Discussed Rise Against Hunger – Outreach is Stop Hunger Now.

TRUSTEES/Lainn: Bat repellant machines seem to be working. Seeing less evidence of bats. Recommend to purchase more. Spring clean up has been completed.


Birthdays will be projected weekly on the PowerPoint during the announcements.

Projection discussion – Discussed fund raising ideas this summer.

Phone Tree was discussed. We would like to get that working again.

PASTOR/Kathy: Ask Amber to attend some of the Ad Board meetings.

Pastor Kathy will be gone May 21.

June 11 – One Way Up – need help unloading equipment

June 18 – Heritage Days – tractor in Heritage Days parade – ask Dave Fields

June 25 – Terry VanBerkum


Next Meeting - June 28 at 7:00 p.m.

The Joyful Noise p. 6