CCITL: System Background
The Commonwealth Center for Instructional Technology and Learning (CCITL for short – rhymes with Skittles®) is a federally funded project from the U.S. Department of Education that is a collaborative effort between the University of Kentucky and personnel from 9 other universities.
CCITL is a web-based tool to assist Kentucky instructional providers in selecting and implementing evidence-based strategies for use withstudents who experience learning challenges in the K-12 environment. The system is comprised of four main components: a) Advisors, b) Strategy Center, c) Library, and d) Learning Lab.
Development of the CCITL system began in 2002 with 6 pilot school districts. Starting in 2005, the system was made available to 50+ school districts.
CCITL is available online at to all personnel in participating school districts in Kentucky.
Development of the CCITL system involved input from instructional providers from the beginning. First, pilot districts participated in needs assessment activities. Next, instructional providers in the pilot districts participated in user testing activities to evaluate the effectiveness of the system. Finally, additional districts were invited to use the CCITL system implementing a trainer-the-trainer method. In addition, an evaluation study is being conducted to determine whether use of the CCITL system has a positive impact on student learning and teacher performance.
/CCITL: User Accounts
Why Do I Need an Account?
Creating an account will give you full access to the CCITL system in addition to making it possible for staff to monitor use of CCITL. Such monitoring will make it easier for CCITL staff to continually upgrade the system to better meet the needs of you and your colleagues across the commonwealth.
How Do I Create an Account?
To create an account, open your web browser and type in the following URL:
Select the Create User Account link, which will take you to an online registration form (See Figure 1).
Figure 1: Create an Account
Be sure to fill out the form completely. If you leave out any information, you will get specific feedback at the top of the screen telling you what you missed before you will be able to submit the form.
Please review your email address carefully. If it is incorrect, CCITL staff will not be able to communicate with you.
Select your district and school. Once you select your district, you will be able to select your school from the next menu.
Enter the school code verification. This code is the first 4 letters of your school name, as it appears on the form. Type the code using lower case letters with no spaces.
Fill out the remainder of the form and choose the Submit button at the bottom of the form. Please use the Reset button to clear the registration form and the Cancel button to terminate your request for an account, if necessary.
When your CCITL account is approved, you will receive immediate feedback at the top of the page (See Figure 2) as well as an email with your account information. At this point, you can access the system using your registered account information.
Figure 2: Account Request ApprovedIf you forget your account log in information, select the Get Username/Password link (See Figure 3). Once you enter the email address associated with your account, your log in information will be sent to this email address.
Figure 3: Get Username/Password
You can change information in your account by choosing the Update Account link in the site navigation menu at the top and bottom of each page in the CCITL system (See Figure 4). By updating your account, you will provide CCITL staff with more accurate information for development purposes as well as ensure that CCITL staff can contact you when necessary.
Figure 4: Update Account
CCITL: Advisors
What Is It?
The Advisors component contains a secure discussion area in which you can consult with an experienced consultant about the selection and/or implementation of an evidence-based strategy based on your unique circumstances.
How Does It Work?
There are three main features in the Advisors component: 1) Make a Request, 2) Track Cases, and 3) Advisee Handbook. Each will be described in detail in the following section.
Make a Request
The Make a Request feature is where you initiate a request for assistance. To do so, you must submit a request form based on your situation. You must complete all fields of the request form in order to submit it. The more detail you provide while completing this form the better, as it will allow more prescriptive advice to be given by your advisor.
While you are in the process of filling out a form, you may save or submit your request form. Saving it will allow you to return to the form and submit it later. Submitting it will send it to the system administrator for assignment.
Once you submit a form, your case is assigned an ID number and you can track its progress using the Track Cases feature.
Track Cases
You can access all of your cases in the Track Cases feature. Cases are grouped according to their level of activity in this area from unassigned to open to closed.
The UnsubmittedCases section includes incomplete requests that you have saved, but have not submitted. You may edit or delete cases in this section before they move to the Unassigned Cases section.
The Unassigned Cases section includes cases that you have submitted that are not yet assigned. You may edit or delete cases in this section before they move to the Open Cases section.
A case will move from the Unassigned Cases to the Open Cases area when it is assigned to an advisor. This action will typically occur within 48 hours of your submission. You should receive emails alerting you to the progression of your case from the unassigned to open status.
The Open Cases section includes all active cases in which you are engaging in a conversation with your advisor(s). For cases in this section, you can view the request you submitted as well as interact in the private discussion with your advisor. You also have the option to close open cases at anytime in this section.
The discussion between you and your advisor is archived in the Case Discussion area of your open case. Messages are archived in chronological order. When a new message is posted, it will show up in the Case Discussions and you will receive an email letting you know with a hyperlink to the system. Simply enter into the discussion area for this case to read and respond to the new message posted by your advisor.
You can post a message for open cases from: 1) the Track Cases section or 2) within the Case Discussion page. When posting a message, you will be able to see the last message posted by your advisor. Simply identify a subject header and type your message. You can attach a file in this area just as you would attach a document using your email application.
The Closed Cases section includes all inactive cases. You can view the conversation, print a report of the case, or reopen the discussion in this section. Cases will be closed when you make this request or if you fail to respond to 3 consecutive email messages from your advisor. You have the option, however, of reopening a case at any time in the future you deem necessary.
Advisee Handbook
The Advisee Handbook feature covers everything from making a request to accessing a closed case in a Q & A format. If you have a question that is not answered in the handbook, you can contact the system administrator using the unanswered question option in the Advisor component.
/CCITL: Strategy Center
What Is It?
The Strategy Center component contains a database of evidence-based strategies (e.g., interventions, curriculum, commercial products) in content areas such as reading, mathematics, writing, and science, as well as non-curricular areas of interest such as study skills and classroom management. Curricular area strategies are correlated to the Kentucky Program of Studies.
How Does It Work?
There are three main sections in the Strategy Center component: 1) Entry Page, 2) Results Page, and 3) Individual Records.
Entry Page
You can view all strategies available by scrolling down the page. You also can browse categorical areas using the left navigation menu. For all strategies related to a particular instructional level/type of strategy, you can refine the list using the pull-down menus in the body of the page. Finally, you can search for strategies using the search box in the upper right corner of the page.
Results Page
After selecting a categorical area from the left navigation menu, you can select a personalized list of strategies related to your instructional level, skill area based on the categorical area, or type of product by using the pull-down menus in the body of the page. You will be provided with an overview of each relevant strategy as well as a link to more detailed information.
Individual Records
More detailed information about the implementation of the selected strategy can be viewed by selecting the View Record link on the Results page. For commercial products, you will find out more about the product/program as well as be linked to vendor information. For non-commercial products, you will find required materials, step-by-step procedures, applicable extensions and accommodations, documents that support use of the strategy (e.g., handouts, data collection sheets, images, video/audio demonstrations), and links to related items in the Library and Learning Lab.
/CCITL: Library
What Is It?
The Library component contains a database of information about online and offline publications (e.g., journal articles, book chapters, technical reports, and web pages) related to the research and theoretical background that support the evidence-based strategies posted in the Strategy Center.
How Does It Work?
There are three main sections in the Library component: 1) Entry Page, 2) Results Page, and 3) Individual Records.
Entry Page
You can view all publications available in the Library. You also can browse categorical areas using the left navigation menu. For all publications related to a particular instructional level or type of publication, you can refine the list using the pull-down menus in the body of the page. Finally, you can search for publications using the search box in the upper right corner of the page.
Results Page
After selecting a categorical area from the left navigation menu, you can select a personalized list of publications related to your instructional level, skill area based on selection from the left navigation menu, or type of publication by using the pull-down menus in the body of the page. You will be provided with an overview of each relevant publication as well as a link to more detailed information.
Individual Records
Based on your menu selection(s), more detailed information about the publication can be viewed by selecting the View Record link on the Results page. This information includes an abstract, full citation (including the uniform resource locator (URL) when appropriate), and links to related strategies in the Strategy Center.
/CCITL: Learning Lab
What Is It?
The Learning Lab component contains a database of online resources related to the integration of instructional technology into the classroom. You can locate resources related to specific content areas as well as other areas of interest such as classroom management and study skills. In addition, you can locate productivity tools including templates, forms, rubrics, worksheets, and games. Finally, you can locate information about software applications and hardware devices as well as technology-related learning activities for use in the classroom.
How Does It Work?
There are three main sections in the Learning Lab component: 1) Entry Page, 2) Results Page, and 3) Individual Records.
Entry Page
You can view all online resources available in the Learning Lab. You also can browse categorical areas using the left navigation menu. For all resources related to a particular instructional level, you can refine the list using the pull-down menus in the body of the page. Finally, you can search for online resources using the search box in the upper right corner of the page.
Results Page
Upon selection of a categorical area from the left navigation menu, you can select a personalized list of online resources related to your instructional level or subcategories based on selection from the left navigation menu by using the pull-down menus in the body of the page. You will be provided with an overview of each relevant resource as well as a link to this resource.
Individual Records
You can select the hyperlink at the end of the overview to connect to the online resource or download it to your computer. The hyperlink will open in a new browser window so make sure you do not have pop-up windows blocked in your web browser. In this new browser window, you can bookmark the resource and then close the window to return to the Learning Lab.
/CCITL: Additional Features
In addition to the main components (i.e., Advisors, Strategy Center, Library, and Learning Lab), you might find several additional features of interest in the CCITL system.
About Us
In the About Us section, you will find more about the CCITL project and its participants.
In the CCITL News section, you will find messages from the CCITL staff with pertinent information. You can review all news items archived in the system.
Submit CI Report
In the Submit CI Report section, you can share your experiences to help evaluate CCITL’s impact on student performance and teacher behavior.
Email a Friend
The Email a Friend feature allows you to send information about items of interest to a colleague who also has a CCITL account.
File Cabinet
The File Cabinet feature allows you to store items of interest for future reference. You can personalize items saved here by adding a comment.
Send Feedback
The Send Feedback feature is available for you to share your reactions to the system as well as to request information about a topic of particular interest.
What’s New
The What’s New feature is designed so that you can view new strategies, publications, and online resources that are added on a monthly basis.
CCITL Trainee Handouts 1